Home Stickam AVC and DTI Stickam Flexes Legal Muscle Against Stickamsluts

Stickam Flexes Legal Muscle Against Stickamsluts


When Stickam absolutely, positively has to scare the living piss out of teenagers, they call Gary.
Gary Berzner of the E-Commerce Law Group is Stickam’s general counsel—their lawyer, to put it simply.  It was Gary who sent Mikeyy and Too Live “Cease & Desist” letters, back when the pair was terrorizing users and hacking profiles left and right.
Mr. Berzner issued yet another one of his polite threats, this time to  Psychotic Router. At issue is Stickamsluts.com, a domain Router (as we affectionately call him) bought fair and square.  Gary demanded that Router take down the site and surrender the domain to Stickam.

For those of you unfamiliar with Router, let it suffice to say that he single-handedly compensates for all the wannabe-hacker scriptkiddie wiggers who harass girls on Stickam.  Balancing the scales in the name of sodomy , Router passes his time merrily extorting n00dz out of boys.  Since some readers have a tendency to make quick judgements, they are apt to forget his good side.  We should try to remember that he never extorted n00dz from boys younger than 12 years old, except once, and he deleted that file eventually.  (Stickam has been less understanding, and bans his profiles almost as soon as he makes them.)
Router also has a wonderful sense of humor:  After receiving Gary’s little letter, he redirected Stickamsluts.com—which heretofore was nothing but an image of Kiki Kannibal and an “under construction” sign—to Exshot.com.

Exshot.com is one of the many Adult sites owned by DTI Services. DTI is technically a separate company from AVC, which owns the Stickam trademark; however both DTI and AVC are rumored to be owned by the same Japanese billionaire.
Are the rumors true?  Does an extremely wealthy pornographer own Stickam?  The question has been explored at great length by certain writers, and StickyDrama won’t cite their exhaustive investigations here—today, anyway.  But a simple Business Search on the California Department of State’s website does yield some interesting information.  Both AVC and DTI share the same “Agent for Service of Process,” Charles Dupree.

The voodoo paperwork doesn’t stop there.  Charles Dupree is also the Agent for E-Commerce Law Group, which is located in the US Bank Tower, on the same floor as Stickam.  Gosh, what are the odds of that!  Such a  coincidence is almost as lulzy as the fact that E-Commerce Law Group, which specializes in online business, does not have a website of its own.

Whatever legal smoke and mirrors separate AVC from DTI, Router’s redirect might prove as tactically brilliant as it is insolent.  Now the Stickamsluts.com domain name no longer leads users to any product or service offered by Router and which could be confused for Stickam.   While it’s not immediately clear whether AVC has any grounds to sue Router for sending non-harmful traffic to DTI, the very idea sounds pretty silly; you might as well sue someone for giving you money.
Well Gary … now what?


  1. This was a very informative article. I have a client that will benefit much from it. Thank you!

  2. internets srs bznz guise. js.
    btw, psychotic router isn’t l33t he just knows how to DDoS (which last time I checked is using scripts..)
    idk maybe I’m wrong…. not

  3. Okay sticky get off your damn pedestal… its been two weeks…. how abouts posting a new story plz kay thx bai!

  4. “You or the owner of the Content retain ownership of all right, title, and interest in Content that you Post to Stickam. You grant AVC a license to use the Content you post to Stickam. By Posting, downloading, displaying, performing, transmitting, or otherwise distributing Content to Stickam, you are granting AVC, its, affiliates, and their subsidiaries, assigns, employees, agents and licensees the irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right to reproduce, display, perform, distribute, adapt and promote this Content in any medium.”
    Case closed. kthx.

  5. haha. no. i am not a lawyer, nor am i Gary.
    just someone that knows a little more about this situation and has more than a 10th grade comprehension.

  6. LOL at having more than a junior high school vocabulary.
    my bad for not dumbing myself down to your comprehension level.

  7. stickam insider:
    if you are infact an “insider” as i suspect you actually aren’t (knowing someone who works/worked at the company does not count), you would know that the accusations you are making against the company is completely false.
    AVC/DTI/Stickam does not capture videos of it’s users, nor does it sell the uploaded videos to anyone.
    if any video of users are infact on a porn site, it is because some third party in no way assocated with the company has taken the initiave to record a user while they are live and uploaded it to the site of their choice.
    so what if stickam is owned by the same business man who happens to own other porn sites?
    wikipedia, myspace, google, and so many other website we all use were also intially funded by “porn companies”.
    I’m not trying to justify the proximity these companies have to Stickam, but all i am trying to point out is that they , themselves, are not a porn company and should not be labeled one because of their ties, if any, to seperate companies that practice completely different business and content.

  8. Stickam insider – thats bullshit and you know it. If you are so sure this is occurring why not actually post some links. I want to see a video recorded on stickam and on a porn site that isn’t one of these stickam sluts sites that stickam is trying to take down.

  9. You do realize stickam makes millions a year off of selling cute little recorded videos of girls and boys from stickam to japanese men with hot fetishes.
    Seriously..I won’t name any japanese sites..but they are out there. Kiki Kannibal is on many japanese porn sites..the japs love her.
    Next time you sign on to stickam, be warned that you most likely are being recorded on the back end, for compensation!

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