Scene Princess and former as well as present StickyHouse invitee Amor Hilton popped a liver-friendly little helper and talked shit on her former roommate Kelly Anne Chaos. Earlier this month, Kelly had posted a tell-all blog about her time living with Amor.
Amor replied in full force, gleefully recalling the tragic demise of Kelly’s cat.
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Let this be a lesson, kids. Don’t let internet franz be roommates. Do their drugs, fuck them bloody, and move on. Oh, and are we the only one who finds it a little creepy that Amor is pictured in Kelly’s profile pic as she published this blog post?
Katze durchfall
what a bitch amor is
Oh Amor, squishing your boobs together doesn’t make them look bigger it just makes it look like your hiding a syringe and a few grams of heroin. No one stalks you so you can throw that idea of people actually liking you out the window. But before I waste another 7 minutes of my life listening to you whine about how you were “outed”. Just know this, we already knew you were a whore and a sad pathetic girl that has a vagina that sags to the floor. So please leave your crazy thoughts of people having any more respect for you at the door and go get a real life. No I don’t mean flashing your tits for MTV, I mean go out and get a fucking hair cut. Maybe some botox too so that we don’t have to see your sagging vag every time you wear a skirt. Psst little hint hun, you’d be perfect for becoming an hero.
Oh, and let me guess your real name isn’t Kelly Chaos. Just stfu lol seriously no one is real on the internet anymore. Might as well go watch porn that seems more interesting.
haha, she has the room to call kelly all this shit. But I mean, how is she a groupie, if shes a lesbian. and whos the guy in the background? the guy you just fucked a couple minutes ago? haha. wow.
what’s not who? him ?
That’s Not Him 🙂
I bet her pussy is so fucking nasty
Call this motherfucker.
His name is Tyler and he’s a lil bitch.
@3:04 First of all, this chick isn’t even remotely famous, even if she believes she is.
Secondly, the A-list is generally reserved for people with at least a tiny iota of talent. And unlike Amor, A-listers also have jobs.
She’s so stupid, she thinks everyone is a “stalker fan”
what makes you think that? @ 2:54
@2:35 I’m confident that there is no way she could ever become an A-list celebrity.
Guys are dumb, you are making her famous! If all of us stopped tlaking shit about her for like a week, she would be NOTHING, you guys are just making her more known, and one day if she becomes an “A list” who’s gonna look like idiots then? hmmmmmm, just stop!
she looks like her
she sounds like an idiot ; No wonder she has friends.
Her tits look GREAT here!!
Her tits don’t look normal here
She sounds so much more stuck up than Kiki, no fucking joke. How sad.
her boobs are fine and normal looking shes bending over obviously they are going to hang like that.
saggy tits
How can kelly be a groupie? She’s a lesbian !
I don’t think she killed her cat, Eden said that she put her cat in a box or something and when they opened the box the cat was gone when they were on the road. She is really skinny with no ass, how the hell does she have tits? And birthcontrol doesn’t always make your boobs big, I doubt she takes brithcontrol anyways.
pushup bra.
i doubt she really killed her cat.
Damn, that dude she’s with is a total babe.
Gross s scene failure whore #10438924372
team amor
That cigarette is done honey! Put it down instead of waving it around to make you look cool.
I wish she would take her medusa out and drop the hot pink/red lipstick. She looks cute with light pink.
a) amor can barley afford to live in LA what ever makes you think she could honestly afford a boobjob.
b) i love how amor constantly says she never eats because she feels all the negative comments on her weight make her want to be skinnier. When is she gonna start listening to the negative comments about her lipstick. I dont mind her peircings but there starting to get distracting.
But i guess everyones intitled to ‘get their opinion out there’
ugh i hate how scout taylor compton is friends with all these lowlifes. please stick to making rob zombie movies and don’t become a scenewhore scouty <3
i dont think her extensions look fucked up in that picture. but WHO IS THAT GUY? i used to see him on sunset all the time. another stickam “celeb”?
agree w/ anon @ 10:05 ;( she’s a fucking cunt.
i was in her stickam room earlier, she admitted to smoking previously and being baked, then smoking again on cam. she’s not sober, lol.
at first i really didn’t HATE amor, i just knew she smelled and never showered and was a fucking druggie whore, but when she’s LAUGHING about someone’s INNOCENT animal DYING and claiming SHE KILLED IT, im sorry, thats fucking disgusting and pathetic.
amor, you disgust me. no “sweetheart” (as you claim to be) would find joy in an innocent animal dying, regardless of who it belongs to.
WOW amor is such a fucking joke… she sounds like a dumbass and everyone knows SHES the biggest liar EVER….fucking hypocrit e-ex-fatpig-turned-clown whore… GROSS
Amor should really learn how to use extensions, or don’t wear them at all.
She really should be more careful because a lot of people think her being sweet is her only good quality.
sticky fix the audio or type out what she said when theres no sound
HAHAHAHAHA this is comedy
Amor Hilton is the saddest clown of all.
^R. Anchors;
Yeah, like if Sticky posts something about you NOT being up Airica’s ass. That’d be shocking ;P
Hehe jsjsjs.
She needs to gain a couple of hundred pounds, then she’ll finally be ready to take her place among the juggalos.
