Home Topics cum dumpsters Merry Christmas, Jon's Busted Hoe

Merry Christmas, Jon's Busted Hoe


StickyDrama owed Hey0oxjon a few favors, he decided to cash them in all at once.

In return for Jon’s supplying StickyDrama with the bulk of our “DF” n00dz series, we are obliged to post these nauseating pictures of Erika, who will spread open her heavily-trafficked pussy and let Jon flood her guts with hacker venom.  (We’re not kidding—she’s a self-professed “StickyDrama groupie” and is really prostituting herself to be posted here.)
For the record, StickyDrama is only repaying a debt, because we are a cocksucker of our word.  Furthermore, we find ourselves overcome by an intense loathing for this skank who made such a request, and fully encourage our readers to unleash all their malevolence upon her.
Dumb slut.


  1. queen of the oompa loompas?
    this girl needs some eyebrows,
    and to get a real tan, hold the orange.
    but its whatever.
    but the american flag over her face and fuck for glory.

  2. Damn …..take some paint thinner to that bitch and she’d be finer than frog fur. “Orange” you glad Dick is here? :o)

  3. The ONLY decent thing I can think to say it her stomach isn’t that horrid.
    Even though it does look very prepubescent that of a about to sprout boobs 13 year old.

  4. …prime example of what happens when you tan too much. I wonder if she has a leather purse, so people can do a side by side comparison. The wrinkles has deffinately started to affect her, hmm I wonder what she looks like without permanant marker all over her eyelid. /cringe.

  5. “mama e. said,December 25th, 2008 at 2:43 am
    If she makes jon happy then why should it matter what she looks like?”
    Esher, she point is that she took these and ASKED to be on here because she wants to be e-famous. And I’m sorry (notrly) but can you say pathetic? ASKING someone to put picture of you up on a site that humorously exploits everyone jut to get attention. Lawl. Nothx to that~

  6. Girlgerm please shut your mouth.
    typing hate on your mommas computer?? im sorry
    what would you call your previous comment? good ole fashion lovin??
    dont think so sweets

  7. Roflzz lovessss the anon thing, think its been done. At 21 having a life and living out of america i could care less about e-fame lol im also nowhere nearrrr scene nor trying and happy with it…keep typing hate on yer mommas computer…kids pfft

  8. If she makes jon happy then why should it matter what she looks like? But I do agree she needs to lose the orange look. Kinda weird.

  9. Nasty tan, nasty hair. If she fixed her hair and didn’t fake tan so much she wouldn’t be nearly as nasty,though.

  10. first of all ewww
    are u that hungry for some attention
    srry sweetie lookin like an over tan idiot doesnt get u e famous

  11. Did the sight of Hock scare her eyebrows away? She looks ridiculous. She needs to put down the tweezer and pick up some eyebrow pencil.

  12. WOW; What an attention starved skank.
    She has a cute body, I’ll give her thatttt.
    But, GODDD DAMNNN What happened to her hair, eye brows, & skin!?
    She’s look like she hasn’t showered in a while…
    Jon… why? O.o

  13. orange will fade, its temporary, but everything from head down to her stomach is nice.
    fuck the face, and the rest

  14. she looks disgusting but , i mean, her butt isn’t 1/2 bad, i’m sure some guys could put a bag over her head and hit it from behind.

  15. girlgerm said, December 24th, 2008 at 11:31 am
    Gotta love the over the top make up, rubbish tan and bad condition hair (thank you ghd overuse)
    Its,like, the new look of 2009, omg!
    seriously, have a shower get some clothes on and get to school now kiddo.
    Damn bitch you got room to talk takin the style of 2008 fake ass scene kid trying to gain e-fame… Gtfo your not even pretty yourself Loose weight pl0x stop stuffing your face with doughnuts overloaded with sprinkles kthx bai 🙂

  16. Gotta love the over the top make up, rubbish tan and bad condition hair (thank you ghd overuse)
    Its,like, the new look of 2009, omg!
    seriously, have a shower get some clothes on and get to school now kiddo.

  17. LOL @ your dumb ass WANTING to be on stickydrama. You fucking attention hungry skank. Maybe if you stopped tanning and stopped looking like a burnt orange peel, more boys irl would want to have a piece-a-dat so you wouldn’t have to turn to the internet for male-directed attention.
    LOL at WANTING to fucking be on here. You moron.
    Stop dating my best friend please.
    p.s. you might want to think about some collagen injection on that grandma-of-a-top-lip of yours. Maybe some tit implants and ass implants as well. Who knows~

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