Amor Hilton, who was 4 months pregnant with the spawn of Jonn Hock, today posted a Myspace bulletin announcing her miscarriage.
StickyDrama was crestfallen as the realization dawned upon us that we woud be denied our highly-sought Live abortion, which we have never had the fortune to post. Moreover the public nature of the miscarriage announcement, much like the public nature of Amor’s pregancy and relationship with Hock, entitles us to ask certain questions, such as:
-Was she ever really pregnant? The entire pregnancy could have been nothing more than a publicity stunt: Amor didn’t seem to be gaining much weight, and the ruse couldn’t have lasted much longer.
-Who the fuck ends their miscarriage announcement with an emoticon: =/
-If she was pregnant, did her smoking and tattoos affect her health to the point of miscarriage? Could the stress of their fighting have been a factor as well?
-Without the responsibilities of fatherhood, for how much longer will Hock remain with Amor? By all accounts he’s ready to hop along to the next vagina with an apartment. Right Chelsea?
-Assuming they do separate, will Hock or Amor go on cam drunk, talking shit about each other? We would hope so! God owes StickyDrama at least that much, for not delivering on the Live abortion.
ahahaha bitches name isnt even amor
its nicole friend or frend (something like that)
I remember when I was good friends with kent billions and he told me that amor had told him like 2 years ago that she was 16 when she was 14
pathetic cunt
honestly, i wouldnt give a fuck if this was real. amor is a fucking bitch and deserves everything that she gets. and as for the whole brooklyn thing?
brooklyn had gia and then it died 3 days later, im friends with her close friend. so idk what to say about that
speaking of which brooklyn is pregnant again ahaha :p
and as for John running to Chelsea?? chelsea likes someone right now and its not john
If you were for realz preggo Amor, I am terribly sorry for what has happened.
Some of the things you did while pregnant, if you were, weren’t the best of things to do. Also- Homeless? Do you not have shelters where you are? Are you both incapable of obtaining jobs? Honestly, I think you two would have been some the most irresponsible parents, get off your asses and support what you both caused. It’s really not that difficult. If your baby had been born, all three have you would have some pretty fucking shitty lives.
And to the person who left comments about ultrasounds- Plural? Usually the first ultrasound is done at 8-10, sometimes not until 12-14 weeks, and if Amor was only 4 months pregnant, she should have only had ONE ultrasound. The second doesn’t usually happen until 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, that’s 4.5-5.5 months for all you tards.
And for your conversation with her? 11 weeks IS NOT 4 months. 11 weeks would put her at nearly 3 months pregnant, and she would have had ONE ultrasound, if any. According to everywhere else, she stated she was FOUR months pregnant, so why the fuck up in your conversation with her pregnancy period? I’m curious, as well as convinced it was a big hoax.
And I missed the part where she was bleeding profusely. Because that’s what happens when you miscarry… You bleed.
Anonymous said, April 27th, 2008 at 1:59 pm
It’s actually called a DNC not D&C. It is not a two day procedure nor do they insert a large metal object into your vagina BEFORE putting you under. This is all bullshit! She is the biggest liar I have ever seen! UNBELIEVALBE! There are many other “flaws” in her scheme but I don’t want to write a paper on it. GROW THE FUCK UP Nicole… I mean… Amor.
“Amor just posted a blog WITH pictures. Fuck you StickyDrama. You don’t say shit about losing an unborn child.”
Just because she took a picture of an ultrasound and a certificate doesn’t immediately prove that she was ever pregnant. amor could have got that ultrasound/certificate from anywhere or anyone. she even said that one of her friends recently had a baby, so if amor was that smart, she would have asked her friend for the ultrasound and certificate.
Yes, It is sad she had a miscarriage, I don’t think she was faking, and i am sorry that you lost your baby. But for the people that are saying to leave them alone, this is a hard time for them, and they need to have there personal lives. THAT IS THE BIGGEST LOAD OF SHIT I have every heard. They put there personal lives all over the internet so if people want to comment about it they can. And that “My mom smoked while she was pregnant with me so I am going to do what I want with my baby” Video is just another example of how putting your personal shit all over the internet is going to fuck you in the ass in the end. So boys and girls learn this lesson. It you are underage stay away from John Hock, If you don’t want people in your personal lives do not announce personal things all over the internet, and if you are pregnant DON’T SMOKE. Just because your mom or your friend did it and there kid is okay…. Amor was not so lucky.
i doubt she was even pregnant in the first place.
