All of Southern California’s Stickam scene—the network’s largest, most influential concentration of Entertainers and popular users—is in an unprecedented state of shock, disgust and moral outrage over a series of photographs that depict 29-year-old Drew Deviation sexually assaulting 15-year-old Tam Cam while she slept.
Though not a popular Entertainer himself, Drew was hitherto a frequent guest at many parties and social gatherings of Stickam personalities; he was also a familiar face at Stickam’s office in downtown Los Angeles, where he was friends with several employees.
However, all of StickyDrama’s contacts in Southern California are now affirming that no one can stand the sight of him, that he is being banned from Stickam users’ Lives and likewise shunned by the community irl. The reason for his sudden opprobrium: a series of photos, supposedly taken by Drew himself, in which Drew’s hand is removing Tam’s blouse to expose her breasts as she slept. We have matted out Tam’s nipple.
The above photos were taken at Brandon Kiss’s residence, where many Stickam folk socialize and reside. Metadata on the original photos—which were sent to StickyDrama—prove the images were created Monday, August 4th at 1:56 AM, at which time Drew, Tam and several others were at Brandon’s. Days later, October Hallow happened to browse through the flash drive containing the memory card for Drew’s camera. She discovered the photos, which she promptly emailed to Tam’s best friend Danielle Alexandria, who sent the photos to StickyDrama (with Tam’s approval.)
Some readers might draw parallels between this assault and John Hock’s statutory rape of Danielle. While both crimes certainly are scandalous and the victims are the same age, consider that Drew is much older than Hock and almost twice the age of his victim. More significantly, Tam was unconscious and never in a million years would have consented to any intimacy with Drew, whereas Danielle was conscious and willing during her tryst with Hock.
When confronted by StickyDrama, Drew both denied that it is his hand in the photos and claimed to have no memory of the night in question. Tellingly, he also asks “how can they prove it is me?”
Although Drew’s face does not appear in the photos, certain details appear to prove that it is indeed Drew’s hand lifting Tam’s blouse. Not only is there a video of Drew wearing the same striped sweater on his Stickam profile, but many pictures of him reveal the scars along his forearms which match those found in the photos with Tam.
Drew nevertheless maintains his innocence. Of course, any public apology or admission on his part would have profound consequences. While it does not seem possible for the Stickam scene to despise him any more than they presently do, Club Starz and Newport NIghts might determine that they cannot employ an admitted sex offender. Drew works as DJ at the two all-ages nightclubs, whose scantily clad patrons range from 14 to 18 years old. Tam Cam is 15. Drew is also rumored to have expressed an unwholesome interest in 16-year-old BryannaBondage.
In addition to the social and financial hardships, Drew could face serious criminal charges. Although the pictures do not depict rape, since Tam was unconscious (and therefore unable to consent to being sexually touched) the pictures do depict the crime of sexual battery, as defined in Section 243.4(e)(1) of the California Penal Code: “Any person who touches an intimate part of another person, if the touching is against the will of the person touched, and is for the specific purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of misdemeanor sexual battery, punishable by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months, or by both that fine and imprisonment.”
In everyday language, “sexual assault” is a general term that encompasses rape, molestation or unwanted touching. But under California law, “assault” is only an attempt or threat to commit injury on someone. “Battery” applies when physical contact occurs. “Sexual battery” is any unwanted sexual contact that falls short of rape.
Futhermore, because Tam is 15 and Drew is more than 10 years older than she, he committed a crime against nature, as defined by Section 288(c)(1) of the California Penal Code: “Any person who commits an act described in subdivision (a) with the intent described in that subdivision, and the victim is a child of 14 or 15 years, and that person is at least 10 years older than the child, is guilty of a public offense and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for one, two, or three years, or by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year.”
If convicted of either crime, Drew would be required under Section 290 of the California Penal Code to register as a sex offender with the local police or sheriff of wherever he lives, even if he leaves the state. Although this registration requirement has been named Megan’s Law since the 1990’s, California has actually required sex offenders to register with the authorities since 1947—making it the first state in the nation to have such a requirement.
Tam has confirmed with StickyDrama that she intends to press charges.
epic thread
New around here not sure if I even want to make an account after reading half the stuff on here. Does not seem to be any actual women here anyways all girls.
This whole freakin’ apartment or house seems like a place to lure underaged girls to get them drunk/high and take advantage of them. Why the hell else would they be inviting underaged girls over. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
I mean come on every single one of the men that said they were there in this thread are in their 20’s and all the girls are under 16 from the looks of it.
The whole damn lot of them should be locked up!
Like how the owner of the place comes in to try and cover his ass by the I was not there excuse. Does not matter if you were there or not you take at least some responsible for what is going on there. Nice try though.
Sadness in my heart for what happened to you young lady but the really sad thing is you are seemingly doomed to repeat the pattern of becoming incapacitated around older men. Far worse is most likely going to happen in the future as was already mentioned if you continue on this destructive path of partaking in drugs and alcohol while hanging around men or even boys.
My sincere best wishes to you and your future life Tam Cam.
I don’t think Heather is all that far off. I don’t think she’s saying what Drew did is okay or she deserved it. She’s just saying these stupid little girls need to act there age. Stop trying to be grown-ups. Hang out with people your own age (or atleast close) These girls get themselves into this situation over and over. They never learn. Tam is lucky the post didn’t read “Tam Cam found nakkid and dead” But you know what? She’ll do the same thing over and over and over again. Stupid little girls!
I agree with this comment.
hes pretty much a disguisting pig . well if he hangs out with john hock that should be a sign of his character
drews a good guy leave him alone. many people have those on their arm.
Yeah, this is retarded. All parties involved are in the wrong. I can’t wait for this shit to blowup in her face in court if she presses charges, which will probably go nowhere. Difficult to prove it was even him, and if it was, calling him a pedo or creeper is ironic, when you’re the 15 or 16 year old girls hanging out with people almost 30? “Omg we’re so cool, we hang out with adults and smoke up or drink!”
If any thing, these kids are the creepers.
Fucking kids these days.
Danielle was in the Sticky chat tonight/last night and was smoking pot with Tam. Tam even made a bong out of a water bottle and Danielle was showing it off on cam. Hopefully this happened to her again, stupid ass.
^ what SNS said.
tam flaunts her shit all over the place anyway
theres complete evidence this creep did this to tam.
i hope he ends up paying the punishment for this
i really do.
Doesnt this just show that 15 year old girls shouldnt be going to parties with guys way older then her and sleeping over there?
Why are guys that age inviting 15 year old girls to their house in the first plac?
Have some common sense!
LOL you guys are dumb, burn in hell, and 15 year olds need to learn to stay home and get prepare for their P.E FINALS
lols @ stickydrama tryin to create this drama from nothing.
i hope this site gets hacked and anally raped, it only promotes people like this fag Deviation or whatever and other fags to be scene.
The anonymous person above Heather said everything perfectly. Everyone is at fault. And really, who the fuck is October?!
drew you fag god I knew this was coming. I feel bad for your mom. I hope your asshole is tight because when you finally lose your virginity its going to be in the ass. cheers fatty.
^ GOD.
And Dennis, you are a moron. So what if medical marijuana is allowed in California. Let’s see her med card. Exactly, she doesn’t have one. Why would you even waste your time getting high? It can get you into stupid shit like this. It is her fault, and if she can’t take responsibility for her own actions then she’s not very mature. They were both at fault.
She shouldn’t have been there and he shouldn’t have done that.
But it happened, and the mature thing would have been to take this straight to court, but no, she had to stop at her computer and let the whole world know what happened because she’s so sweet and innocent and GOD FORBID that the same thing doesn’t happen to another 15 year old tease hanging out with a 30 year old.
That’s smart (;
Drew, Tam, Danielle, and October are all at fault. First of all, Tam and Danielle, WTF. You’re how old ? 15 ? And you’re hanging out with people way beyond your age. Does everyone in your grade hate you, or do you like being around older men ? I’m not saying I don’t hang out with older people but I know when someone is too old to hang out with. Yes, at this age it does matter you fucking retard. You’re young, and he’s older, you couldn’t defend yourself for shit because in all honesty YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN THEIR HEAD. They could be softening you up so that they can take advantage of you. In reality, any guy friend or girl friend can do that, but it’s a bit more dangerous when it’s someone older who with no doubt probably has more strength then you. You girls put yourself in that situation, period. Yes, Drew shouldn’t have done such a thing, but it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been there. Sure, it doesn’t give him a right to do so, but it happened, and it’s partially your fault. I’m sick of hearing about October. That bitch is annoying. First of all, you shouldn’t be going through other peoples shit, okay bitch. Second of all, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?
Don’t any of these people have jobs that occupy their time. Jesus christ, I’m sick of seeing all these older people glued to the fucking computer screen and having all their person information splattered all over the internet. Are you fucking retarted? I mean really ? Why would you put yourself in such a position? Get off the fucking computer and go read a book. Expand your knowledge.
And another thing, why would YOU, personally put out private information? Are you that desperate for attention that you feel the need that EVERYONE needs to know your goddamn business. Your drama is not oxygen, and is most definitely not needed. What was the point of sending stickydrama all this crap. So you can try and embarrass someone? God, now I know you must be some 15 year old, you act so damn stupid. Why didn’t you just go press charges and leave it at that? Does all of stickam really need to know your business? Or better yet, do you really think everyone is interested. It is not your duty to inform everyone else about someone else life, I believe God will do that because YOU have no right to stand there and act innocent because like I said, YOU put yourself in that situation. GET THE FUCK OF THE INTERNET UNTIL YOU ACQUIRE SOME MATURITY.
Passed out with food on lap + not waking up when someone’s flashing a camera in your face = DRUNK.
that’s pretty ridic, gross, i’m sry tam had to even find out that happen to her, but it’s better to know about it so that these things won’t happen to her again D:
creepy pervert!
Creep… Ew d00d, what a perv.
no i’m not admitting that heather.
you don’t make any sense, just because she gave the ‘okay’ for Danielle to send it to StickyDrama doesn’t mean she didn’t go to the police.
And like I said before, she wasn’t drunk. 🙂
then if they do decide to take him to court and raise their hand to tell the truth well know whos lying and whos not.i
i dont think she would lie if she knew it was ‘planned.’the so called joke would probably end sooner,and they would laugh it for now its all him!its pretty obvious
all of you drew defenders.. answer this..
if he didn’t do it, why is he hiding?
he hasn’t logged on to stickam since the day this was posted, he hasn’t been on aim, and he has ignored my text messages.
yeah, he did it. get over it. “nice” people fuck up.
“Drew never did anything for publicity. that’s bullshit.
he doesn’t give a fuck about publicity, OBVIOUSLY.”
That is the most retarded thing to say. That whole thing with Hock was for publicity. Drew is a loser! Karma! I love it! You get what you deserve Drew! Looooooser!
If she was just sleeping, I think the five bright flashes and someone tugging on her shirt would’ve woken her up.
– I don’t think he was YANKING at it. If he knew she was sleeping, which assumably he did, don’t you think he’d try to be gentle so he wouldn’t wake her up so she’d slap him or whatnot?
Btw I have a brother who snores, sometimes I whap him with a toy to make him shut up and he doesn’t wake up. I also tried shining a torch in his eye but that wasn’t effective, he didn’t even stir.
You’re a light sleeper I’m guessing.
Benjamin, you don’t have your link posted, does that mean that you think you’re ugly? I’m not posting my link because what I look like has nothing to do with this dumbass girl who passed out drunk.
Drew never did anything for publicity. that’s bullshit.
he doesn’t give a fuck about publicity, OBVIOUSLY.
look on his profile, it clearly says “DO NOT ADD ME, DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO ME”
& for serious.
Drew taught you all how to use photoshop.
this is FAKE.
p.s. it’s still not the same hoodie.
tam already said why she fell asleep.
she was high, WhO GiVeS A FuCk.
Heather, by not posting your link, you’re basically admitting you’re ugly. js.
How the fuck do you people know if she’s gone to the police or not? It’s not like you talk to her on a daily basis.
