Home Stickam John Hock StickyDrama Responds to Rape Blogger @Abyss2hope’s Post on Hock Sex Assault

StickyDrama Responds to Rape Blogger @Abyss2hope’s Post on Hock Sex Assault


Earlier this year Abyss2hope, a Google blog “centered on date rape” and operated by Marcelle Chester, published an article about John Hock’s widely-reported 2009 broadcast in which he sexually assaulted his passed-out drunk girlfriend at her home in Phoenix, AZ. StickyDrama eventually learned of the post, and has decided to respond openly to several accusations, misunderstandings and outright lies in Abyss2hope’s article, of which the main source seems to be feminist blogger Fugitvus. The article is split into two parts; but the second part does not address StickyDrama’s involvement in the case, and so this response concerns only the first.

Let’s begin with the obvious: If not for my publicly posting images of the assault, there would have been no arrest. Period. The victim would have no idea what happened to her. The media would not have cared. The police would have no evidence–in fact, the Phoenix police have repeatedly thanked me over the phone for my cooperation and for basically handing this well-documented case to them. Publicly calling attention to the assault was the only way action was going to be taken. At the time of the assault, and for months afterwards, I had no idea exactly where Hock was and which state’s police I could have called. Publicly posting my evidence sparked a huge online outrage, and the outraged public’s efforts to contact the police and inform the victim of what had happened to her is what led to her assailant’s arrest. I know from my own experience reporting sex crimes that one complaint is often not taken seriously by the police, particularly if the victim does not personally report it.
Rape is horrible. Now, this particular sex assault involving Hock is controversial. It’s horrible too. But it is controversial because of the unprecedented nature of the crime: broadcast live for an audience of hundreds or thousands. The controversy is why the story has been reported around the world, including on Abyss2hope. The controversy prompted discussion about what is rape, the right to privacy, internet safety and so much more. I stand by my statement that the controversy will shock teens into being more careful with whom they associate from the internet. It is true that I reported this rape and often refer to it in a flippant or humorous tone—the same tone in which I report everything. What Harriet and others don’t understand is the context of that tone. StickyDrama is truthful, but satirical. Its tone comes from years–years!–of watching vile internet filth like Hock commit crime after crime after crime, and being able to get away with it despite terrabytes of video evidence documenting every unlawful act. I’ve called the police. I’ve called the FBI. Once I even started an epistolary campaign with the FCC (case number CIMS00000732137). No action was taken. I’m still frustrated that none of the news reports mention Hock’s 2007 sex assault in Paris, California:

I told all the reporters about that incident and provided them a link to the post, but you won’t find a word of it in any of the hundreds of news articles about this case.
I have been accused of shaming girls. Never once did I say Hock’s broadcast assault was the victim’s fault. But I think it’s fair to say she was not as cautious as she should have been. Say I leave my car unlocked with the keys in the ignition and return to find it stolen, it’s not “my fault” that I was victimized—but it would have been smarter to lock the car. I might not like to hear that, but it’s true. And my lesson will not only make me more cautious in the future, but hopefully serve as a lesson to everyone else who doesn’t want their car stolen. And significantly, the fact that my unwise decision to leave my car unlocked with keys in the ignition made the thief’s job easy doesn’t mitigate his crime; the theft is just as illegal as if he had broken a window and hot-wired my car.
Stickam.com–the live streaming social networking site where Hock’s assault was originally broadcast–used to be a voyeur’s paradise. Adults—along with teens well under 18 years of age—would constantly get naked, masturbate, do drugs, have sex with household pets, set themselves on fire and god knows whatever else. Stickam bans such users, but the bans are easily circumvented by re-registering with a new email address. Only when my site emerged, and the prospect of one’s online actions being permanently, publicly displayed, did Stickam users tone down their behavior. For all the “womyn” decrying me as a villain, there are 10 times as many “cappers” and “sex-tortionists” who complain that I have made it very difficult for them to trick others into getting naked on camera.
In early 2010 I posted a censored version of the Hock sex assault video, blurring the victim’s face and privates although neither is required by law.