If people would quit faking me on this site I would actually post.
to all you people who are saying she was never pregnant because she didn’t have a baby bump, let me tell you this. When my sister was pregnant with her first child, she didn’t show until she was 5 months pregnant. When she got pregnant with her 2nd child, she began to show a lot earlier, like I think 2 months. Now, she’s preggo with her 3rd baby at 3 months and damn, you can totally tell she’s preggo. haha. But the point I’m trying to make is that when you are pregnant the first time, you normally won’t show that much until you are in your later stages. And with the more kids you have, the more pregnant you will look in the early stages of your next baby.
you are all going to hell.
isn’t her real name Nicole? or w/e
total fake
nobody ever wonders why we never saw baby bump pictures? or why JOHN DOESNT EXPRESS any feeling for this fake miscarriage. hopefully she’ll go back to being a no one now. because shes so boring
If she was ever really pregnant she never showed at all. I’m 4 months pregnant and have a big belly that you can tell is more than flab. As far as her blog, her ultrasound picture could very well be anyone elses. Even a print out from the internet… go look up ultrasound on google images. I’d change my mind if the picture of the ultrasound was up close. It would show her name… though we don’t know her real one, right? hahaha. And the proof of pregnancy sheet doesn’t look very authentic if you ask me.
Uhmm, no Amor is not mature. If she was mature, she wouldn’t be knocked up at 17 to a pathetic asshole.
I don’t care if it was real or not. If it was, then yes, I really feel bad for her, it’s pretty shitty. But you can’t bitch about people debating it when you a) weren’t showing and b) posted about it on a fucking myspace bulliten.
If it’s an emotional time, keep it to yourself. It’s your life, no one else really has the right to be in your buisness, and when you post it, you clearly want them to be.
she lies about her age just like the girl who claimed to be raped by him.
stop lying you cunts=]
she’s an attention whore, remember how she used to be anorexic? I doubt any of that is true.
I think amor had an abortion and covered it up. i dont blame her, she must feel pretty unstable when the father of her unborn child goes running to chelsea lynn whenever things go slightly wrong. I just think the grief she is showing seems a bit..childish. Most people who have miscarriges are withdrawn and just totally different from the way amor is acting. She is acting like her hamster died, not a baby..
I think amor had an abortion and covered it up. i dont blame her, she must feel pretty unstable when the father of her unborn child goes running to chelsea lynn whenever things go slightly wrong. I just think the grief she is showing seems a bit..childish. Most people who have miscarriges are withdrawn and just totally different from the way amor is acting. She is acting like her hamster died, not a baby.
As much as I dispise them both,
if this is true,
it’s really sad.
Ah 17 or not it really dosnt matter.
shes more mature then any of you assholes will ever be.
your all closeminded fucks.
Go burn in hell
and leave her the fuck alone for once.
or is your life that boring picking on people when their vunerable is exciting to you?
“my mother smoked with me, and i turned out just fine!”
apparently not if you were stupid enough to make the same mistake. amor would have been an unfit mother. as horrible and sad as it may be for her, she doesn’t deserve a child.
stupid people should breed.
amor and john were stupid to announce the pregnancy to begin with. if they had kept it private then they wouldn’t have to announce their miscarriage to the everyone in a myspace bulletin. i don’t want to argue whether or not it’s real or fake, i think the main issue here is how they can’t keep their personal lives private. there are some things you don’t announce right away.
anyway, if it’s legit then i feel bad for the poor girl. i hope she wakes up and sees john for what he is. skeeeeze!
WHO CARES IF SHE’S 17. A lot of people lie about their age. Get over it.
Yeah, on the certificate it seems to say she’s 17. She has been lying all the time about her age in the past- why stop now?
“Amor just posted a blog WITH pictures. Fuck you StickyDrama. You don’t say shit about losing an unborn child.”