Oh, and who the fuck ‘falls asleep’ with something as fucking delicious as fucking taco bell in their fucking lap? My god that’s fucked amount of fucking fuck shit. You know you wanted to eat that fucking shit, but you were too drunk to nom nom up on that delicious fucking fuck faced treat. Start drinking with people in your age bracket.
Your parents should well, learn how to parent. Letting you hang out with old fucks and party is failure parenting. Please have your parents locked up. Next time you go to a party I hope you’re sexually assaulted. Someone pulling your tits out is no big deal. lr2getthefuckoverit.
I think that’s a bit much
flying off a parking garage.
Poor Tam :/
I’m sorry girlie 🙁 No one deserves that shit.
And I’m a girl.. by the way.. ?
but the thing is defender, though is that hes not saying it to his niece or someone, hes having a conversation with a friend. I mean, have had many conversations with friends about weird things. I still don’t think he did it. I mean, come fucking on, its Drew.
poor tam 🙁
drews fucking gross. ew
=) Don’t you think though that’s a weird thing to say to someone. I know your guys and all but I can’t imagine someone saying to me, “I prefer to do things with girls when they want to.” Especially if your 29? I have uncles that age and I can’t imagine them saying that.
Okay then in that case I mis said something, he never implied to me that he had done it before, its more so he doesn’t want to do that to someone in the future. And the misspelling that you did is okay, many people do it, it just bugs me often.
grAy Skyes…. sorry for the misspell. At least I didn’t say… gay =) Anyway, I guess my question to you would be…
“he told me once that he gets really awkward around girls when hes in the “mood” and that he doesn’t like talking and doing stuff unless the girl wants to do it.”
He doesn’t like doing stuff with girls unless the girl wants to? That is implying he has done things before with girls who have been unwilling but at least he prefers it the other way????
Also, if you read my earlier posts I clearly state she should act her age, not hang out with old people, and this will happen again to her and her friends because they never learn. She should be thankful something worse hasn’t happened to her YET. (It will, she’s young, and dumb) Sorry again for the misspell.
“Defender of heather” At least please spell my name right. Its GrAy, not grey. Grey is the color.. GrAy is a name. Also if you know the person, then there is a difference. I mean he could have done it. But I don’t think he did. he told me once that he gets really awkward around girls when hes in the “mood” and that he doesn’t like talking and doing stuff unless the girl wants to do it.
he clearly said hock isnt his friend, and that they hung out one night. I mean, because your with someone one night, what does that matter? You hang around someone.. and you can find out that you don’t like them. I still find the whole thing wrong. Why was she being around him then if hes 29, and her 15. I’m sure that 15 year old isn’t all that mature or smart to be hanging around a 29 year old who could do that to her. How smart is that on her part?
To Grey Skies….
Obviously he did it. As far as everyone saying what a nice guy he is… He screwed over Hock to try and get some publicity. Real nice guy. Hock was suppose to be his friend. Karma is a bitch.
Lots of people would have done the same thing to her and I am sure they’ll get there chance! There are lots of “nice guys” waiting for stupid little girls.
To Diva-
“Also, it was said she was stoned, the first time I got stoned you couldn’t wake me up for shit.” Clearly this is not the first or second or 100th time she has gotten stoned.
Tam- Nice friends you have… Leave you in a room, alone, passed out with a known perv. (especially with all the accusations Danielle has made.)
Will they ever learn????
~Awaiting the next rape accusation post!
I doubt Drew would do that, I mean I really know Drew really well. I mean really if he did that the likeliness is not high, I mean obviously a lot of guys like boobs, but thats fucking ridiculous that you would say Drew did that. And hello? Everyone has scars and shit. Hell I have scars that are on my wrist that people could photo shop onto other people’s wrists. I doubt that Drew would do that. I really do.
Come fucking on people you say that your his friend and yet you do this to you? If this really happened why didn’t you fucking go to the cops first and not STICKYDRAMA?! ( no offense stickydrama)
and no, I won’t post my profile link. If what I’m saying is really stupid, you should have enough “ammo” to insult me already without looking at my pictures and saying something like “OMGZ UR SO UGLY”
I know how2read
Is there something wrong with your teeth that you don’t ever make a real smile in pictures? Are you that stupid that you have to SHARE a fucking account with someone? Can’t you handle it on your own?
Most recent “anonymous” has some fucking common sense.
I don’t think Heather is all that far off. I don’t think she’s saying what Drew did is okay or she deserved it. She’s just saying these stupid little girls need to act there age. Stop trying to be grown-ups. Hang out with people your own age (or atleast close) These girls get themselves into this situation over and over. They never learn. Tam is lucky the post didn’t read “Tam Cam found nakkid and dead” But you know what? She’ll do the same thing over and over and over again. Stupid little girls!
You idiots don’t notice the door is shut in those pictures. No one would have noticed the flashes from the other room.
Heather, please learn2read
everything you’ve said has been responded to.
Your just making more of a fuss to grab some attention for yourself.
Go choke or get sexually molested by a hobo you dumb fucking bimbo.
Also, if it was indeed taken with a Fuji film the tab has to be lifted up for a flash.
Also, it was said she was stoned, the first time I got stoned you couldn’t wake me up for shit.
Another thing, if you are going to post please put your url in the website box so I can have some ammo to shoot at you.
Lastly, the correct question is: who the fuck are you? I suggest you stop criticizing people and gtfo the internet since you are so wise you shouldn’t associate with us dipsticks.
And, I’m pretty sure if Tam had a child A LOT of people would know. I call my sister[because we look so much alike] My daughter because when we go out people ask me if she is.
Don’t assume.~
lol @ “anonymous”
Close your eyes and look at a light.. what do you see? LIGHT. Even people who are blind can see light.
Can you explain how she didn’t wake up when he was tugging on her shirt? If someone opens the door to my room I wake up, I’d sure as hell wake up if someone was pulling at my shirt and flashing a camera in my face.
How am I digging myself into a hole? I’m not the one in the pictures up there, am I? Stop posting as anonymous you 14 year old douche.
Heather is a stupid bitch that needs to shut her fucking mouth.
You look like a dumbass
Your just digging yourself deeper in the hole
Eyes closed=not seeing flashes
It sure as hell doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out
God damn
omfg heather. shut the fuck up.
she was just SLEEPING. not passed out. from being drunk. she wouldn’t throw up. from weed. she wasn’t drinking.
and maybe they didn’t see the flashes. or maybe they didn’t think anything of them. he was said to have been taking pictures of random things all night.
Obviously this girl was passed out. If she was just sleeping, I think the five bright flashes and someone tugging on her shirt would’ve woken her up.
Shouldn’t her “friends” have been watching her in case she did something like throw up (remember, she doesn’t drink, but she deleted the picture of her holding a glass of booze after someone posted it in here) so they could turn her on her side? Didn’t someone realize that this loser wasn’t with them and that flashes were coming from the room she was in?
FUCK! I was paying Drew good money to get these pictures for me, anyone got the originals? >:]
Lol fuck… if you’re that fucking serious about this all CALL THE POLICE! stop sitting around posting on stickydrama and get this guy in shit for being a disgusting pedo.
Your parents obviously need to find out that their 15 year old daughter is out getting stoned with guys in their 30s!!!
Holy fuck, how stupid can this girl be?! you are putting yourself into dangerous situations, and you don’t have any self control.
You need parents to stop you from doing this kind of shit because next time it will be Tam’s dead, naked body in some ditch because she was getting into this kind of shit.
haha sorry, I wasn’t the idiot passed out with food on my lap while someone was lifting up my shirt and taking pictures.
haha, that heather girl is making herself look like an idiot.
Why does anybody hang around this 40 year old. He should be hanging with other 40 year olds.
Also he hangs around with john hock so you know he approves of john hock and he is also an attention whore.
LOLZ he tries to be friends with only cute hot chicks. Get the picture girls.
She’s really flat chested, why didn’t he try and feel up someone who has actual boobs
Really, if he was going to do that why would he take pics!?!
There’s no good proof that this isn’t staged.
LOL tam does drink LOL at her deleting the video.
HAHA, I love the whole part about her having a daughter. If she really did have an 8 year old daughter than that would make tamira 7 when she had it. Idk I was just thinking about it. Haha.
Heather, i think because like a lot of teens from stickam they DO NOT HAVE LIVES. So they mooch off other people and meet people on the internet and become butt buddies with whoever they can take advantage of.
Danielle, I think said that he would hit on them, and etc.
^ So why did they allow him to be there if he acts like a pig and flirts with girls half his age?
Who is this Brandon Kiss guy? Why was he allowing two 15 year olds and a 30 year old to be in his house alone without him there? Why doesn’t he call the cops if people are always coming to his house when he’s not around and “hanging out” there? Who would want people in your house when you’re not around? That’s odd.. they could be going through all your personal belongings and stealing things.
1. I don’t “pass out” when I smoke weed.
She was probably tired before smoking pot.
2. I get medical weed. So I’m not breaking the law. Even if she says in court, “I was smoking weed” They CANNOT do anything.
3. I’m a guy, and I’ve had something like this happen to me, but I was drunk and feed the “dape rape drug” by my sister’s ex boyfriend. Btw, I’m 21, so I wasn’t breaking the law.
You cannot blame the person that was the victim.
Even if she was sober, He still would of tried to done something. Danielle, I think said that he would hit on them, and etc.
Go post your stupid little comments on the “new/old” one.
I’m not saying pot is “bad”, but it is illegal. Smoke it all you want, but don’t complain when you pass out (you were breaking the law in the first place) and get touched by some creepy 30 year old. She made herself vulnerable to this. Do you think if she was sober the same thing would’ve happened?
first off fuker shuld know better then to pull shit like this wtf was he thinking 2nd if she knew he got bad when he drinks why stay there and put herself in a bad situation even moar by smoking weed i’m not saying she’s at fault at all all i’m saying is that girls need to be careful 3rd at this point her smoking weed would be irrelevant but they do care about ppl smoking weed especially minors trust me i have had friends get fined for position
Heather, stop commenting. You’re making yourself look like an idiot. OH YEAH POT IS SO FUCKING BAD. grow the fuck up. Stop listening to mommy, daddy, and what the media says. IT’S NOT BAD.
Btw, California doesn’t give a shit about pot. I have gotten caught. They said don’t worry about it. It wasn’t a big deal.
Even if she was DRUNK(which she wasn’t, like Brandon said] or high, or sober. It doesn’t fucking mean that she deserved that. Like the person said up there. He is a grown “man” (he doesn’t deserve that title.) He should know better not to do that kind of shit. It’s really sick. He sounds like a real creepy dude. He could of done more than in the pictures. We don’t know! He should go to jail, but more than likely he will not. Which is one reason I think America is fucked up.
tam is a slut.
i will rape and kill that fat hoe.
gross, creepy….
but srsly… this is what happens when you hang out with hairy fat men who are twice your age and have no girlfriend.
i should start doing photography
COMMONSENSE i fucking love you btw
Someone else said you had a daughter, and I seen the picture titled “MY DAUGHTER”.. sooo I don’t see anything dumb about me thinking that.
I’m sure those people wouldn’t want you babysitting their child if they knew you smoked pot, passed out eating Taco Bell, and were under the influence with 30 year olds.
So what if he “invited himself”? Couldn’t someone have asked him to leave? Couldn’t you call the cops if he refused to (well I guess not since there was illegal activity going on)?
I don’t think it’s okay at all.
When it comes down to it, putting aside what kind of people either of them are, she’s 15, he’s 29.
In the eyes of the law he will be punished and she will be the victim, regardless of whatever illegal activities she was doing because SHE’S A MINOR.
He’s a grown man and he should know better than to do something that disgusting.
jesus christ you people who are defending Drew are MENTALLY FUCKING RETARDED!
“Wahhh if she wasn’t Drunk or high it wouldn’t have happened.”
If Drew wasn’t a pedophile it wouldn’t have happened. Since when is it OKAY to basically sexually assault a minor just because they are under the influence of something?