I did not post the video in order to “indulge male fantasies of rape” … indeed, even the uncensored portion does not contain much sexually graphic content. I posted the video in order to provoke discussion and, hopefully, condemnation of the Maricopa County Superior Court’s recent ruling that the video did not depict ANY sexual activity.

Rape advocates everywhere—particularly Harriet, who wrote of this case “that it’s been verified as rape”—should be outraged by the Court’s decision, not my reporting of the crime. Criticizing me is killing the messenger—albeit a vulgar and insolent messenger. Saying the fucking truth isn’t any less valid than politely saying the truth.
Furthermore, the idea that I’m indulging in some heterosexual rape fantasy is idiocy. Reading the comments on Abyss2hope and Fugitivus, I can see several “womyn” are too busy taking on the big evil straight male establishment to bother with facts. For example, commenter Jennifer Drew wrote “Stone himself stated he is ‘giving what male viewers want.'” Where the hell did I ever say that? Nowhere, that’s where. She made up that statement to suit her argument. Another Abyss2hope commenter Erica wrote, “the woman in this video was not drunk, and was sleeping in the supposedly “safe” arms of her boyfriend.” In fact, the victim did tell investigators she had passed out from drinking alcohol at party she herself hosted.  Read the warrant!  Another completely false assumption is that the video of the assault was posted on my site immediately after the assault, and then removed once I feared it might be unlawful to have posted it. That’s flat-out wrong and I have no idea where that rumor started. The police executed a warrant on my web host and concluded that the video was not on my server; and in point of fact the video had never been on my server until AFTER the Court’s ruling.
Lastly, the idea that I profit or directly benefit from this rape is laughable. Just laughable. The money I make from StickyDrama pays for its server and little else. I concede the controversy has brought heavy media attention and traffic to my site, but I don’t have any “rape dollars” in my wallet because of this crime.
Running a tabloid site like mine, I can understand the urge to comment on current events reported in the traditional news media. But it’s impossible to speak with any significant knowledge about my site and this particular crime, based off a few blurbs written by mainstream reporters who do not fully understand the seedy online world in which today’s teenagers are so absorbed. Most reporters and so-called experts cited in news reports aren’t very knowledgeable of social networking sites nor live streaming video, or even of WordPress blogs. Such technologies are the everyday playground of the young, but most middle-aged adults regard it all as modern digital Voodoo. For example, some people assume that Hock himself wrote all posts about him, because his name appears in the title! Ignorance of the facts of this case and of the technology through which the crime was committed and reported is responsible for 90% of the criticisms against my site and my actions.
Perhaps when Hock’s actual trial begins this August and the case is again explored by the media, more womyn will have taken the time to investigate this story more thoroughly before opening their damn moyth.


  1. Spin it however you like – YOU HOST A RAPE VIDEO ON YOUR WEBSITE! You are exploiting rape for personal gain. Son, you’re the fucking scum of the earth.

  2. @ Anonymous at 1:07 pm:
    Again, I was never requested to send in anything. I sent in the video before the police ever contacted me.

  3. Don’t go to the police with the evidence… Post it online for all to see. Make sense to me. Moron.

  4. Sticky… ur a big player in a very large game that you, yourself, put yourself in…. learn and burn bb… now can we get back to Robin? And NEVER PUT ROBIN WITH OWNAGE (he is a fag and a pedophile… JS)

  5. I love how you feel the need in every post about this to point out that the police “thanked you”. Self importance isn’t shit when you were requested to turn over the evidence you had obtained through other sources. You yourself didn’t do shit, all you would’ve done is comply.

  6. It’s all gravy to me. He’s rotting in jail one way or the other.
    I suppose there’s some chance he’ll be found not guilty (OJ springs to mind) considering the prosecution keep dropping bollocks left right and centre, so it’s no loss if he drags out the trial start.