Just because she took a picture of an ultrasound and a certificate doesn’t immediately prove that she was ever pregnant. amor could have got that ultrasound/certificate from anywhere or anyone. she even said that one of her friends recently had a baby, so if amor was that smart, she would have asked her friend for the ultrasound and certificate.
To all those who saying this site shouldnt be picking at every part of her life, including this… and if this girl is as INTELLIGENT as people say she is… then why hasnt she had the sense to 1) make her posts private or friends only or 2) Not post her entire life online for us to read. You cant complain when a website or someone looks at a persons profile and reads HIGHLY private stuff like that for the world to see. I have a journal online, but guess what… I MAKE IT FRIENDS ONLY OR PRIVATE! Also if she is sooo intelligent, then why didnt she obviously use protection? why did she meet a guy from online? why was she smoking when its known to cause issues not just for a baby? Why does she continue to post personal and private events for the world to read? That is the not the action of an intelligent person. That is someone who wants attention and likes websites like this one talking about her. Its like Britney spears telling the Paps where she is going before she leaves the house. If this girl doesnt want to be to hounded online then 1) dont use a webcam and broadcast yourself to the world and 2) Dont post your personal life for the world to read. Just get on with your life and dont give people an excuse or a way to have a go at you!
I’m not trying to be an overtly judgemental cunt. But seriously if someone just had a miscarriage why the hell would they be posting about it on myspace? I mean it isn’t really something you announce to total strangers. It seems like a really bad publicity stunt. However if she really did have a miscarriage I suppose that is a shitty deal, but maybe she should have been a bit more responsible?
so upset she pours her heart out over myspace=] hahahahaha
hey john im 16 is that too old for you?
New topic..for realz already..if it was true who gives a fuck..if it wasn’t who gives a fuck..they r old news let them fade away for fuck sake
^ not a grown ass woman
not a woman at all.
she’s 17.
she’s still a kid herself.
Fuck stickydrama and every other lifeless cunt that thinks amors miscarriage and pregnancy was all a publicity stunt.
you all are truely sick in the head to think of shit as this.
you have no idea what kind of hell this girl is going through
to have something ripped from your hands in an instant.something that meant the world to you and more.
she smoked during pregnancy so fucking what.
Shes not the only one.
Shes a grown ass women she can do what she pleases
smoking didnt kill the baby.
so lay the fuck off her
Amor just posted a blog WITH pictures. Fuck you StickyDrama. You don’t say shit about losing an unborn child.
amor posted pictures of the pregnancy test and ultrasound picture. correct me if im wrong but does it say she’s 17!!?!?!?!?
yeah they wouldn’t put some thing in ur vag causing you pain BEFORE putting you to sleep. thats the point of being put to sleep. to not cause discomfort!
Its hard to believe amor is that upset about losing her baby when the whole time she was pregnant she was putting her unborn child in danger byt smoking.
also, nobody should be bitching how stickydrama shouldn’t have posted this.
amor posted it for ALL of us to see. If everyone has such a problem with stickydrama posting shit then stop looking at the site.
it’s as simple as that.
I can agree to whoever said amor was naturally fat. Have you ever seen older pictures of her? She was a porker. jajajaja!!
[to the post above me]
Who cares if she’s only 17?
Kiki is like what, 14?
And look at all the shit she does for attention.
Age has nothing to do with this.
She could be 20, and i wouldn’t be surprised if this happened.
I don’t think she was ever pregnant, s0000rriezzzz john & amor followerzz.
i have a theory…John Hock’s cum can kill people 0.o
i love Amor, shes not a fucking attention whore, its nice that you guys have oppinions, but posting over 100 comments with your horrible comments is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!!!
what the hell is saying “Amor is an attention whore” going to change ANYTHING!
your bringing MORE attention to her!
and shes fucking 17, leave her alone. Yeah, sometimes people make bad mistakes, but you dont have to rub it in their faces.
im totally not helping either…
sticky, new post, PAH LEEZ!
o wow i just lost my baby i think ill go and tell evry1 on myspace
maybe you shouldnt have smoked you dumb fucking cunt.
but, i doubt you were even really pregnant to begin with.
who the fuck is dumb enough to come home after finding out that their baby has died, and posts a myspace bulletin about it?
plus, she wouldve been showing.
it wouldnt be, “oh i swallowed a watermelon” size, but just like she gained 7 pounds.
amor, stop being such a fucking attention whore.
ewww she’s gross but i think this is so fake that baby never exist she only wants publicity
aw thats sad
poor girly
i think it’s time for a new topic ; so i think we should move on to babe25 ( now cuttie_pie25 ) and how awesome she is !!!
