Home Stickam Amor Hilton @AttackAttackOH and @AmorHilton Both Agree: @AustinCarlile a "Scum Bag"

@AttackAttackOH and @AmorHilton Both Agree: @AustinCarlile a "Scum Bag"


Amor Hilton and Ohio-based band Attack Attack agree on this much:  Austin Carlile is a “shit bag,” a “fuck head,” and a “scum bag” who frequently cheats on his fiancée and the mother of his child.
StickyDrama noticed Attack Attack’s tweet today.  We’re not sure whether the tweet was provoked by some specific act of shit baggery on Austin’s part, or just his shit baggery in general.

We quickly recalled that we had some relevant dirt of our own on this subject.  Because Austin knows Amor IRL, and in her own words suddenly acted like a “fuck head” and a “scum bag” when she declined to sleep with him.  While Amor is hardly known for keeping her legs closed, even she drew the line at banging a dude on tour while his fiancée and child wait for him back home.  Hear it in her own words:
[kaltura-widget wid=”0_1c8p2di6″ width=”410″ height=”364″ addpermission=”3″ editpermission=”3″ /]
Austin’s been on StickyDrama’s shitlist for a while too—ever since the douchebag blocked us weeks ago on Twitter for no apparent reason.  Ruuuuuuuuude!


  1. He tried getting me drunk at his house and fucking him. I denied and he stopped being friends with me all together.

  2. Ok, well, I know Austin on a personal level, along with all the AA boys and some of the OM boys, seeing how I grew up right around the corner from them, and Austin IS without a doubt a shitbag! After denying him of sex several times in our past, he spread rumors of me having an STD and that’s why he won’t sleep with me. He never was, nor will be faithful to ANYTHING he ever will/has done.

  3. Those cookies were probably for a Twitpic ~photoshoot and flushed down the toilet before they could be digested.

  4. OMG! Hes in a band, expect nothing less. It’s minus ONE psuedo-famous guy Amor hasnt let poke her hole. Now shes moved onto Jerry, who she has done nothing bud bad mouth and call a scum bag. Wow. I guess that’s the “REAL” Hollywood. lolol

  5. Amor is hot, Austin is a shitbag,douche canoe, wanna-be rockstar with a severe superiority complex. He’s a waste of space and air, and for that matter, attack attack is a waste of music. Terrible band with or without Austin. This kid is fail fail fail.

  6. Who gives a fuck what Amwhore thinks anyway!! She is one of the biggest wastes of space on the planet. Just waiting for her to OD !

  7. I think it says a lot about Amor that all her friends and ex friends are douchebags of one kind of another.
    She dated Hock, for Chrissakes.
    I’d prefer to be a friendless weirdo like Kiki than to have shitbag friends like Amor’s.

  8. Fuck you guys, I love amor.
    and austin is a tool, he really is.
    and he sits there and talks about his wife ALL OF THE TIME.
    yet I know girls who said he fucked them while he was on tour.
    Who does that shit while having a wife and kid?
    and furthermore, amor is a badass.
    I love how she dgaf about anything.
    I want to kick it with her.

  9. lets pray to the sticky gods and hope that amor pops a few xanys, does a few shots of vodka and gives us a little more information on our bestie Austin.
    i like where this is going..

  10. Lurkette said,March 31st, 2010 at 5:37 pm
    Am I the only one who realizes how disturbing it is that she’s making cookies while smoking?
    My thoughts exactly. And the dress that doesn’t cover her bra at all…that is so fucking trashy. And her hair is sooooooo fried.

  11. amor is like the icon of class. saggy tits hanging out, smoking and making cookies all at once. bitch is a mess.

  12. im not an amor fan in the slightest, but… she looks like a total fucking badass making cookies, wearing sunglasses inside and smoking a black all at the same time, lol.

  13. My boyfriend used to be friends with him…all I’ve gotta say is I’ve got some good stories about that d-bag haha

  14. p.s he looks like he has down syndrome and i’m so happy that amor doesn’t sound like a valley girl for once in her life.

  15. hahahahaa i met austin IRL, he was sxe back then and all i’ve gotta say is, once a tool, always a tool.

  16. Austin Carlile twitter: Post my number on the internet. Real mature. Thanks a lot. Couple of new blogs tonight. Check the tumblr link below for now. 4 minutes ago
    Where’s his number? omg

  17. Poor austin! HAHAHA
    I lost respect for him a while ago because he’s so UNREAL and self-important, he also think he’s the best screamer into the actual hardcore scene, but anyways, I still love all his music no matter what, some of his songs are great.

  18. everyone just wants to hate people because they are successful. like amor has any room to talk about anything at all. hahahaha.

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