Exactly, it’s not okay.
Wait… She doesn’t drink?
ROFL. No, I don’t have a daughter, wtf? If you’re talking about that picture on my page…thats just a 8 month year old that I babysit sometimes. LOL.
You should all stop starting fights with each other and creating more pointless issues on this post. This is Tam and Drew’s fight to dwell on.
maybe Danielle Alexandria is a bad influence on her, because she’s doing the same things she does!
whoa she has a kid???!! way to be a good parent
She didn’t say she was stoned, her friend who says she was there said it. Why would her friend be “embarrassed”?
So, all of you people sticking up for this girl, would you like to explain to everyone why this girl was out smoking pot and partying instead of being at home with her daughter?
For one, she could easily deny it. And make up a sad excuse as to how she was pressured into ‘saying’ that she was stoned because she was ’embarrassed’ about being taken advantage of. How she is mentally scarred from the whole ordeal, etc. Easily avoidable, EVEN if she stated it in text..on this site. Oh, yeah, and it’s not that hard to mimic someone one here. She could easily deny it.
And about the weed thing…I’ve had multiple friends get caught, actually. Learn about what you’re talking about before you speak up. One police officer pulled us over. The vehicle was boxed, and the cop knew it immediately. Minutes later he searched the car and found his pipe (resonated as hell). All he said was, “Well, if you’re going to have shit like this in your car, at least put it in the trunk where the spare tire should go.” Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh, yeah, and being rolled up on at a park..Boxing in the parking lot. Haaaaa they knock on the window with their knuckles, you look into your lap and say nothing. Obviously blown, yet you pretend as if the Officer isn’t there. He takes the bag of weed, tells you its bad..Drops it on the ground and makes you step on it.
^^True story. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
WOAH…WOAH!!!!!!! TAM DOES INDEED HAVE A DAUGHTER,THIS CHANGES MY OPINION OF HER ENTIRELY…unless of course she got raped then had the baby but i doubt it,,,SO YAH!
^ YES!
“And there is no actual proof that she was under the influence of Marijuana either way.”
^ You saying “TAM WAS STONED EATING CHALUPAS” isn’t enough proof? Everything said on the internet is there forever.
Oh boy, does this girl really have a kid? I fucking hate stupid ass moms who dump their kid off on their family and go out to party and smoke pot.
i just thought id say that tam looks like a barbie doll on 3rd picture (:
thats all.
kiki kannibal said, August 20th, 2008 at 8:48 pm
Keep picking on Drew and next thing ya know he’s trying to fly off a parking garage.
i suck dick
Doesn’t she have a baby?
She need to stop partying and support her baby dumb teenager mother slut.
Okay… I gotta admit, publicity stunt or not – its a bit much having someone almost 30 look down a 15 year old’s shirt.
However… Just look at TamCam for a second.
Can you really blame him? I mean come on?
A) Passed out on the couch.
B) Uneaten Challupa on her lap!! (That has “consent” written all over it, I would have been confused too)
C) Its TamCam.
I dunno. Yeah, wrong of him to do it; whatever the background story is. But still… damn.
I think it’s stupid how people try to sound so smart but they are so ignorant!
He may have not touched her, molested her, raped her. BUT however he did take pictures of her breast which is child pornography which shouldn’t be allowed on here censored or not.
Also if he took pictures of her breast, don’t you think he at least touched them too? I mean yeah he was gonna jack off to the pictures later but seriously if he’s gonna do that he’d probably touch them too!
gtfo Drew supporters 🙂
What the fuck? I knew that guy was creepy I only met him once,he also grabbed my ass LOL.
“the images were created Monday, August 4th at 1:56 AM”
alright, so it’s already August 21st, and nothing has happened yet.
DREW IS A FAT ASS PIECE OF SHIT. these were takin the same night as mine and danielles pic. Drew ha tried getting with tam, danielle, megz, mandy, everyone.
even me.
the only guy i’d ever allow to touch me is jeffree star. this stink hole only likes the pink. LOL
well, Drew, when i get done rubbing my fuzzy mouse bals all over your hairy rhino back, you can EAT MY CORNHOLE.
yes. corn all up in my pooper
imy Corey Texas, and so does October
brandon ily <3
^^ win
Ok, first of all, the only stance i’m officially taking is that I wish that whatever happened never happened.
There’s no point in all of you speculating because obviously no one was there as a witness.
(If I had witnessed this anyone will tell you I would have been chasing someone with a baseball bat)
And unfortunately a lot goes on at my house without my knowledge. For example: when I was at warped tour I found out that around 7 or 8 people were chilling at my place without my permission. And the night before my first day of classes, even though I had locked the door, about 4 or 5 people let themselves in at 5am by climbing onto my balcony and opening the sliding glass door.
My point is that the events which took place occurred without my consent and were beyond a reasonable and prudent person’s control. I was not even home at this time. (I often have to drive to the store for groceries or give people rides home). And Drew was a good friend of ours. All of us. Everyone knew him and had positive experiences with him and trusted him (he was not some “creepy stranger” or whatever)
And Tam was NOT drinking because she knows that I won’t allow it. She’s like a little sister to me, and I’m protective of her. She knows she’s not allowed to get drunk at my house. (Not that my rules matter anyway because if you know Tam IRL you’d know that she doesn’t drink).
I don’t allow these sorts of things to happen at my house. You can ask people who have been over why the doorknob was missing from one of my guest bedrooms- someone underage who I suspected was inebriated was in a locked room with someone who I thought might be taking advantage, and I KICKED THE FUCKING DOOR DOWN.
Like I said I love Tam as if she were my little sister and I wish this never ever happened. If it were reasonably preventable, trust me, I would have prevented it.
In all honesty, I think Drew is kind of hot, js
What he did was wrong, but its just a little boob shot
Its not like he’s touching her
Yes, it’s a big deal
Yes, it was very wrong
Yes, he should be punished
But now this is getting blown out of proportion and made a bigger deal of than it actually is
My heart does out to Tam, because she’s had to go through this, but I think the rest of us should just let it go
Okay so this seems to be a big deal but you are all making it a little more than it is. Sure its probably him in the pics and he seems like the type of guy that might be a little pervy but girls get that all the time. Sure he might be unattractive but these younger girls shouldn’t be hanging around older guys drinking and doing drugs because stuff like this happens a lot. Its just a little boob shot, it was wrong but Tam won’t be scarred for life, she was the victim and all my sympathy goes out to her, but lets be honest you sleep in the bed you keep, and in this case it was a couch around older guys. I think the damage is done this guy has been publicly outed and will remember this the next time he acts creepy around girls, it shouldn’t be a jailable offense, its just a boob shot, really.
Tam, no, you don’t know what happened. YOU WERE SLEEPING.
Stop letting people tell you what happened. you shouldn’t be believing what people tell you. you’re young and impressionable.
and you don’t drink?
thats just a lie.
stop posting on here, you’re making it worse for yourself.
you’ve got a terrible image already.
Don’t think because you’re young you can get away with anything.
you can’t prove anything.
and it’s not as obvious as you’re telling people it is.
you’re going to find out sooner or later.
So.. what’s next?
Lol. I like this line: “Maybe if this girl wasn’t breaking the law by smoking pot she wouldn’t have passed out and had this happen to her.”
Just thought I’d bring it to your attention. 80-90 percent of California smokes or HAS smoked before in their life. Most of the Jury would laugh at a defense like that. I highly doubt anyone would overlook sexual harassment because one was smoking…HAHAHAHAA. That’s like saying someone who commits a murder would get charged less because the person they murdered was on Heroine. Well..Not really. But you get my point, I’m sure. Either way, In California weed practically ISN’T illegal. You can only get arrested for possession if it’s above an ounce, I belief. And there is no actual proof that she was under the influence of Marijuana either way. And if there was, it wouldn’t go far.
weed isn’t really a drug… it’s a natural plant.
everyone stop talking about “OH SHE WAS SMOKING POT1!!!!!!!!!11”
California doesn’t give a shit about ganja.
Once again…
– What was she doing smoking weed? Just because it’s a “minor offense” doesn’t mean it’s not against the law. And so what if they give out marijuana for medical reasons in CA? They give out Xanax and Vicodin for medical reasons but that doesn’t make it okay to take them if they weren’t prescribed to you.
– What is this 30 year old guy doing on Stickam? Get a fucking job.. and what is he doing hanging out with this girls friend who is like 15? I’m just turning 16 and the oldest friend I ever had is only 21. Hang out with people your own age, plzthx?
– Maybe if this girl wasn’t breaking the law by smoking pot she wouldn’t have passed out and had this happen to her.
I’m not taking sides, both parties are obviously stupid.
I’m sure that when she goes to press charges, this Drew guy’s lawyer will be bringing up the fact that she was passed out because she was doing drugs.
I love the 25% off and one free gram of medical marijuana cupons in the LA weekly. Its california, get the fuck over it.
i hope stickydrama can continue to have interesting posts like this one!
Keep fucking up your lives kids!! We love to see you crash and burn!
you guys are ridiculous, that’s not even bad, jfc.
he didn’t rape her, nor did he molest her.
He BARELY touched her, if that.
Shut the fuck up and post something good.
am i the only one that lol’d at JOHN HOCK calling drew a sick creep.. .because…. uhm i think i’ve seen his small dick, loose asshole, and raep 903832894 times… also, tam is obv saying she wasnt drinking.. but what the fuck else was she doing… to not notice flashes and her tits being pulled on, weed is not gonna make you go into a coma. ALSO mariah, you shouldn’t call anyone ignorant, LOL lern2spell before trying to explain ANYTHING.
i feel bad for tam..
that a very old, unattractive guy had to do this to her…
i’m pretty sure if she can turn back time she would’ve.
tam, please stay away from old men in the future that tend to like recording people without their permission :[
and stawp doing drugs, it’ll make you fug, and you will end up pregnant, with nothing to show but chalupas.
I have a feeling stickydrama is going to milk this post for a while .
well i wont lie, i’d do him. hes cute
okay, ive never met dru or talked to him what so ever, but ive known tamira since 3rd grade. For those of you who are getting upset that she was luaghing about the chalupa or whatever need to realize that tamira has always been the type of person who luaghs at things when theyr funny, no matter what the circumstance. And Looking at all the pictures its obviously dru. And if tamira wants to smoke like besically everybody here, she can. People who say that dru is a nice guy and that he would never do anything like this, your so ignorant. Not een going further than that. Besically she was hanging out with friends smoked some weed, passed out and some creeper felt her up. If she wants to go to the police she will. All of this is basically a repeat of what so many people are saying so LISTEN. and peach, your probably somebody from some small town like wisconsin where nothing ever happens. And for whoever said that danielle shouldnt have left her in a bad situaution? how was she saposed to know that he was doing this or about to, if she did wwould this have happened? When you are among friends you think ur safe.
to all you preachers tamira is obviously not going to take u seriously. your just text on her computer screen.
it’s funny how NOW everyone is talking so much shit about Drew but when he exposed john hock EVERYONE was praising him, yet now everyone is coming out saying “oh he’s always been creepy” “he’s always been a bad drunk”
that’s what you fucking get.
your life is destroyed .
move the fuck out of la.
why would you do that sick shit you fucking asshole
i wanna see the pics without the black spots! Tams tiny titties ftw!
yes there all pedos.
mostly John hock.!!!
commonsense, you weren’t at the house so stop assuming what tam did/didn’t do because you’re looking like a jackass.
You probably don’t even know Tam personally (irl or on stickam) so you sound pretty retarded telling her what to do.
Wow, this is crazy.
Didn’t all you people praise this Drew character for revealing the ‘True John Hock’? When, in fact, it was obviously an attempt at popularity. Hence him being in his live..And posting the video on his profile. Now, Tam does the same thing, but what she posts about involves a SERIOUS problem, and you all turn your backs about it. It’s pretty funny, really. It’s like, “Hey! John Hock has a fake personality, and Drew posted it to enlighten us with the truth! :O I LOVE YEW”…Then it’s like: “OMGZ, Tam totally posted the incriminating photos of our beloved Drew molesting her in an unconscious state to reveal his pervish antics, and hopefully save other unconscious 15 year olds in the future. FUCK YEWWWWWW!”
