Home Topics busted! @ItsChelseaLynnn Pukes Running From LAPD

@ItsChelseaLynnn Pukes Running From LAPD


Our buddies at Curbed Los Angeles published a story sent in by StickyDrama today about The Landing, a popular underground club downtown, which was raided and shut down by the LAPD.




Unemployed transsexual immigrant Anthony Vanity was present during the raid, and took the above photo which shows The Landing’s employees in handcuffs.  But Anthony wasn’t the only oldschool Stickamer there!  That’s right, also attending the festivities was Chelsea Lynn, an old flame of imprisoned Stickam rapist John Hock whom his then-girlfriend Amor Hilton was fond of calling “Tranny Lynn.”  (Chelsea just recently turned 18, but must have had a fake ID, because earlier that night she was knocking back drinks like it was 2012 already.)



Later that night during the raid, Anthony witnessed Chelsea puking her way down Broadway as she ran from the cops.   You’ll have to take his word for it, because the tranny was too busy saving his own ass to take a picture.  “Her blonde weave looked worse than her old nose,” he added.






  1. “All this girl does is beg for people on the internet to buy her shit, get her rides and into clubs and shit.”
    aint that the fuckin truth. all of her bulletins either say
    1.) buy me ______
    2.) take me to ______ (including ride AND ticket/entrance
    3.) bored. talk to me.
    her plastic surgeon did a shitty job… her nose still looks the same… it’s bigger than fuckin squidward’s.
    “she’s not ugly but she puts up the WORST photos of herself. i don’t get it.”
    have you ever met her in person? she posts pictures where she looks DAMN good… but in real life her body is awkward & disproportionate.

  2. she’s not ugly but she puts up the WORST photos of herself. i don’t get it.
    and her nose looks the same to me.

  3. All this girl does is beg for people on the internet to buy her shit, get her rides and into clubs and shit.

  4. “..but must have had a fake ID, because earlier that night she was knocking back drinks like it was 2012 already”
    HAHAHAA love it

  5. woooow, thats pretty sad. She tries to act like barbie now, and her nose looks no better, now shes throwing up on the streets? nastyyyy

  6. out of all beers, she goes for a Corona. I mean if its the only beer at the party sure? but the article says like 50 bottles of alcohol were seized and destroyed lol couldn’t have all been Coronas…

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