John Hock is a fucking woman, look at him.
ps my best friend had a d&c when she lost the baby at 18 weeks. you dont need to push the baby out like that retard said. and the bff wasnt in the hospital for a 2 day d&c. so whateva
ok this is dumb. i was pregnant 2 years ago and i lost that baby at 7 weeks. i was admitted into the hospital so i could have a d&c. you dont lose a baby and then post about it on myspace. its not something you want to talk about because you are an emotional wreck. now i am 17 weeks pregnant. that makes me 4 months and 1 week. i already have a belly. most moms start showing at 4 months. you have to be one fucked up person to lie about being pregnant and losing the baby because you have no ideahow hard it is on moms who have really lost a child. if she was really pregnant, everything happens for areason and they def werent ready to have a baby.
I think Amor and John should sue StickyDrama for ALL the bullshit that they post abut them!!!!!!
pleeeeease get more…better drama!
Amor wasn’t even THAT fat
She’s fat (naturally)
but she wasn’t pregnant fat. There is a difference. and there is no way she was four months pregnant! LIES!
Dont care post on other topics please and thank you.
Why dont we all just leave her alone? I mean, it gets boring trashing Amor. geeze people, Amor just wants to be a Paris Hilton, eyes always on her. So why the fuck are you putting even MORE eyes on her? Geeze, use logic baby.
Brooklyn- lost baby at approx. 5 months.
Tiffany- Approx. 4 months.
Amor- Approx. 4 months.
Along with I’m guessing 3, 4, 5 girls who said they were pregnant with his child and never had a baby.
What a joke.
I love ANON @ 1:59 ^ ^
you’re right on the button
It’s actually called a DNC not D&C. It is not a two day procedure nor do they insert a large metal object into your vagina BEFORE putting you under. This is all bullshit! She is the biggest liar I have ever seen! UNBELIEVALBE! There are many other “flaws” in her scheme but I don’t want to write a paper on it. GROW THE FUCK UP Nicole… I mean… Amor.
and didn’t you people learn something when you were little..
“if you have nothing nice to say, keep your fucking mouth shut.”
YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING. i can’t believe some of you people are like this. you don’t know if this happened or not. and it’s just amazing on how you people are trying to bring her down. if this happened, and it probably did, all you people are just extremely LOW. just imagine this happened to you, or someone close to you. just imagine acting like how you are now to amor to them. it’s their life, and you should leave them alone when it comes to something like this, unless it’s comforting. not being fucking bitches. i feel extremely sorry for both amor and john. and i hope that everything works out. <3
why is it every girl john gets pregnant they always miscarry at like 4 moths?
ouch :/
Man, I was looking forward to see what the baby looked like.
I really hadnt had too much of a problem with Stickydrama up until this post. If Amor wants to post bulletins about what is going on in her life SO WHAT? We all do it! And for THOSE of you who think you know pregnancy, My aunt is a OBGYN and the things Eden said are completely true.
“Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the natural or spontaneous end of a pregnancy at a stage where the embryo or the fetus is incapable of surviving, generally defined in humans at a gestation of prior to 20 weeks. A missed abortion is when the embryo or fetus has died, but a miscarriage has not yet occurred. It is also referred to as delayed miscarriage.” And quit ragging on her for smoking, it’s her decision NOT ANYONE ELSES, Don’t call her selfish for it theres plently of other moms-to-be who still smoke and carry on with their daily lives as they normally would, doesnt make it right, but its what they do. My mother smoked when she was both pregnant with my sister and I and not only do we have not one single allergy,defect..or any other thing..Ive been in nothing but advanced classes since middle school. So boooo stickydrama on posting this. It’s her life, let her do what she wants with it.