As you can see I’m bored, hence me actually keeping up with this blog shit. Or whatever the hell this is.
she knew he showed up when she was “sober” but yet she still stayed there. she knew he was drinking, but also stayed there. her “friends” left her alone when she was passed out KNOWING Drew was there and since they all have agreed that the feel Drew is a creep, they still left her alone. I’ve been wasted & blown off my ass but if my best friend were in that situation, i would not have left her alone, but hey, that’s just me.
Pls learn to not be such a stupid fucking cunt. Don’t go hang out with twenty plus year old men in an apartment and get drunk. Your fault for setting yourself up. I wish you would’ve gotten your pussy torn up nigga. WOOOOOOOOOPZ /b/LACKUP
Some of you people are complete fucking idiots.
Do us all a favor and get yourself neutered, please. I cannot stand stupid people.
Tam is the victim.
stop making up you’re lame ass little theories,
and grow up.
tam, ftw.
all of your people saying this is ‘staged’ and other shit, just imagine if this happened to you.
would you like it if people were telling you that you were lying, or that it was all your fault.
think about that.
then maybe you’ll think twice before you say something that makes you sound like an ass.
yo commonsense, did you not read what tam said?? SHE DOES NOT DRINK ALCOHOL you moron. also tam is like 6ft tall… im sure if she wanted too she could handle 3 beers and kick your ass all at once.
Keep picking on Drew and next thing ya know he’s trying to fly off a parking garage.
It doesn’t matter if she was around older people. Most teenagers hang out with older people now days. Teenagers have basically evolved since “back then”. They’re not these idiotic little people that have fun by having girlie sleepovers. He’s the adult, He knew she was MUCH YOUNGER than he is, he had no buisness of pulling her shirt down regardless of where she’s at. She has the right to be whereever she wants to be at.
and why did TAM post this.?
just deal with this stuff offline.
dont try to get famous from it.
this is boring.
sticky drama blows.
still, until she can handle her booze/weed, she should not be going to parties.
I dont believe for a second tam was not hammered (probably 3 beers with her body weight and age) when these pics were taken.
so tams “irl” friends, not only essentially deserted her in her passed out state, they also didnt notice at least 5-6 flashes going off from the room she was in OR notice that drew wasnt with them.
Perfect storm of fuckups and i cant help but think this or worse is going to happen again.
Yes, I’m totally sure it will happen again. I’m sure that Miss Tam here will find herself passed out at her friends house, and get taken advantage of by a supposed ‘friend’ while being in an altered state, an/or unconscious. Sounds like a very applicable theory there, commonsense. This is like the -biggest- Stickydrama post of the century. There are like 3-trillion comments and what not. It’s intense, really.
The only people who matter in this situation is the people who were there. The rest of you need to stop making judgments and pointing fingers, I know from what I’ve been told, this is shocking news to every one of them because Drew was a trusted friend. Tam is doing what she feels need to be done. Her friends have her back, and the rest of you need to shut up.
On another note
Brandon gives me a huge boner.
We have already discussed any repercussions that may fall upon us.
not that serious, and worth the risk if tams feels this is the right thing to do
1st – Tam Cam is obviously passed out, not sleeping. Probably alcohol and likely weed? Either way – no sober person falls asleep with 1/2 eaten food in their lap, she was on *SOMETHING*
2nd – a “pedo” is someone interested in people 13 years or younger. Tam is 15. Drew is technically NOT a pedo.
3rd – What was a 15 year old doing at a party with obviously much older people? Where are the parents?
Not excusing Drew for what he did, but A LOT of blame for this rests SQUARELY on Tam. She should not have been there in the first place.
Tam’s best bet would be to forget the police and make this a learning experience. Becuase if she is already passing out at parties at 15 – this and/or WORSE is *going* to happen again unless she learns. That is certain.
Bringing the law into this is going to get her friends in trouble(Supplied alcohol/drugs to a minor) and very likely drag her parents into it for allowing her to be at this party in the first place.
Wise up Tam, you cannot possibly think you have done nothing wrong in this situation. Sure drew is a creep, but you are in no way completely innocent here either.
also, your friends possesing the unaltered pics should get rid of them quick if you really are dumb enough to get the law involved.
Wise up, learn from this and dont get yourself in this situation again. Cause it will surely happen again.
I never comment on posts on Stickydrama because most of them are incredibly stupid, but accusing someone of such things as this is just wrong.
Danielle speaks the truth when she said they were taken with a high-quality camera. These pictures were taken with a Fujiflim FinePix S9000, as seen here:
Now, while these attributes are able to be changed, I highly doubt that any of the dumbfucks involved in all this drama would be smart enough to think about matching them to the attributes of Drew’s camera.
I do have a problem with this though, because the image is a composition of several photos, which would have been put together with some type of photo-editing program, obviously.
The only way it would have saved the camera attributes would have been if they opened the first image and just added the other photos on underneath, instead of creating a new file that they would just paste the images in to.
But there’s also the point that someone could have taken his camera and flash drive to try and stage all this.
There’s really just no way to know.
Personally, I think all of this is just some type of ruse created for attention. I know that if it were me in Tam’s position and this was all true, I definitely would not take everything to some site like Stickydrama. Rape victims never want to come out and tell people because it’s so embarrassing and you never know how people will react, I’d imagine that even though the offense isn’t to the same degree of rape, that there would still be some validity to similar feelings UNLESS it was fake, obv.
But honestly, most of the information on here is incredibly inaccurate, and many of the people that visit & comment on the posts are incredibly ignorant.
None of us knew Drew was coming over. He invited himself. Stop complaining about how “I” shouldn’t have sent this to sticky. If you read the article correctly you would notice that I DIDN’T send it in. I gave permission because everyone told me this would be a good thing to send in to show and warn people what can happen.
Am I really sticking up for myself? Not really. I know what happend and what is wrong. I am trying to help explain the situation.
You guys need to understand that I was NOT drunk. I DID NOT drink. I DO NOT drink. And I am pretty sure there was NO underaged drinking. The only pople drinking that I know of were Brandon (duh) and Drew.
ew perverrrrt.
somebody should srsly butt rape him.
hope he drops the soap..
so then if drew was high and drunk too he’s not at fault? learn to make reasonable statements retard, it will come back at you.
i llove how “anonymouse” are suddenly professionals in
She put herself in a dangerous situation. It doesn’t make her at fault, but it sure doesn’t fucking help her case any.
She’s not at fault because she was stoned, shut your fucking mouths about that. Who smokes weed and says “You know what? I think I might get sexually assaulted if I do this”. Drew is at fault. He took advantage of the situation. Tam is a sweetheart and I wish her the best. I just think it would have been smarter to contact the authorities before stickydrama if you are serious about pressing charges =]
drew stop being a creep,
and tam, stop being stupid.
it’s both of their faults, who the fuck cares, and all the faggots saying smoking weed wont get you in trouble with the law in california, lol SHUT THE FUCK UPPP faggot, YEAH they give out medical marijuanna cards, BUT DOES SHE HAVE ONE? no.
go up to a cop show him your stash, or tell him you smoke weed, LOL LET’S SEE WHAT HAPPENZ SHALL WE~
i really dont understand why people are defending him.
i laugh at you guys saying its framed, theres no question or doubt in my mind that it WAS him. a retarded person would be able to tell you this.
i think she should still take it to court.
and i believe the she stated the reason why she took this to stickydrama is so that other girls are aware of him and his actions.
no one likes drew, hes human he fucks up but lying about it makes it ten times worse.
man up, you get no action and you were horny as hell. oh well.
now you pay for it and go to jail.
Don’t call Tam a slut just because shes hotter than you and you wished you looked like that.
There isn’t really much to say besides this is blatantly true. Who cares if Drew is a “nice genuine guy” plenty of nice genuine guys have the ability to touch a passed out 15 year old girl.
how is drew a victim?
grrr, rape is a harsh word considering there was no penetration. i dont think tam is a slut or a whore or anything like that. i do think she is a victim, and i do think drew is a victim here too. someone fucked up. idk who. but i just dont think drew would do this. IF drew was framed, i dont think tam or danielle ad a part in it.
i dont even know what to say :/
drew is such a nice guy. but i absolutely love tam to death. shes such a nice person
but dayum drew 🙁
and to the people saying he’s innocent and not guilty, that he would never do something like that.
look at the black eye he gave john a few weeks ago.
yeah anyone would land him one if they had the chance.
but if he was such a nice guy he wouldnt have resorted to that .
i feel bad for drew for actually finding the will in his head to do this whether sober or drunk.
il tam <3
lol @ girls knowingly putting themselves in dangerous positions and crying assault when something like this happens. grow a brain and stop making my gender look bad.
Tam you will not get introuble for smoking weed,you could tell a cop that you smoke weed and he can not do anything.Aslong as you dont have anything on you/your not high at the time..
Some of you idiots need to get your eyes checked. Its obviously the same sweater and the same scars on his arms.
oh and P.S
tam wouldnt get in trouble for being stoned, sorry ,… but reality check guys. marijuana in california is the most minor offense, they prescribe medicinal marijuana cards here for christ sakes.
so if a 15 year old and 30 year old are together, and the 15 year old wants to have fun with her friends, and a 30 year old rapes her because she was drinking, its the 15 yr olds fault?
open your eyes.
TAM isn;t at fault here, you would asssume regardless of age that if you were around your friends that you trust, nothing like this would ever happen, and being intoxicated or not is irrelevant , it makes no difference. drew is 30, he should have the common sense and respect to know that … thats fucking disgusting and pathetic.
but yes, blaming a 15 year old girl for being assaulted since she was “high” sounds intelligent.
you guys are such fucking faggots, get a life, every one of you are 15 year old girl craving pedophiles, this tam bitch is a slut, she should be doing drugs around people she doesnt trust or know, and especially a 30 year old. and you faggots who lurk stickydrama 24/7 you’re never going to know the truth so stop acting like you have it all figured out shit sherlocks, everything on the internet is glamorized, cunts.
SOMEONE might have “framed” (LOL your guys are gay for using such gay phrases) drew by telling some other internet whore guy to wear his hoodie,
but i highly doubt it, and it could’ve been drew pinching her nipples or whatever the fuck he’s doing,
but honestly, ALL OF THIS IS SKETCHY, both of them are fucking stupid.
tam = dumb drugged up stupid slut
drew = creepy old guy
and tams is fucking ridiculous to come home and give stickydrama the news first and not the police, since she’s saying she’s pressin charges, she’s fake, he’s fake,
this is all again another shout out for attention.
let both of them die. don’t give them your attention. fame crazed bitches, need a reality checkkkkkk.
uhm i was here this night too … and i distinctly remember hearing TAM say ,”drew youre not drinking are you?”
and him responding with … yes why?
and shes like no … thats a bad idea.
drews response being , “why? why is that bad?”
and tam saying … “it just is, dont do it.”
then drew getting offended and walking off.
but frankie, brittany and I left at this point to go to a beach party, came back and drew was still there at like 2am, mostly everyone was passed out, and yes, he was wearing that sweater.
i wasn’t here when any of this happened, but i was there that night before and after , since i was staying with brandon for a few weeeks until i moved into my own place.
and how can ANY of you say this is staged? how pathetic is that? and TAM did something wrong because she was “high” or “intoxicated” ? i don’t think that is any excuse to be sexually assaulted.
i love and hate you all.
flame on.
LIttle miss Chelsea Criner, She is dancing like a Chola, not a big deal, or questionable. Not like she has nude picures everwhere like you do, i’m sure if you were violated in this way it wouldn’t matter that much because everyones seen your tits anyways, right?
fucking idiots, most of you.
and Peach, i understand you feel the need to defend drew, but rly just keep your theories to yourself so you don’t look so foolish in the end.
