Home Influencers Chris Crocker Peen On The Line

Peen On The Line


Guess who’s wiener may soon be widely seen across the Internetz?

Pictured above is the titillating Isaiah Garnica and he has found himself in a sticky situation. While Stickam favorite Chris Crocker has been duking it out in his fag fight with Johnny Boy, one of his side scuffles has been with Isaiah.

The vendetta reportedly stems back to arguments over scrumptious model Nick Snider. Isaiah is also said to be bitter about the time when he was drunk and live on Stickam — Crocker scurried his fans into the Isaiah’s room to successfully convince him to chop off all his hair. There are more elements to the story but drama can be lethal in high doses.

What matters now is that Crocker is in possession of Isaiah’s n00dz on his sidekick and is threatening to release them should Isaiah violate Crocker’s terms. Crocker has the ability to have them spammed internet wide in a New York minute and Isaiah is now treading lightly.

On Isaiah’s Myspace, an elegant looking Crocker calmly issues his demands:

If it means anything Chris, make him grovel please. Make him do it live on cam, and record it. Then still proceed to spam his n00dz. I believe that would be the Crocker thing to do. Some just have to learn the hard way that you just dont fuck with Chris Crocker:

Chris Crocker / Isaiah Garnica / Nick Snider

Center for Lollatology <3


  1. I kind of like watching Crocker lol. But Isaiah seems so nice (and gorgeous:P)and I’ve never seen him talking shit on Myspace:/

  2. Isaiah doesn’t look anything like his pictures now anyway. He’s getting fat. Probably from eating to many beans and tortillas.

  3. Someone needs to screen cap that comment isaiah left chris on his my space!”only love,honestly” Dec 5,12:38am

  4. Ok first off im not ugly^^i just think its better to anon!But anyway ok i think i know why chris posted that myspace comment!! cuz i was looking through chris’s comments “i was bored”but Isaiah hade left chris a comment first saying “only love,honestly”dated Dec 5,2008,12:38am js i would of screen cap but i don’t know how:(

  5. Hmm i wonder if brandi c knows anything!Isn’t she like one of chris’s bffs and she has chris and isaiah on her top friends list js

  6. dude i jack off to isaiah’s pics with his clothes ON
    lord knows what will happen if i get those nudes
    loves it

  7. I wanna suck his so badddd bahaha
    isaiah’s actually hot. why the fuck is he wasting his time with these losers?

  8. i’m one of isaiah’ws friends on myspace. i have never seen a bulletin he posted about chris.
    and he took those pics on his sidekick of isaiah when he was drunk.
    i rememember isaiah talking about it a while back.

  9. How do you know chris started it?Chris said isaiah was posting bulletins talking shit!I would be made to if someone was posting bulletins about me!!ily chris

  10. Isaiah is so nice, i dont get it.

    But again .. Crocker starts shit with everyone for a little bit more attention.

    I really don’t like that faggot. It’s getting to the point, that I’d choose Hock over him. and that’s pretty bad.


    Isaiah baby … hit a mami up for a good time <3


  11. isaiah’s a hottie
    and that was all like a hella long time ago jesus, get over it chris

    crocker’s probably just mad that isaiah wouldn’t date him

  12. you know what’s funny….
    in the botton picture, chris looks like kiki in that video when her and her mother got into a fight.

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