  7. ugh. sticky’s sense of self importance is ridiculous. im so glad you dont make any money off this site any more.

  8. is it me or am i the only one who thinks him n amor look like over sized sewer rats
    big ass eyes small little noses n gremlin teeth, hmmmmmm
    oh n amor has a habit of smelling like freshy graded swiss cheese

  9. lmao..we had a gust speaker from prison tll us that if a rapist gos to jail he gets butt raped. i think hock would like it too much tho :/

  10. Anonymous
    Submitted on 2010/07/21 at 12:47am
    “Ugh I wish we could edit our posts! But to continue on.… So you didn’t do it because you wanted to “fight crime” or you were concerned about the victim you did it because the cops got involved and it was affecting your website.”
    Little Miss, you would probably think I’m much less hypocritical if you stopped putting words in my mouth. Where the fuck did I ever say I sent police the recording because I wanted to “fight crime,” hmm? Nowhere. I’ve always said I sent it “voluntarily.”
    I address your other points in an upcoming post.

  11. Ugh I wish we could edit our posts! But to continue on…
    In Paragraph #5 You also said that you provided the video AFTER Detective Albright made the request in the comments and you also did it because your server was getting affected.
    “I provided an unedited, unaltered, completed copy of my recording of Mr. Hocks broadcast to the Phoenix Police Departemtn, IN RESPONSE TO DETECTIVE ALBRIGHTS REQUEST IN THE COMMENTS OF THE STICKYDRAMA POST”
    “I was advised to send the recording by StickDrama’s web host, The Planet. On May 22 without any advance notice nor prior effort to contact me directly, the Phoenix Police Department executed a search warrant on The Planet seeking the recording….Since the search warrent had disrupted StickyDrama’s service to our readers and I did not want to risk another possible disruption in the future, I felt it would be wiser to simply give my recording to the police voluntarily.”
    So you didn’t do it because you wanted to “fight crime” or you were concerned about the victim you did it because the cops got involved and it was affecting your website.
    Why did you wait until May 22? The rape happened in what February.
    Yes you submitted the video, and luckily an arrest was made HOWEVER it’s not like you did it out of the kindness of your heart or were the first person to alert the police about it. I’m sure there were people who screen capped some images and what not that would been able to prove that a rape did indeed happen.

  12. Also, I read what you submitted to the courts. Why didn’t you go to the police right when you saw it happening? Why would you wait to post a stickydrama post and THEN go to the police if you were so concerned?

  13. What’s the actual link of the article? I don’t feel like having to go back all the way to january

  14. pwnd…
    Hock should have been smarter and maybe raped off camera.
    fame whore.
    now you’re just a jail whore.

  15. They’re probably bafawwing at you over their profeminists yahoo messenger systems. Lmao.
    People really don’t understand satire.
    But I still think you walked into it accidentally.

  16. @ Attack:
    Term 5 has read that way for years. I’ve always described my posts as satirical, and long-time StickyDrama readers know this.
    Offended feminists should weigh their dislike for my TONE against the odds that a RAPIST would be out free raping to this very day had I not posted evidence of his assaults. Which is the lesser of two evils?

  17. To be honest,
    I think that you probably made a mistake in being “satirical” because you were making fun of Hock’s molestation of that girl without realizing the repercussions and had no idea that a video like that would grow to the magnitude that it’s at right now. I think that you’re just trying to cover your ass and play it off as satire when you were actually making fun of the video in the article when it happened. You should have thought more carefully about the ‘tone’ you wanted to use in posting because now you have angry feminists on your ass that think that you’re trying to advocate heterosexual rape on a site that was normally meant for tabloids about the underbelly of an internet subculture.
    tldr; You’re being bitten in the ass because you didn’t think carefully about what you were doing the first time around 2 years later.

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