Anon, that comment was not irrelevant. What I was saying is the pictures are NOT fake. Drew is not even famous, why would someone take the time to make such convincing fake pictures of someone nobody cares about?
Why was a fifteen year old even at that party? Seriously.
i’m not taking sides.
maybe he didn’t know a 15 yr old was going to be there.
maybe she didn’t know a 29 yr old was going to be there.
neither of them are angels. the entire situation is retarded.
i’m not a lawyer, but Tam if you intend on pressing charges you should probably just shut your trap. if i were you, i wouldn’t talk about this or post here again. i’d also clean up some of the questionable material from your profile.
i knew i didnt like him after the last stickydrama post about him and john hock.
feels good to be right.
fine. drew is a huge perv that loves touching little girls…. is that what you all want to hear?
yeah i just know him from the internet but im pretty sure i know him more then most people in real life.. js.
im just assuming things and all i see is what goes on on cam of course, but thats enough for me to feel that most/all of the people involved can’t be trust. sorry.
okay so i wasn’t there but fuck, all of this looks soo shady there is something up….
its going to come out what the real story is eventually … so i think im just going to sit back and let this all roll over just like the rest of the shady bullshit posted.
California doesn’t give a shit about weed, moron.
Isn’t this guy a little old to be on Stickam and hanging out with 15 year olds? Doesn’t he have like a JOB or something?
Danielle Alexandria said, August 19th, 2008 at 2:36 pm
First off,
Tam was STONED eating chalupas.
^Yeah, nice. Just admit that your friend was breaking the law, moron.
Its obviously drew. Look at the shape of the hand and arm in both pictures. of course his arm looks slimmer in the rape picture because its bent at a different angle. look at your arm, then bend it differntly..
Drew defender… everyone seems nice on the internet dont they? Even if you meet them in real life. They want you to like them. its called.. reputation. So they can get away with sick shit and if it ever gets exposed.. theres enough people saying what a nice person they are.
i thought drew was a real big sweetheart too. But its obvious that’s his arm. He’s a sick, disgusting, overweight fuck who deserves to go down for this shit. And all you drew defenders can suck my dick, because go ahead and find some pictures of the people at the party. find someone who has an arm like drews in that picture, with those markings. the hair on his arm seems finer? AHEM, LOOK AT THE LIGHT DIRECTION, MORON. Casts shadows and highlights over his arms in both those pictures so dont go judging by arm hair.
he did it, it’s obvious. So suck my nut, you fags.
Ok wow.
People snoop, and lurk, I know I always look at everyone’s pictures on their phone/comp/camera October could have just been looking through things because she was curious. I mean if some guy was running around with a camera all night I’d like to know what kind of pictures he took of me and everyone else. God knows how many embarrassing photos may have been taken.
Drew CLEARLY states “I do not remember ever doing that” that does not mean he didn’t do it. I’ve used that same line countless times when I’ve been drunk. But doesn’t mean I didn’t do it. Why would he ever admit to revealing an underage girl’s breast and taking photos of it? He than also goes on to say “still I don’t believe this happened” well obviously he doesn’t need to believe it happened, because he KNOWS it happened.
Tam Cam.
I highly suggest you do take this to the authorities if you have not. It is better that you,. what probably get community service? for doing drugs (underage) than allow this molester to get off scott free.
To the person who said to let it all go because this would haunt Drew for the rest of his life.. wtf. Seriously, you are incredibly stupid.
drew is a fuck
tam is winnar
i love her<3
mkayy. id just like to say, that everyone shouldnt judge someone fully if they don’t actually know them in irl. October would never start shit, nor is she into blaming drew about john. gtfover it. october is most likely the most intelligent and mature girls i’ve met in my life. So Peach stfu about someone you do not know. Drew took pictures its obvious. I’m definitely sure that if HIS camera memory card had these pictures on them, & they show HIS arm obviously, HE is at fault here. October would never stage something like that, she could care less about drama & drew. Tam seems like a nice girl & because, NOT BECAUSE OF AGE [which you all stress over so much, you ‘omgzz shes 15 & hes blahblah] she would’ve not chosen to show drew and this was done without her permission. AGE yes NOW comes into the issue, he is fairly old & she is fairly younger then him. But on the other side, hanging out with older people shouldn’t be so stressed out about. I don’t see the difference why someone that is 15 and someone that is 19 or w/e shouldn’t hang out. If people enjoy eachother, if someone has the maturity to where as they strive to hang out with people that can match that maturity, i think they should. Age shouldn’t be judged upon, only experiences and how one holds themself should determine maturity and not concern them of that age barrier that you all overly dramatize about. BUT when someone breaks trust and does something that the other person would never allow, now that should be a seen-upon issue that should be overly stressed. So, Go Tam & leave October the fuck alone, she’s never negative, only always positive. And! drugs- who gives a fuck. live life, and if someone wants to do them then thats their decision & thats how they choose to enjoy themselves. Does not mean they wont get cancer or fail in the future. Hell, how many successful people that went to an amazing university smoke weed or do other drugs? especially in california for godsakes. medical marijuana- about 95% of people smoke weed in our amazing state 😀 hahaha just walk down hollywood and highland and youll hear someone yell ‘kush or green!’ or see someone with a joint. bahaha <33
oooooo lovin it stickydrama, LOVIN IT!
why would tam even want this out there?
but gross,ugh.
Alright well for the time I was on I did remember getting hit on by drew in dennis’s live. And when dennis told drew “drew don’t be a peso, desi’s a dumb little 15 year old girl” drew would say something like that dosent matter she’s cute or some weird shit, he is a nice guy though, a little creepy but extreamly nice.
but also, I would suggest tam (who i adore) and danielle (who I also adore) to not get stonned and hang out with 30year old, cause from every guy that I know they are more attracted to teenagers than anyone.
be safe..
but also I do not know if this could be the real deal I’d not, I do believe it is his hand but maybe they where doing it as a (dumb) joke or whatever.who knows, all I know is, if I where tam I would not want this on stickydrama, i woulda just went to court and got it over with. Bad move on their part.
btw; dennis I think I correctly spelled everything!!
its all an elaborate hoax planned by hock to fuck drew for exposing his funny drunk self on stickydrama….
AliiiLove, stop being a fucking troll.
Either way. Everyone should learn something.
Young girls, don’t get stoned or wasted around guys who creep you out. People who are above the age of 21. Don’t hang out with people who are 15 years old. You’re playing with fire. Don’t air your life problems on Stickydrama, it’s YOUR life, not ours. As much as we love reading the posts from Stickydrama, you can’t be pissed for people giving their opinions because YOU decided to put your life out there for all of us to watch as you slowly throw your lives down the drain while you think being famous on stickam is going to get you very far in life.
Drew is a bitch ass, ugly ass, fat ass, pedophile ass, nigger ass, fucking, no-action getting man, hangouts with little kids, fucked in the head
Maaaaaaaan, fuck him, i hope his ass goes to jail
“The above photos were taken at Brandon Kiss’s residence, where many Stickam folk socialize and reside. Metadata on the original photos—which were sent to StickyDrama—prove the images were created Monday, August 4th at 1:56 AM, at which time Drew, Tam and several others were at Brandon’s. Days later, October Hallow happened to browse through the flash drive containing the memory card for Drew’s camera. She discovered the photos, which she promptly emailed to Tam’s best friend Danielle Alexandria, who sent the photos to StickyDrama (with Tam’s approval.)”
–As creepy as all of these pictures are..alls im saying is..if you were all ‘concerned’ why was it the first thing you did was send them to Danielle and then to Sticky?..personally, im sure im not the only to say this but id bring this to the proper authorities not to an online tabloid site. As shitty as this whole thing is bottom line is..the judge is going to lol at all of you.. sure you can bring up “oh he touched me and took pics” but what about “oh she was passed out on the couch due to the fact she was under the influence of weed” Im not going to preach cause what you do on your time is whatevs..and what Drew did isnt right doesnt matter if she was 15 or 25 its not right. But Pedophile is a STRONG, HARSH word that can really damage his life..that word is being thrown around far to liberally these days.
Alright, I just got done reading all this, all the people who don’t agree and who agree, lemme fair warn you, this might be a little long.
Peach – I’d like to know how fucking hard you were beat with a stick at birth to have a mental defect you have? I mean, seriously are you that fucking retarded you can’t comprehend fucking facts, here, go back to being 14-15 get stoned and have some one take inappropriate pictures of you.
God fucking ignorant people annoy me to death. Also, internet friends when it comes down to it, YOU DON’T KNOW THEM OTHER THEN ON STICKAM.
Your best ‘e-bff’ could be a manic serial killer for all you know, men get horny, ‘pedophiles/manic serial killers’ Do indeed present themselves as wonderful people.
I didn’t even fucking bother to read that full post you wrote because it was such a fucking waste of space.
As for ‘October Hallow drama’ How the fucking would you know?
Oh my bad, because drew says that’s the only reason.
Now to the next person,
Melanie, Where have you been? I mean, your just about the same as that hillbilly girl Peach, you two should be best friends.
You’re both ignorant fucks with no better thing to do then defend some creep you met on the net.
Your the type of girls that would stand in front of a train if drew told you to.
How pathetic, now please look at those pics closer and pay very close attention, I know it’s going to pass right on over you both, but I wonder how you can’t see they are the same, now wait, scroll on up think harder then you’ve ever thought, [I know it’s hard] Now it should dawn on you. Congrats.
Too many people made ‘friends’ with this guy and their judgment is being clouded. But then again, I’ve seen peaches personality and how fucking retarded the dumb bitch is before my eyes.
Congrats peach and Melanie you have survived the tough cruel world by still remaining ignorant.
omgz internet drama. ily tam, october, megan and jarett
okay, so i dont know any of these people in real life.
but some of you people are just idiots. . .
you’re saying “if he was grabbing your ass before and making you uncomfortable why would you even put yourself in that situation again”
okay, so i dont think she PUT herself in this situation, dumb ass, he did that shit before because he was drunk.
Tam was at the house before he was and didn’t know he was drinking at the time.
just because he did one (or a few,lol) stupid things before while he was drunk doesn’t mean she is going to avoid him and never talk to him again.
but this time it just went to far.
I’m on Tams side all the way.
and you people saying that she shouldn’t be laughing about taco bell and saying that she should be crying in a corner about this shit. your just stupid.. . for a lack of a better word. okay she wasn’t raped. this was bad. but its not traumatizing for life. I’m sure she was very upset when she found out. but that doesnt mean she cant laugh with her friends or find things funny anymore. .
and if i were her i WOULD have sent this shit to Stickydrama as well. one of the reasons just to show people what this man did to her. the same person that they were all sticking up for and praising when he sent in the videos of john. they were probably trying to show you what kind of person he really is. and that you cant trust anyone.
sorry, if this didn’t make sense all typed out lol.
Elenor Rigby has a point,what can you say in court ‘i was assaulted because i was stoned causing me to be a ridiculously heavy sleeper’.so who gets the bigger punishment,lindsay lohan or r.kelly up there? and drew doesnt even have an alibi because he was there.lose/lose situation.smell the coffee, or should i say beer?
and lol at Andrew Munns for posting
Uhm, who didn’t see this coming from the creepy pedophile that is Drew?
How can anyone tell Tam what she should or shouldn’t do.
Point is, she thought she was around her FRIENDS… FRIENDS don’t do shit like that.
If something like this happened to me when I was 15 I would have been devastated!
And I really don’t care how much older the other friends in the group are…. [and this isn’t to anyone specifically], when you are 30, you shouldn’t be hanging out anywhere near where 15 year olds are hanging out. That is fucking weird. Maybe that’s just me, and maybe I would have had a different opinion at 15… but being only 23 I ld think it’s weird to have a “friend” who is 15.
hey, i believe this for sure.
i still don’t know how i’m in the first picture pushing my girlfriend up against the wall kissing her, but hey, its hot. whatever.
and yeah ugh, drew has said a bunch of flirty creepy shit to my girlfriend when i step out of the room and scaring her , asking to take pictures with her.
