In the constellation of Stickam’s celebrities, there are the everyday stars who shine steadily, with whom we have long been familiar. And then there are those who flare up suddenly like a supernova, stunning the network in fear and awe of their brilliance. Such is the case with Carb0n and his accomplice Rancid, who have been owning the bejesus out of several popular chatrooms and (to StickyDrama’s delight) the spammer-rapist-buttpirate John Hock.

Beginning early this morning and continuing throughout the day—even as this post was being written and uploaded—Carb0n and Rancid seized control of Hock’s Live session God only knows how many times, replacing the video stream with Hock’s mugshot and slurpy cocksucking noises until Admins de-activated the account. StickyDrama was sent several screen-recordings, and managed to make one of our own as well.
Carb0n contacted StickyDrama this past weekend, introducing himself as a 21-year old-programmer somewhere in America. (As for the most pertinent detail of all, no word yet on the cocksize. Sorry, cocksuckers.) He went on to address a few inaccuracies in our first post about the ownage of Hock’s LIve. The most significant correction was that Hock’s Live was in fact usurped by Rancid, an online friend of Carb0n who streamed a vague credit during his stunt. (Carb0n himself prefers to attack only chatrooms, not Lives.)

Carb0n further explained that he initally wrote a program which, in his words, “emulates Stickam’s web application.” The program injects HTML commands (not java, as had been frequently mentioned by various persons) containing Flash content into a session, allowing Carb0n to control the chat—namely adding text and videos where they would not ordinarily appear. On MSN he explained the basics:

He denied merely having purchased a software that anyone could use to perform similar hacks, insisting he had written the program himself.

Unfortunately for Carb0n, and the users who rather enjoyed his lulzy assaults, Stickam recently managed to determine and resolve that vulnerability. However, Rancid took Carb0n’s program and made some further tweaks, whereby he is able to wrest control of a Live stream. As of this post, that vulnerability remains in both Lives and chatrooms.
As long as Carb0n and Rancid continue to demonstrate such sagacity in their choice of targets, StickyDrama hopes that Stickam won’t close this vulnerability anytime soon. In recognition of their skills and lulz, we have awarded them our top banner for as long as the attacks continue. Details of how you can win our top banner are provided here.


  1. ROFLLL!!! man fuck that asshole John Hock, Too bad the video got erased of the live takeover. πŸ™ I been looking for that for a while now. πŸ™ LOL I think it was taking off the same week xxx hit stickam admin’s account, since the feds were called on us… ahahaaaa fuck it, the lolz were worth risking a jail sentence…

  2. Everything that is happening to John is simply fate. He deserves it. He has put himself on some sort of pedestal and looks down on people when in reality, he is on the bottom of the food chain. His show was fun for the first few weeks but now it is purely repetitive and boring. John, in my opinion is not a good person. I too, came to his defensive at first, but I really got to know him and was definitely disappointed. He proved to be exactly what people said he was.
    Maybe one day he’ll get off the fucking internet and get a real job,(which might be difficult seeing as he doesn’t even have a college degree) because I highly doubt that he will continue to be on stickam the way things are going. So sad.

    These hackers are just jealous of John because he is getting PAID to give free prizes away to REAL GOOD people….NOT DUMBASSES THAT CAUSES PROBLEMS FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wait who would be jealous of john hock? His show sucks balls. All he says is “sign up for,and makes signs.
    you call that entertainment? bitch puh-lease.

    These hackers are just jealous of John because he is getting PAID to give free prizes away to REAL GOOD people….NOT DUMBASSES THAT CAUSES PROBLEMS FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ohdamnnnn,
    im actually on the video saying ‘haha’
    and then i got kicked..
    and i missed this >__<
    i dont see why they bother though,
    its just pretty pointless.

  7. Amor said that John’s penis is small and one time when Amor and John were having sex, He asked Amor to put a finger in his ass.
    When she was asked if she was surprised about John having a ‘relationship’ with Chris Crocker, She said “I’m not surprised.”

  8. x.L.x
    if he is the only thing you can find entertaining for that long stretch of time, look to the outdoors, real person interaction, afternoon sport activities, or something else productive with your life. you are supporting a rapist. you thing a rapist is cute. you are so bored, you would rather entertain hock then pro-actively change the condition of your life with more valued and substantial activity. be wise, and don’t support online pedophiles. if not for yourself, then for the countless rape victims you disregard cause ‘he’s hot’. that is why we are all going to hell.

  9. he isn’t entertaining or cool in the least. rather, an exploit to innocent children who think he’s so cool with his SIGNS and FASHION. he looks like some dumb little kid who needs his face stomped. he should keep his fingers to himself.

  10. I love when people stick up for the rapist. lol. his show sucks. if i have to hear or the word “fantastic” one more time i swear i’m gonna break my computer. i enjoy sleazy kiki’s show more than hocks. and hell has officially froze over if i find kiki more entertaining than somebody

  11. John Hock is hot and very entertaining. I love watching his show. There’s nothing else good to do from 3-8. PYP is a good site too my friend won a few weeks ago.

  12. he had it coming…stop trying to rape young girls and stop trying to exploit children for money so you can get stoned and drunk every night and finger young girls, while publicly complaining about how “they won’t put out”. you are sick scum johnathon hock!

  13. First and go carb0n. Keep hock off the air. I’m actually sick of him being on stickam advertising for every fucking 5 minutes.

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