Why did they have sex in the first place? I remember a few months ago rae lancione saying they were ‘virgins to each other’. *sigh*
Eden you’re the one that let it out that she’s really 17.
she never was pregnant!
“my baby is dead ;’/”
lol okay.
CommentCurtis and Audio have better odds. John’s DNA only works on fat black chicks. Ones who waddle around the house yelling I-da-ho!
sarrrah, she smoked while pregnant because other people did and just managed to get kids out of it.
shes an idiot.
dude, anyone that is talking shit in here about Amor and/or John…STFU OMGGG!
Listen to Eden, hes telling the fucking truth!
Seriously, if you even knew two fucks about Amor you would know that shes no fucking idiot. It’s not a publicity stunt you mother fucking idiots.
But I expect Kiki to be doing this soon 😉
1) “I dont want anyone to respond to this”… then why post it?
2) So smoking has no impact on pregnancy then?
boring, can we find something new to talk about ? ragging on a little girl for losing her baby isn’t fun anymore
I’m sorry but if amor didn’t want attention from this whole ordeal, why the hell would she want everyone to know about it? Fair enough i understand wanting to tell close friends but why announce it to the public?
and i think if she really did have a miscarraige this is karma biting her in the ass for the whole ‘im going to smoke while pregnant’ thing. sure it may have proven that smoking when pregnant wont give your kid multiple limbs but it can still lead to a misscarraige. the baby takes in whatever the mother does and amor should’ve been fucking smart enough to realise that.
so its her own fault, and i dont feel a tiny bit of sympathy for her.
Honestly..? You guys are fucking sick.
Who would lie about loosing a child? Come the fuck on.
Stay strong Amor.
we are all giving this topic way more attention than it deserves!!!
just got back from amors, and if u guys were in johns live u would have seen here bandages that i made her show just to prove that she did undergo surgery the past two days. she feels like shit and like her insides were ripped apart. and as much as i think she didnt want me to say this part, she described the doctors visit as:
they sat me and angled my face down and my legs up and the stuck a big medal thing in my vagina and opened it up and it was the worst pain ive felt in my life blahbalhbalh then they put me to sleep”
and she had some like button bandaid on her so whatever that is, it was obviously not bought by her so she can continue her “publicity stunt”
she really doesnt want as much attention as ur all thinking she does
she had a big cotton ball on her arm that she took off and it had a hole in it probably where they stuck the IV or whatever they used idk how those things work. but ya she was in great pain all day today, and john me and bree were just having a good time on stickam but that doesnt mean john isnt sad about it theyre just moving on.
It’s so fucking sad how Amor is really heartbroken over this and pours her heart out in bulletins while John is just trying to get attention with pointless bulletins for his Stickam Live. Really fucking sad. Glad he isn’t going to be a father though, he would’ve been a very bad one. I hope they’re breaking up within a week or 2, Amor can do a lot better than is drug using ass.
she posted a bulletin bitching about how people are saying she was never really pregnant.
If you were for realz preggo Amor, I am terribly sorry for what has happened.
Some of the things you did while pregnant, if you were, weren’t the best of things to do. Also- Homeless? Do you not have shelters where you are? Are you both incapable of obtaining jobs? Honestly, I think you two would have been some the most irresponsible parents, get off your asses and support what you both caused. It’s really not that difficult. If your baby had been born, all three have you would have some pretty fucking shitty lives.
And to the person who left comments about ultrasounds- Plural? Usually the first ultrasound is done at 8-10, sometimes not until 12-14 weeks, and if Amor was only 4 months pregnant, she should have only had ONE ultrasound. The second doesn’t usually happen until 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, that’s 4.5-5.5 months for all you tards.
And for your conversation with her? 11 weeks IS NOT 4 months. 11 weeks would put her at nearly 3 months pregnant, and she would have had ONE ultrasound, if any. According to everywhere else, she stated she was FOUR months pregnant, so why the fuck up in your conversation with her pregnancy period? I’m curious, as well as convinced it was a big hoax.
And I missed the part where she was bleeding profusely. Because that’s what happens when you miscarry… You bleed.
