Early Saturday morning kNOwMORE, a user hitherto unknown to StickyDrama, suddenly appeared in our chatroom and posted some interesting photos.
kNOwMORE announced that she and two other friends had pranked Stickam’s favorite statutory rapist John Hock: They had strewn doll parts atop his car. StickyDrama promptly contacted Hock via AIM to confirm the car was indeed his; he was shocked and distressed. The pranksters had sent a photo of his car’s license plate, proving the car was indeed Hock’s.
Early Saturday morning kNOwMORE posted the photos in StickyDrama’s chatroom. We don’t know much about her, but sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words:
She requested neither credit nor anonymity; she quickly left after posting the photos, but not before StickyDrama had noted her Stickam profile.



  1. Lithium is not fat at all. Have you not seen her pictures or seen her live? She was bigger when she was pregnant but that was ages ago. She’s hot.
    Learn to spell her name before you say anything.

  2. wait. linthium is a fat nasty bag-o-shit…why does she think she can put her two cents in on anybody. As ugly as this megan girl is, She’s still better than linthium.

  3. comment left on her page from john hock
    Monday, April 7, 2008 12:46:15 AM GMT
    fuck you./ like seriously fuck you. Im calling the cops on you. your going to go to jail for vandalism. you
    what i find is funny if that she can’t get into trouble for anything, she did not hurt his car in any way shape or form.
    plus the fact, have you guys looked into who the two people she was with that night?? hrm, who are the 3rd and 4th person on her profile, shes on theirs too. have you ever though that cody and amore and rae are all friends?? … simple prank… i think yes

  4. LMAO. The only person to defend lithium was her best friend.
    Amor you spelled your name wrong..
    I wonder if stickydrama will ever be sold for like 500,000$.

    & you still dont have my correct aim.
    my correct aim is johnhockisbone
    not that fake ass one you have been telling people.
    I cant believe some fat stalker bitch did that to my car.

  6. Lithium is gorgeous. People must be blind, hun. You have more fans than haters.
    You know she has an email for hatemail on her page.
    Use it.

  7. Ha, this is about ME now?
    Hahaha. That’s great.
    I don’t draw them on though, thanks, and only people with too much time on their hands complain about it.
    And I look like Jeffree Star? Wow, I’ve NEVER heard that before. I must be cute if he had plastic surgery to look better..and looks like me.
    Wow, I have huge tits for a guy..
    I love you guys!

  8. Haha, it’s a prank. That’s all. Good fun. Not like she took a knife to his throat.
    People get pranked all the damn time.
    I think just the fact that it was Hock made it “serious” to some people.
    And LAWL@Elliot.

  9. “omgzomgz itz gon 2 far leve him alone!!11!”
    I dont get why you guys are freaking out haha
    Its just a innocent little prank, nobody got hurt, and its easily reversable haha.
    Its not like they fucking kicked and scracthed his car up or anything.
    Just chilllll

  10. lithium you are the ugliest thing i have seen in my entire life. when i first looked at your profile i thought you were a boy. and you say ew to that girl? as sad as she is she’s 10x better looking than you

  11. this is on her profile:
    what i did to john hocks car was out of compleat and total lulz. My friends who i were with that night and I were bored, in the neighborhood and has a mysize Barbie in my car for some reason. i did not mean it to be a personal attack on him at all. it was just out of the kind nature of pranks. so please, stop bothering me about it. i just thought the Barbie head on the antenna was epic and should be seen. so to john hock, I’m sorry if it made you upset. as for the picture on there of me i have to give them credit, putting pictures of me up from when i was 13 is pretty funny. find a recent one and copy pasta that shit. as stickydrama said in the post i do not care for the credit. and to be honest the whole “internet famous” shit s dumb, we are all just people, get over it.
    when she was 13? oh really? definitely? way to go sticky drama
    it was a MY SIZE BARBIE DOLL.. js

  12. Lithium REALLY needs to stop the drawn on eyebrow thing.. It looks so weird and it’s distracting, please grow them back. Why don’t your friends tell you this? Seriously. You look like a freakshow.

  13. Lithium…umm you have no room to talk mr. jeffree star lookalike.
    Anywho, Caty Who? is right on the money with this.
    Oh and is knowmore a man or a girl? I can never tell thanks to stupid scene kids.

  14. you know it’s gone too far
    when people start fucking
    harrassing you irl with
    stupid ass fucking pranks.
    just sayin.

  15. LMAO!!!!!
    that girl!! lmao!!!
    look at her fucking face hahahahahhaha
    john hock.. hmm…
    his car looks like shit :] and he would have barbies in it lmao

  16. lol ^ like you should talk.
    but yea i don’t see the point in this?..it’s just a lil prank

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