Clowns are comical performers, stereotypically characterized by their grotesque appearance: colored hair, stylistic makeup, outlandish costumes etc., who entertain spectators by acting in a hilarious fashion.
The types of their acts varies greatly. Although some find clowns to be scary, their intended purpose is to entertain people, especially young children. Peter Berger writes that “It seems plausible that folly and fools, like religion and magic, meet some deeply rooted needs in human society.” For this reason, clowning is often considered an important part of training as a physical performance discipline, partly because tricky subject matter can be dealt with, but also because it requires a high level of risk and play in the performer.
you can tell how not sober she is by how fucked up her eyebrows, eyelashes, and lipstick are.
Im soooo on Amors team!!
Damn, honestly, I really think Amor is telling the truth here.
pre-karma? hahaha
^ umm most of these anon comments are kelly and her little posse. js.
myspace blogs are for 12 year olds.
lmao @ amor calling that girl a groupie when she just goes to shows and tries to fuck the band.
What a cunt…. And her medusa is fucking annoying…as are the dahlias….Metal herpes.
audio fail.
Just the fact that this “child” Amor thinks she is this big fuckin sweetheart that does no wrong, her shit doesn’t stink, blablabla.. is complete bullshit. I don’t know who Kelly is nor Amor, but I’d have to say Amor is so full of herself. She’s an absolute nobody, except a bad influence that little 14 year olds are idloizing because its the “cool” thing to do.
Why would anyone be a groupie to THAT thing? She’s not Def Leppard or TDWP.. she has no groupies, only reason she is known is for her tasteless scandals of fucking this and that guy or getting messed up on Xan and alcohol and letting the whole internet know it.. She is a sick twisted little girl that needs some serious help and relaity slapped right across that face of hers. GG Amor, you fail at fucking life.
Sticky I’m going to stop following you on twitter soon unless you post something shocking from time to time.
Like, if one of these kids gets a job post that.
My head would probably explode.
She didn’t get a boob job. That shit still looks saggy. She’s just wearing a really padded push up bra. And every sentence she says ends with a question mark, regardless if it’s a question or not.
Amor is most likely wearing two bras. Seriously, where would she get the money to get a boob job? For some reason I believe kelley over her. Amor says everyone is obsessed over her. It’s like her excuse for all her drama. And yea I love how for like half of the video she’s speaking and nothing is coming out. ;]
Oh my god, her eyebrows, her lipstick.
Her medusa is going into her lipstick.
and her boobs probably didn’t even get bigger, there’s multiple tricks and things to buy to make your boobs look bigger.
that bitch is too poor to get a boob job. ever heard of something called birth control?
Don’t care or know anything about the topic, but I can’t believe I just heard this girl so boldly tell someone ELSE that she’s a liar and “everybody knows it”.
She got a boob job she said in one of her videos.
These two should just scrap it up and get it over with already. I hate bitches who talk talk talk,… blah blah blah.. Both you hoes needa shut the fuck up and do something about it.
i cant hear more than half the video. wtf sticky
her makeup looks awful, and the eyebrows. why is shaved off and drawn on cholo eyebrows a scene staple? it looks horrid.
Now, if Amor shaved her head and attackd a car with an umbrella, that would be a win post of win.
I think she’s pretty and Kelly’s a nobody.
Amor isn’t being PAID to be a fucking role model, seriousssly get over it.
Britney Spears, however, IS. and She’s about the worst role model ever. LMAO. Still prettier than Kelly, also. 😉
if you dont give i shit, you all wouldnt have replied to this. good job contradicting yourselves.
anyways; i think amor looks super pretty here, but i gotta admit her medusa was bugging the crap out of me.
I like that she sounds like a spoiled valley girl brat. Every sentence ends on a higher note than it began with.
She looks like a rodeo clown.
lololol “the cat was your pre-karama”
It’s great to have Kelly back in Norcal. She doesn’t deserve to be around trash like that.
Er i love amor she does seem really sweet but i haaaate kelly she always saying that everyone should hate amor and that should look up too her uhh wtf is so great about herrr.
go amor! youre the shit 🙂
I couldn’t get past the 30 second mark because her voice is annoying and nasally as shit.
all i was looking was her cleavage and her lips. so distracting.
She had a boob job, she says it on one of her YouTube videos
i like her bewbs
it would be nice if you could hear half the video.
some plp seriously need a reality check(amor)
Seriously, I thought this chick looked and acted bad enough before this video… but now I see she has zero charisma of any kind.
its called a push up bra
amor needs to die. period.
I find it funny she thinks anyone gives a shit.
where the fuck is the room for amor to be saying anything she is saying about someone else????? everything she is saying about kelly sounds more like herself – groupy, cant get a job, liar, etc.
she hopes kelly dies? how many people feel the same should happen to amor -_- shes so oblivious to reality
VOX turned on and set too high? Anyway, video response fail.
Video responses are so 2006 Youtube.
shitty audio. her voice is obnoxious and she sounds like a dumbassss.
I don’t even know what she’s saying in the video, the audio keeps cutting in and out.
when did her boobs get so big?
her boobs used to be tiny. i dont understand why theyre so big now. its gross.
she is getting prettier. she looks more “clean” and i don’t mean that she was dirty before. lol. she just looks good.
Someone needs to teach Amor how to use lipstick.
I think amor looks really good like extra good
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