I’m thinking she did this as a stunt to keep John, but she couldn’t do it anymore since she said she was as far along as 4 months. After that time there’s a really low percentage in miscarriages. Maybe it was real though, and if so, I’m really sorry for her.
john doesn’t seem to care.
he was live and in owanges room with some bree girl and they were partying it up.
I don’t know, if I lost a baby I wouldn’t text all my friends and post myspace bulletins about it.
And there aren’t any “doctor words” in that conversation. You don’t have to be smart to know how to google “miscarriage.” 🙂
As much as i DO hate Amor and John…it was real, as fucking real as it could get. Seriously sticky, i know this is all about the drama shit, but they have personal lives. And even if Amor likes to post bulletins about her life, its probably because she doesn’t want to be swarmed with a gazillion questions about why she doesn’t have her fucking baby. Seriously, Amor isn’t low enough to consider abortion, i mean, unless you have actual proof she got an abortion.
Because at the moment, i bet you have no fucking proof.
You’re posts are getting personal.
my friend is currently 19 weeks pregnant. and she is showing like a motherfucker.
this was one of the worst publicity stunts EVER.
live on cam abortion. wow sticky do you have no heart.
lulz, why does she post her life in myspace bulletins?
like she knows stickys guna see it and post it?
she might aswell just send it to sticky herself
God, that’s terrible.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
” No…I was a close friend, she was really pregnant.
Uh, it wasn’t fake. I SAW her ultrasounds on John’s stickam just a few moments ago.
they are going through a tough time, give them a break.
you guys are fucking insensitive.
Leave them the fuck alone.
if she didn’t want anyone to respond why would her dumb ass post it in a bulletin why would she announce it to everyone
how thats sad, i dont believe she faked after reading the convo a few posts up
How tragic..
i think she was faking it the whole time.
corset or not, her belly always looked flat.
i think there should be at least a hump considering she said she was in her 2nd trimester.
shes fake.
Pamela Sue Anderson buried the after-birth of her last child by the Koi pond in the backyard, so it can serve as fertilizer. I hope Amor put it to good use.
Leave Amor alone!
This post is kind of messed up =/.
i know for a fact she was pregnant, she showed off ultrasounds whenever i came over and she wouldnt drink (if she was faking she would be too tempted to not drink when shes not really pregnany.
and heres a conversation i had with her earlier today:
ill just show u the aim conversation i had with her via sidekick and tell me if she’d be able to make up something that smart…knowing amor, probably not
and she wouldnt go through the effort
ok here it is:
Amor Hiltonnn: Eden
Amor Hiltonnn: I lost the baby.
Eden Shizzle: whatt
Eden Shizzle: how!
Eden Shizzle: wtf tell me in detail what happened
Amor Hiltonnn: I went into Kaiser today because my stomache cramps were so severe that I was in hysterical crying on the floor wanting to kill myself, I kid you not. I was throwing up and it was like the most pain i endured ever. So I figured it’d blow over, over night and when I woke up at 10 this morning it was just as bad. So I called mischa and we went to the OBGYN at kaiser, and i just wanted pills or something to make the pain go away, and tthey were like oh well lets just do an ultrasound and tests to make sure everything is ok.
Amor Hiltonnn: So I went into the ultrasound and stuff; I haven’t been able to keep anything down not food or anything and my nasuea pills stopped working. Apparently, I’ve lost 6 lbs, my blood sugar was low… and when they went to do the ultrasound, the nurse didn’t say anything and i was like “……..” so she walked out and then my doctor came in and told me that the baby had been dead for 2 days and my body hasn’t had the strength to push it out in miscarriage way because of the physical weakness… and thats why the cramps had been so severe.
Amor Hiltonnn: so they sent me to have an emergency D&C surgery
Amor Hiltonnn: but apparently, kaiser’s calculates were wrong, and i was not 11 weeks pregnant, i was 15 weeks pregnant. and you can only have a D&C procedure if you are less than 13 weeks pregnant.
Amor Hiltonnn: So now I have to have a 2 day surgery starting tomorrow and the next day to have an emergency D&E
Amor Hiltonnn: =/
Amor Hiltonnn: and ive been crying all day which i didn’t think i would if something were to happen like this
Eden Shizzle: D’=
Auto response from Amor Hiltonnn: pretty devastated.
so if she was faking it, she wouldn’t have been able to come up with all those doctor words, as much as i love her, she isnt as smart as that.
so again, youre wrong.