End Of Story.
blah blah blah who honestly cares blah blah blah when you see it you will shit brix blah blah
ok so yes drew gives the appearance that he is indeed a very nice guy and would always talk about how he wouldnt touch a 15 year old. HOWEVER, you can never trust people or know what theyre really thinking. I considered drew one of my best friends and because of this im never going to speak to him again. im in complete shock. i was even ready to defend him when i only HEARD about these pics, but hadnt seen them. TAM IS NOT A WHORE IN ANY WAY AND IF YOU GUYS KNEW HER YOU WOULDNT BE TALKING SHIT. ALSO, this post is not about danielle. its about a man who violated a girl and thats that. its not right. end of story. why keep talking about random shit? you look like a fucking idiot. get to the main point please
What I think is funny is that when the post about Drew filming John Hock being a violent drunk, everyone was praising him saying how sweet of a guy he is and he’s a great person blah blah, but now everyone has come out saying “he’s always been a creep” “he’s not a good person” etc.
God damn kids..
wow. well if you look at her videos she’s seen dancing around in her panties so come on now, of course that is going to lure in the sleezy guys
you guys need to learn the definition of pedophile… if drew did indeed like her it still wouldnt make him a pedophile. ppl used to marry 15 yr olds. get a fucking education. the term pedophile does not apply to him. pedophile applies to ppl liking much younger individuals. And its not child porn if these pictures were posted in their entirety – its under 12 for it to be child porn. My dads a lawyer, i hear about this shit.
^^^ Very true. Also, Danielle didn’t even take Hock to court! If I’m mistaken she was trying to get up on his dick a few months ago! Tam I’m sure will follow in the same footsteps
none of you know what youre talking about. tam and danielle are not drama whores. you dontknow them personally. i do. tam wasnt awake for this sure, which is maybe why shes not traumatized for it? but thats not the point. everyone is responsible for their actions and know right from wrong and drew shouldve know not to touch ANYONE, excluding the fact shes 15 or was smoking or ANYTHING, DREW SHOULD NOT HAVE TOUCHED HER OR TAKEN THOSE PICTURES.
^ unless you’re danielle alexandria
then you parade about it all the time.
Notice how those two are the only ones who parade around when they get molested.
TAM. Why are you trying to defend yourself so much with people on stickam? We aren’t involved in this and you should stop posting on here, bc ur making urself look bad. Stop hanging out with old dudes, lay off the ganja, and stop having friends who run to Stickydrama with everything. Seems like you LIKE all this attention. How exactly do you know for sure it what happened if you were blown out of your mind to the point where you can get molested & not remember or feel anything.
I know girls who have been molested & raped and Stickydrama is the LAST place they would want to talk about this. Drew, if you are taken to court, print out all these comments because how Tam is acting, she finds SOME humor it even if it is over a fucking Chalupa and when girls get raped/molested/violated in any way, it’s not something they like to parade around.
oh wow…
i believe he is guilty.
even through that conversation it seems he did it.
Christ. She has no case in court. I’m sorry. It’s terrible what happened but you can’t see his face and there just isn’t enough evidence. Also, the fact that Tam was blown out of her mind and KNEW he was there when she was awake & spoke to him knowing full well he was drinking, and still did NOTHING to leave the situation doesn’t help her case. The fact that she is laughing about it, talking so openly about it, coming to Stickydrama about it, ruins her case as well. Usually when a girl her age is molested (even if she wasn’t awake for it), they show certain symptoms which a psychologist will determine. TYPICALLY when something like this happens, young women dont want to talk about it or feel shameful in some way.
Every1 who was there will have to testify, which means everyone of 21 & older will get charged for providing alcohol/drugs to minors.
I say leave it alone.
So she was hanging out with older people, does that give them the right to to stick their hands down her shirt?
uh. no?
and all you people carrying on about how shes 15 and shouldnt be getting stoned blablabla live in a dream world, do you honestly think all 15 year olds are still playing with my little pony and dreaming of unicorns? she was stoned big woop.
dirty fucks.
“or the 30 year old man should’ve kept his hands to himself.
that woulda prevented a lot too.”
yeah, but if she felt uncomfortable weeks before, and he grabbed her ass, why would she continually hang out with him? it doesn’t make sense. yeah, if he did it, it’s disgusting and he needs to be punished. but it’s not all his fault.
either way, if you take him to court, tams gonna get fucked for smoking, along with alot of other people there.
Oh, way to fuck over Brandon too, if you take Drew to court, you’re gonna get shot down for smoking, and Brandon’s gonna get shot down for not stopping you in his house.
kay so everybody is saying why is Tam putting herself in the situation by hanging out with older people
what about Drew?
why is he hanging out with 15 year olds anyways
How could anyone think that this was fake?
im so upset. this is so fucked up. tam i love you and danielle the only reason i didnt believe you was cause u wouldnt tell me anything when i tried asking you about it. im so disgusted. if anyone defends drew on this ur fucking stupid cause we all know drew personally and you dont. and drew usually doesnt show anything on his cam drive due to he takes all kinds of people pictures and hes supposedly “professional” about it. none of this was planned out for a stupid fucking stickydrama post ASSHOLES.
as if she knew hed take those types of pics dumbass. i swear you all arre so fucking stupid. just cause hes nice doesnt mean hes not a pervert
“Tam has confirmed with StickyDrama that she intends to press charges.”
stupid ass, obviously she did and has already put into motion a series of charges.
“you could’ve left and all of this would’ve been prevented.”
or the 30 year old man should’ve kept his hands to himself.
that woulda prevented a lot too.
“For anyone who doesn’t fucking believe this simply message Tam for other girls stories and screen names. I know for a fact she has gotten other information from other girls about what Drew has done to them.”
umm, hello. are you kidding? now that this is out of COURSE girls are going to start making up stories to get attention. look how many girls hock supposedly raped or did shit to. and you see it on the news all the time, kids make up shit when they think they can get attention. i’m not defending him at all, but this just doesn’t seem right.
“:P.S October was probably just on their computer checking shit, she probably didn’t purposely go through his memory card.”
lol, bullshit. you have to be looking for pictures to find them.
tam needs to get off the fucking computer and go to the police station if she’s so concerned.
you’re obviously not taking it seriously if the first thing you do is send pictures and a story of what happened to a goddamn website.
and if drew had grabbed your ass and hit on your before, why would you put yourself in this situation? even if you didn’t know he was coming, and if you felt THAT uncomfortable around him, you had the option to leave. you could’ve left and all of this would’ve been prevented.
For anyone who doesn’t fucking believe this simply message Tam for other girls stories and screen names. I know for a fact she has gotten other information from other girls about what Drew has done to them. So yea she has her shit backed up. Peach just because he is some guy you meet on the internet doesn’t mean shit.
Wow. I guess there really isn’t anyone you can ever fully trust.
To all you of imbeciles defending the paedophile, stop. He’s disgusting.
ROFL. wow. I’m way too young for almost everyone here.
ew that man is disgutsting thats not even funny if he did that to me i would fuckin kill
hey brittany.. how old are you? can i see your boobs?
K so, Tam, i seriously feel fckin bad for you. This shit is crazy. But i think theirs truth to he did do this. FIRST OFF, he sent thedrunken hock vid…if he was such a “nice guy” he wouldnt expose anyone if he was that nice. Drew seems like the guy you hang with sometimes when theirs a huge group, but you never get alone with. I know that this is such a touchy subject, but seriously guys, if Tam doesn’t do something then who might be next?
P.S October was probably just on their computer checking shit, she probably didn’t purposely go through his memory card.
nah srsly, gtfo her dick, stop gossiping and starting rumors faggots.
what happened, happened, it will be handled accordingly, it’s no ones’ business nor should you guys be butting around it. Get teh fux out her soupz
and PEACH, STFU, STOP DEFENDING 30 YR OLD SCENE PEDOS’,trying to “fit in”.
For all you know, he could having fucking schematics and blueprints to get tams nip slip.
stewpid asses.
L-O-L Single mom, you’re my hero.
^ Is an idiot.
haha that was so irrelevant.
For those of you saying that this is fake…
that doesn’t make any sense. He is not famous at all!
ok. heres the cheese. i talked to drew a decent amount. he seemed like a good guy. i had nothing against him. this whole situation doesnt really concern me so i dont want to stick my nose where it doesnt belong before knowing all the facts, but god damn. im certainly leaning on tams side here.
the baby represents all the people claiming to know drew that have never met him in ‘real life’
and her head position does not change, he took the picture from a different angle dumb fucks…
tam dont feel like you need to defend yourself on here, you have evidence and save it for court, all these stupid fuckers that don’t believe you are gay
so i did it. OK? i hope this makes you all happy. i just wanted some sweet 15 year old titty to suck on. is that such a crime??? i mean every other girl i try to talk to goes and fucks that josh guy, so i hit an easy target, MY BAD. *takes a bite of pizza* i mean *comp chomp* she was high and passed out *chomp chomp* i could have gotten away with it *swallows* give me a break. tam come over so we can make up… i’ll provide the alcohol…
Oh I’m sorry Benjamin. I now know that I am in the wrong. I guess its standard procedure to first throw the pictures and story up on the internet BEFORE going to the police station. So sorry!
that is drews arm. i dont know how people could defend someone who behaves that way.
he definately didnt do it and Tam is just dumb. The sweaters are not the same and the fact she says that picture was taken the same night shows it isnt him.
Drew diden’t do it…
He Obvisly dropped something in there and was getting it out.
They’re drama queens because their whole lives revolve around being molested then put on an internet gossip site.
Sounds 100% accurate…………………………….
1.) Why would she even be ALLOWED to hangout with someone that old. And if she wasn’t allowed, and you still hangout with someone twice your age… that’s ridiculous. If you’re THAT desperate, being like… 15, as to where you befriend someone who’s THAT much older then you… there’s something wrong. Go to a therapist or something. Go join a Polly Pocket club.
2.) Why the hell is she on HERE talking about how there is a chalupa in her lap, and laughing about how she ate it after she woke up? If it were me, I would have been extremely upset, as well as I’m sure a lot of other people would be too. “But I will say LOL at the chalupa, js.” Um, wtf?
wow, okay so i really dont know what to believe. but i know that from everything i know about drew he woul never do something like that. plus the fact that the sleve on that picture is baggier then his striped sweater and looks like a lot thinner material. I’m not saying tam or any of those people set this up but i really can’t see drew doing that.
There wont be much of a case when they find out that the reason Tam was passed out ‘comatose’ was because she was blazed out of her skull. Pretty much as I see it everyone there and involved are fucked because theyre all going to be ‘witness’ to the crime whether or not they saw it happen everyone is in the wrong. Drugs,Booze(because we all see how they love their alcohol, flaunting it on cam)and underage scene drama queens, and older guys ARE NEVER a good combination.
he just doesn’t want to admit it*
oops, my bad.
maybe he was in a scavenger hunt
How is that NOT the same sweater, when we all know who was there and he was wearing it? The top picture of Drew with Brandon, Ian, Frankie, Brad, and Meg in the background was THAT night. He was wearing it obv. And he didn’t take it off, so no one else could have put on THAT sweater and pretended to be him nor have one just like it. When I was sitting on the couch, Drew walked by me with a red cup and I asked him if he was drinking, and he said yes and I said “Thats a bad idea.” and Danielle and I looked at each other in anticipation because Drew would always hit on us when he was drunk. I was stoned before that an none of us knew he was coming over. He was just like OHAY IM COMING TO HANGOUT. He came with Meg. Notice how the people defending him have never met him in person? You guys have no idea what your talking about.
And As I recall, Drew said “Well that is my arm, but I don’t remember taking these pictures.”
He knows its his arm.
He just want to admit it.
Maybe he was drunk when he did this.
I don’t know.
Still doesn’t make it ok.
C’mon people, how can you NOT see it?
Peach, shut the fuck up you stupid bitch.
stop being so goddamn ignorant, being one of the people who is part of this group of friends, i know that this was not staged. it really sucks, and i dont think that the authorities should be contacted, because that will stay with drew the rest of his life, but ultimately Tam Cam is the one who was assaulted, and makes the final decision. she has the power.
and stop trying to give october “Reason” for staging a story like this up. yeah october may send shit to stickydrama, but shes not going to stage an entire pedophilia molestation story to get back at him for something she finds hilarious and applauds him for.
once you’ve hung out with the group, and seen the way everyone interacts, you can have a fucking opinion. until then stop trying to come up with a valid argument, cause you just suck at it, and seem to only see drews point of view.
Peach I’m still waiting for the ‘evidence’ that this is all bullshit.
and I’m still trying to find your ‘point’……….
kay peach, JS butttt it says on your profile you live in Maryland, and that is across the country from where this all took place.
so I suggest you stop sticking up for people that you only know on the internet because people can act differently when you don’t know them in person.
and I suggest you take your god complex on drugs and using the word ‘gay’ somewhere else besides the internet
Tam is 15 I seriously hope she hasn’t done anything with a guy.. Unlike Danielle that young fire crotch.
haha. umm yeah okay.
Oh and what point was that?
I seemed to have missed it while sifting through all the other bullshit you were typing.
i was making a point retard…. get over yourself.
“I’m graduated”
Look at the first pic, notice the last grey stripe on the arm.
Notice the length of the stripe.
Now look at the other pics and notice how much shorter the last stripe has gotten.
and don’t try to tell me its because the sleeve is rolled up.
just look at the first “detail” pic to see the seam of the sleeve.
just saying…
Actually i’m graduated. Either way, your post was retarded and you look like an idiot. No one cares who you have respect for, and no one cares if you do drugs are not. Tam wasn’t at fault at all in this, and if you want to believe a fat 30 year old man who likes hanging out with people half his age, then you actually are stupider than you look.
Tam would be lucky to even be laid. Shes just an extra tag along.
Girls need to stop acting like whores and hanging out with people they hardly know.
oh ‘gay’ is nice word choice… im glad you think my ‘stories’ are homosexual or happy either way why don’t you crack open a book and use that in the right context. … unless your still in middle school and still use the word gay to try and put down other people and their ideas.
i used to be friends with drew but i’m almost positive it was him.
really? that’s cool that you have faith in your friend but I’d like to see the evidence that these pics were staged.
Bragging about doing drugs online is gay.
Writing long paragraphs preaching against it is even gayer.
Shut the fuck up you pretentious bitch. He’s guilty and it looks like you and about 4 of his e-friends are the only ones who don’t believe the story.
omfg i actually had no idea bout the cp urban dictionary thingy.
there is so much proof that he DID do it… so all of you people who keep defending him should show us the “proof” that he DIDN’T do it, mk?
because from what i can tell there isn’t any besides “oh he was such a nice guy” and that bullshit.
yeah, he was a nice guy to me.. but are you all that naive to think that everyone is who they seem to be?
looks like his arm.but since you have no face pics it never happened.dont think theyres much of a case.good luck though tam
ps.i wouldnt come here for comfort
LOLOL, CP – I hope you know what “CP” stands for.
Urbandictionary it.
October, you don’t know me because im the one of the only people that doesn’t actually follow your shady drama bullshit. and you avoided drew after the whole john hock thing went down. if i were you and was getting ‘pretty ass’ like that id be pissed if someone broke it off too. come on.
why did you all have his camera?
and why did you tell drew to delete all of the pictures of you guys drinking and smoking? seems pretty shady to me. like you didn’t want him to have something to backfire onto you guys.
and call me lame but no i have never done shit like that was i was younger. there is more to life then getting drunk and smoke pot. and come on your only 15 years old, its called school hun and graduating and trying to not kill many brain cells along the way to try to make it to college. most kids dont do all of that stupid shit and still never get the chance to make it that far. i have no respect for people that purposely put harm on themselves for no reason when other people have no option. many kids from my high school died from cancer before they got to graduate. could you even imagine not even having the chance to try to fuck up but already have something without being able to fix it? ……. anyways…..
there is no way these pictures are real and legit, and there is soo much proof for it. stop lying to yourself you going to start believing them.
oh and someone said something about drew smoking up? … he doesn’t smoke and he never has.
i can’t believe you would do something like this to someone who you all considered your friend and a father figure. and he was always helping people out in your group, if they needed a place to stay, using his phone, driving them places….. he went out of his way for you and you just ripped him apart because …. i don’t even know why….
Oh my
Wow Tam is loving this drama way too much.
Nice boobies tho tam.
and im sure fatty-mc-rapist drewy gooey is prob jacking off to these as I write this.
Gahd i hate fat ppl
Kayvon, Fail post was Fail.
I want that chalupa.
Also, gross…fucking gross. There’s a time in every man’s life when you need to wake up and realize you are 30, and parting with people HALF your age is fucking ridiculous. MY SISTER IS YOUNGER THAN YOU AND SHES MARRIED WITH A HOUSE AND A JOB. WAKE THE FUCK UP DREW.
After riding many camels I’ve been able to get the truth, and nothing but the truth.
Drew EataNation was hanging out with Tam Cam while he was smokin out. Now, you ppl have to realize that fat ppl time is different then your time. For example, when Fat ppl get Hungry, they start becoming delusional. Tam Cam was lookin more like Ham Cam to Drew. Now Drew was obviously starving, as you know that taco bell number 3 supersized was just a snack to him. So like many other amazon creatures, the Fat man likes to attack still objects.
So Tam was sleeping and he though her nipples were Milk duds and he just wated a bite.
Dont hate the man, he just hugry gurl.
Now that we all know the truth, lets stop the Stickam Olympics.
Kayvon “the truth” Zand
LMFAO AT THE PPL WHO THINK DREW DIDNT DO IT. The only reason you think that because he is “your e-friend”
Yeah, its cool to stick up for your friends, but if you srsly don’t believe he did that, you are retarded and need to die.
I, personally, believe he did it. Even though most people claim hes the “nicest person ever” I believe he did it.
I mean, He’s almost 30 years old. Most 22-27 year old people have problems hanging out with 14-19 year old kids. The fact that not only he allows it, but he actually LIKES hanging out with people almost half of his age is a little strange to me.
The pictures kid of give everything away. Even though his face isn’t shown, the evidence is quite obvious.
I doubt he’ll spend up to 6 months in jail. I actually don’t think he’ll do much time because of this. But I DO hope he just gets some sort of punishment..
He better be taken to court.
i didnt like him ever since i first met him
lol @ stickycam
fucking perv
hahaha, buch of idiots.
so pathetic and sad… and jsut gross….
he better end up in jail. what a creepy motherfucker
Did anyone else notice how everyone covers their dicks around Rick? Hmmm…
LOL I love you Ben :]
ohai tam posting a minute after me
i mean……if i was with Tam passed out, i’d do the same thing……
stop blaming tam. she didn’t deserve to be fucking molested because she hangs out with older people and smokes. the guy is almost 30, taking advantage of a 15 year old girl. she didn’t deserve or ask for any of this to happen.
oh god, what the fuck is wrong with you losers? if you were touched by some thirty year old ped and you had people talking shit about you telling you you staged it, how the fuck would you feel? peach, lol, melanies, you’re all tools. go take your conspiracy shit to people who will actually listen, because decent human beings actually have feelings of sympathy for victims of sexual battery.
He came over after we smoked, js.
“you still put yourself in that position to get harrassed.”
Not really, he kinda just showed up after we smoked. And do you think that that would make it ok anyways? No.
He did it. Its pretty simple.
He’s so into doing this sneaky bullshit while ppl are drunk, like Hock, or ppl are passed out like Tam.
It’s in his character, did he not take video of Hock while he was drunk, why would he not take pics of other ppl whiile they know it. Its not rocket science.
Now, is he a pedo? No, he’s just a wierd fat mother fucker.
He prob wont go to jail over this, Girls just be more selective who you get fucked uo with.
History repeats itself, js.
That’s disgusting. Goes to show how many people on stickam are creepers :/
Why on earth would you send this to StickyDrama before going to the cops or even after? It really ruins your case ya know.
drews a sick fuck. shes 15. && why would someone go to all that work for frame him? i dont even see how someone could, from the pics its drews build and everything, way to go for saying something october && tam watch out for sick fucks like drew from now on.
uhhh i wasn’t hanging around people who were almost 30 when i was their age. If you guys were really getting creeped out by him then you shouldn’t have gotten blown as fuck where you don’t even know what’s happening to you. You saw Drew as like the dad in the group? You said a few weeks ago he grabbed tam’s ass. So which is it?? You knew Drew was a scumbag but you still put yourself in that position to get harrassed
Everyone wants to press charges on everyone for this shit. Maybe i should. LOLZ if only you all knew how much it sucked to be in so much trouble with the law.
How sad! Poor Tam. Drew is a sick molester. I hope he gets a beat down for this shit.
Sick fuck.
No one cares if its his camera or not.
its not that hard to take someones camera and take pictures on it.
View the EXIF DATA of those pictures and compare them to EXIF DATA of the pictures on his profile, they are the same camera ;D
You aren’t supposed to post child porn! Censored or not. GITFO!
see what happens when you hang out with small cock
good for tam. crush the little fucker.
“looks like someone stuffed shit in a hoodie to try to make themselves look larger to me.
that does NOT look natural.”
Don’t even. You weren’t there that night. Who was there? Danielle, me, Gage, Ian, October, Brandon, Frankie, Meg, Brad. NO ONE COULD HAVE FRAMED DREW. Do you honestly think we would go through the trouble of “framing him”? Do you HONESTLY think that we would frame Drew, find someone who is almost IDENTICAL to him, with the same expensive camera (it was his camera card for christ’s sake.) WHEN WE ARE GOING TO GO TO THE POLICE TO GET HIM THROWN IN JAIL?! WOULD I TELL MY MOM THAT ALL OF THIS HAPPENED, IF I FRAMED HIM? Do you really think we did all of this just to get on StickyDrama? No. This is a serious matter, and we’re not just going to sit around and let this happen. We sent this post in to show people what can really happen.
I Have even gotten IM’s and messages from other girls claiming other things that have happened with them.
THIS IS FAKE? THIS IS SET UP? BULLSHIT. Most of you standing up for Drew probably have never met him in person. He has always had red marks on his arm as well. He told us that they were bug bites from when he was a kid that never healed. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
I wasn’t drinking, a lot of people know I smoke. Big deal. You guys did stuff like that when you were younger. Its not an everyday thing. And don’t give us shit for having older friends, i’m sure you all hangout with older people as well. When your all friends hanging out having fun and are able to have good conversations and get along, age doesn’t matter. Drew was the oldest out of everyone in our group. Like Danielle said, he was like a dad. When I was shown these pictures and told about this I was in shock.
now consider the 2nd pic now… the first one that shows the arm in question.
people are claiming you can see the “fat” here.
wow. turn your head, does that really look like fat to you?
looks like someone stuffed shit in a hoodie to try to make themselves look larger to me.
that does NOT look natural.
uhhh Peach. I never blamed Drew for breaking up John and I, I called Drew when I found out laughing because i wanted to know what happened because i was already way pissed at John. And where is your source for all of this, I don’t even fucking know you.
:/ this is really messed up. best of luck to tam and danielle!
first off, do you realize how old those 2 pictures are at the end that show the “arm detail”
that’s the stupidist thing ever.
Look at the first pic, notice the last grey stripe on the arm.
Notice the length of the stripe.
Now look at the other pics and notice how much shorter the last stripe has gotten.
and don’t try to tell me its because the sleeve is rolled up.
just look at the first “detail” pic to see the seam of the sleeve.
now consider the 2nd pic now… the first one that shows the arm in question.
people are claiming you can see the “fat” here.
wow. turn your head, does that really look like fat to you?
looks like someone stuffed shit in a hoodie to try to make themselves look larger to me.
that does NOT look natural.
Drew swears he didn’t do this, and I believe him.
this screams FAKE everywhere.
Tam, stop getting drunk and high, you’re only 15.
this is pathetic. and FAKE.
I don’t even know what to say.
fucking shit.
First off,
Tam was STONED eating chalupas. Drew and I went out to go buy her some food from Taco Bell at about midnight because we had been smoking. She was asleep when we got back, and I woke her up and gave her the cahlupas. Then she ate a few, and fell back asleep while eating one. After that everyone went into the living room to let her sleep and we all watched TV/were on our laptops. That night not only was Drew wearing that shirt, but going around taking pictures of everyone and everything. October and I both woke up with a bunch of pictures he took on our sidekicks. That’s why at first I assumed he sent in the picture of Gage and I.
Those pictures were taken with a VERY high quality camera. The same one that Drew uses to take pictures of Frankie, Brandon, and I. No one else even had a camera ANYWHERE near that quality. WE FOUND THE PICTURES ON HIS CAMERA’S MEMORY CARD FOR GOD’S SAKE. So for all of you people thinking we “staged” this, how on earth could we have found someone that happens to have the same skin irration scars, the same shirt, the same CAMERA, and just happened to be overweight and there that night?!
We thought Drew was our friend. We always had a lot of fun hanging out with him, and within the last few weeks we noticed he was getting a little creepy. For example, on the fourth of July Drew was over at Brandon’s old house with everyone. He came over drunk with a almost empty bottle of Southern Comfort, and grabbed Tam’s ass and said “That’s a nice ass… oh yeah that is nice.” Now I’m sure you think I’m making that up as well, but ask anyone who was there that night, they all witnessed it. Drew also has been sending strange texts to Tam and I. We wanted to hang out with him and Frankie a while back and the text I got in reply was. “Well… I’m pretty drunk. and I ‘need’ action ya know? And you and Tam are smokin hot.. so yeah.” NO FUCKING LIE. Since those two incidents we have been trying to avoid him, until that night this all happened. We thought he was a nice guy too, we were shocked to find out that this happened.
It was obvious this guy was a total fucking dbag after what he did to hock – not that I cared he did that to hock – but whatever, he’s fucked.
lolol, drew are you that lonely
that you need to be peeking down
15 year old girls shirts?
omg, for those of you who say this is staged fuck you. any for those of you who were sayin they were drinking and doing drugs and this is why this happend. Just you try to tell me that you havent tried anything. Just kids having fun, and for her parents letting her hang out at random houses, ever heard of sneaking out or lying to ur parents? this is nobodys fault just kid trying to have fun. shut the fuck up.
unless I see drews face, im really not going to say anothing bad.
tsk tsk tsk drew
That def. looks like Brandons arm.
Poor girl.
Anonymous said, August 19th, 2008 at 12:01 pm
why the fuck are these young girls’ parents letting them go to strangers houses and hanging out with people 10 years older? and if something like that happened to you, why wouldn’t you go to the police first? not “oh, i’m gonna go home and send this to stickydrama because they can FOR SURE solve all of my problems!!!!1!!” what the hell. grow up and stop meeting random people you don’t know. stop drinking and doing drugs, and stop trying to get attention for something you could’ve prevented.
^ Amen
Okay, so maybe this is just me, but does it NOT seem odd to you that the position of her head seems to change from photo to photo? Also, who falls asleep with food in their lap? This seems like a stupid attempt to get back at someone if you ask me. I really don’t buy it. ESPECIALLY coming from DANIELLE, biggest drama liar in the state of California. Sorry Sticky.
This is fucking disgusting and I hope that Tam has enough evidence to get this guy behind fucking bars because I doubt this is the first girl he has done this to. It is just the first time he got caught and thank god he did
I didn’t evem believe the headline until i read it.
theres really nothing to say about this, it’s really shocking.
I feel really bad for Tam too :(.
really really disturbing.
fucking nasty
Drew, i hope you read this. you are a sick fucker. why IN THE WORLD YOU GOTTA GO TOUCHING LITTLE GIRLS? i mean i understand its hard not being goodlooking BUT FUCK MAN. TOOOOOO FAR. best not cross paths with me when i get to cali or ima put a brick in your dome. THEE END. btw fuck you all who says its staged. FUCK PEDOs shit aint right. ps. lovin’ the t-bell best have ate it!
I mean you can very clearly see his man tits in the 2nd rape picture.
but even if it was “staged” why would he “stage” it..knowing that this could fuck his life over..not just online but his career and his social life..
That’s retarded to think he would just stage it… even if he was just -waking her up- you dont put your hand on her then snap a picture… and expect it not to go anywhere without any concequences
Melanie ~~~~
First Off Know him in person
Secondly We’ve seen him dozens of times at brandons, even being there myself I know how he is when he’s had one beer, and he does harass TAM alot..when she walks by the room with him alone or right in plain site…Don’t be fooled. it’s not just pointing the finger it’s srs shyt
wow drew … I mean you did grab her ass that one night at brandons but seriously…this shit to. lol your job at the nightclub that holds 14-18 year olds isnt going to be to happy about this..
why the fuck are these young girls’ parents letting them go to strangers houses and hanging out with people 10 years older? and if something like that happened to you, why wouldn’t you go to the police first? not “oh, i’m gonna go home and send this to stickydrama because they can FOR SURE solve all of my problems!!!!1!!” what the hell. grow up and stop meeting random people you don’t know. stop drinking and doing drugs, and stop trying to get attention for something you could’ve prevented.
John hock #2
just with less hair
and abit more weight
whats up with everyone insulting her?
Because most people are smarter to believe this shit.
It’s staged, end of story.
Even the nicest people get horny. A lot of you want to believe that Drew wouldnt be capable of doing this, simply because he seems like such a nice fuckin guy. Well, go look up sex offenders. Im sure the ones who were employed as teachers, counselors, ministers…ect were considered nice people too. Hmmm… and why are they on the list? Because theyre convicted guilty. Also, what the fuck is up with people being horrible to tam about the situation? I was in the stickydrama chatroom today and people were throwing insults left and right to her. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This girl was the victim. Quit fucking acting like she did anything wrong, drew defenders. I really REALLY hope Tam stands up for herself and files charges as she said she would. <3 a very drunk, dirtdykediva.
Wow. Seriously?
You guys ARE fucking idiots.
Drew is one of the NICEST people ever.
If you’re sleeping, you would feel a hand touching you. Unless you’re drunk and passed out, don’t underage drink.
Oh, which surprisingly, most of you kids do.
It sickens me to think that most of you were friends with Drew, and now you’re letting a bunch of little girls who are drama sluts, dictate who you think he is.
I’m not gonna let some made up story decipher my friendship with him.
You guys are fucking retarded.
It should be a rule NOT to listen to Danielle and October, EVER.
hahaha chalupa 🙂
They framed Drew, there not the same.
Drews chill.
look how fat his real arm is, and thin in his “rape” pics
alll you stickam sluts are judgmental whores.
What a sick and pathetic asshole.
amor, you’re saying your disgusted? I recall you dating a statutory rapist.
Drew, this is such a disgusting thing to do to somone
this post made me so fucking sick.. i want to vomit.
He’s John Hock number two.
i can’t fuckin believe for two seconds that any of you would believe this shit, specially the people the know drew. he is the most caring person ever and he would never in a million years do something like this. … oh and you would believe a couple of drama filled little girls that want the attention that do drugs all the time? oh yeah that totally makes since?
oh and october found them? ironic eh? she blamed drew for her and her fuck buddy john for breaking up because of the video drew sent into sticky. and she has been out for drew ever since then. october is a back-stabbing whore that needs to be put in her place.
in fact all of those little girls need a nice slap in the face, and get back to reality and stop making drama over any of this bullshit.
there doesn’t need to be proof that these pictures are fake, its completely unnecessary. everyone should know its all for tam and her cult to get more attention and get their internet fame.
fuck october and i feel sorry for everyone that has been brain washed by her.
wtf?? I am disgusted and outraged!!!
that is disgusting! she’s 15 years old drew!
no but seriously I am pissed that is not fucking cool, I will annihilate him with my bare fucking hands.
Even though this happened , your still cute tam ahha 😀 x
I hope he gets airlifted by a magic carpet over a volcano and dropped into the molten lava.
Ew! That is one disgusting man.
Good luck with everything Tam.<3
LOL!!! asdf
Its a chalupa, but I woke up and ate it don’t worry 😛
is that uneaten taco bell on her lap!??!?
First off,
Drew WAS the only one there who has arms like that. And that night he was walking around taking pictures of everything.
And who are you to call me a slut, when everyone who personally knows me knows for a fact that thats bullshit.
100% stole my words
What a low scum of the earth pig he is.
At one point I found drew to be a nice guy with a wonderful personality.
I’d like to take back any remarks positive I made about him.
I guess it’s true in some sense what they say ‘I make ‘friends’ with all sorts of pedophiles.
Drew, since I know you shower in being on a gossip site, i’d like to tell you how low and insignificant you are, I hope you drop off the face of the earth and die.
I hope all the people who are in association with you stop speaking to you and as jon said, don’t drop the fucking soap, actually, do. Knowing this slick fucker he’ll get off with it. On another note, please choke on your own blood.
You’d be doing the world a fucking favor.
Good luck you nasty pig.
And maybe you should bathe more often so some of that acne goes away.
there are no words.
“the sleeve on the hoodie in the tam pics looks baggier than it is on drew”
probably because it’s rolled up, js
not everyone has red dots on their arms and sasquatch-ish hairy arms
he’s a creeper
he obviously did it
and i hope he get gets ass raped every day that he’s rotting in prison
I think if he would do something like that ( he obviously did ) then he did more than that, or if he didn’t, he probably was planning on doing more things to her.
Of course he is going to deny it. Most sexual predators do.
I have never talked to her before, but I do hope that she is okay. She seems like a good person.
Hes totally just trying to wake her up, and tam staged it so someone would take a picture of him doing it, for the attention.
god. how did she know hed expose her nipple?
you’re so smart mrs. deanna dearsonist
It’s obviously drew, Look at the man boobs!
He will have tons of fun in jail! Ugh this sickens me. Poor girl. He will get what he deserves.
hmmm…im not making any conclusions either way, BUT… the sleeve on the hoodie in the tam pics looks baggier than it is on drew, AND, in some of the pics with tam, it looks like he is pulling on the shirt hard enough to wake her… staged.. maybe. by tam, probably not. and js, lots oh ppl have hairy arms and red spots on their arms. plus the arm in the tam pics looks more slender than drews. but im observant and pay attention to detail…
it’s so sad that he can’t get people his own age, nonetheless while they’re awake and sober. he disgusts me so much it’s not even funny.
he’s wearing the same hoodie in the first picture of the post. wonder who anonymous is…
who cares, tam is a slut.
i’d fucking kill him.
ew, pedo.
I’m happy October didn’t just ignore the pictures and that Tam is pressing charges. (: <3
All I have to say is I hope he goes to fucking jail becayse there is so much more to this story that stickydrama won’t ever know
Im glad shes pressing charges. This is so disturbing
EW WTF.. DIIEE !! >:|
i wonder if you can go live from prison…………
I Don’t even know.
Winrar. He’s scum.
I havent eaten a chalupa since 1998, js
Go Tam!!! Send the pedo where he belongs!! Have fun being bubbas BITCH Drew LOL
There is one way you can prove it. Find pictures of Drew with that hoodie on, taken that night.`
Do all these assholes hang out together or something? Jesus Christ, what a bunch of fucking trash. I hope that Tam takes this fucking piece of shit out. What a pedo. I bet when he whacks off he thinks about little boys.
stupid pedo tried getting bry and i private so many times.
now ppl see the real pedo is.
ps – i think i have a zit on my penis. is that bad? :\
I am so glad I decided to say something because what if I had just left it be? Tam is such a good girl compared to everyone I know and I am repulsed that this happened to her <3
Don’t drop the soap in county drew.
There are so many things that I want to say, that I can’t because they all want to come out at once.
But I will say LOL at the chalupa, js.
Drew is scum. I look forward to seeing him in court with Tam.
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