And fuck the haters. I will lol when you people can think of somthing other than a “rapist” to call him. That was 6 months ago. You all fail.
Wow. You insensitive fucks. Amor and John, may peace be with you. <3
Okay First off
Now thats out of my system
I dont even think she was preggo
I mean if you watched her on “Johns” Stickam she showed NO sign of her being preggo
And if she was it was probally an Abortion I mean come on who would want to bare a kid that comes from A Rapist, Racist, Oh so superfical, Stupid, cant keep a job, and probally doing drugs.
Um Can anyone say ew. I mean come on “John” is just a man whore hes like Kiki Kanible only Male Version. Hes to cocky and pretty much needs to die.
Hes a Lame son of a bitch or in this case I feel bad for the mother she probally drank, smoked, and did drugs while John was in her womb.
So To wrap this up I dont feel bad at all. If she was even preggo then thank god its dead it wouldnt have been in her or “John’s” care for that long. It would be takin away or end up dieing.
Anyone agree?
next !!!!!!!
john and*** amor oops
🙁 sorry john amor
Publicity stunt. before she announced she was pregnant nobody was talking about her. john and her were old news. then since they ask people to give them 10,000 comments a day and to whore them, they decided this would be a smart way to get talked about again.
I know many women who smoked at got tattood while preggerz and had very healthy babies. If Amor was really preggerz i feel sorry for her, it is really hard to lose a child. Amor is a sweet girl and nobody deserves to go through that kind of pain. If it was a stunt that they pulled then it’s fucked up, but whatever.
I find it funny that the day after your post on how they might be breaking up, she writes that she had a miscarriage.
Kind of seems like a publicity stunt.
bet she wasnt even pregs
What a stupid fuck, the bitch lied obviously. Who in their right mind would smoke AND get a tattoo while pregnant. The bitch wanted attention that she probably wont get now.
She probably wrapped it up in toilet paper and tossed it in the Wal Mart bathroom trashcan. After that she went and gat a corn dog . . .
Also, John will definitely be out of that relationship in the next few weeks. Without a baby, real or otherwise, binding him to Amor…
Aiden Giovanni hit it right on the head.
If there seriously was a miscarriage, then I feel really sorry for Amor. What a devastating thing to go through. :[
ball. and you think girls would learn that his sperm has issues since all his would have been kids are dead….Maybe he poisons them….anyway….Amor change your page, I doubt you two are getting married anytime soon
first off any woman who thinks John Hock is hawt should be slapped and chained to a wrecking
even their closest friends have contested to that.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
even their closest friends have contested to that.
Okay guys, you caught me.
It was an abortion. I wanted nothing to do with John Hock and his hell baby.
I was, indeed, pregnant but I couldn’t take my first child to be his baby.
Because I’m a stupid cunt, right John? Honestly, fuck you guys.
I’m going to go stare at myself in the mirror for a while, to calm myself down.
Then masturbate to Kiki Kannibal’s noodz.
next she’s going to fake suicide from ‘D3PR3SS10NZ0RZ’.
just like she fakes orgasms.
John will regret this shit when hes older.
He’s terribly immature, both are, and any girl who likes him.
God how stupid can people get
Sticky, Charming, Nic & I are the best counselors for miscarriages and abortions. jS. <3
amor is a piece of shit, seriously.
john is a fucking rapist, geeze.
psh, she never even showed a baby bump, I bet she never was preg.
If she actually was preg, maybe now she’ll know that smoking and tatoos do, in fact, cause complications which prob led to the miscarriage.
that baby never existed, just like the baby me and brii marie are making
She was preggers?
Fooled me.
every girl john gets pregnant has a “miscarriage” WTF there is something wrong with his sperm!!!
LOL who ever even believed her in the first place?
She is a liar and a bad actress btw. If she was pregnant she would have acted more responsible as her maternal instincts would have kicked in. there was no baby
who gives a flying fuck
even their closest friends have contested to that.
i feel so sorry for them. especially amor this must be a really hard time for her… instead of trying to tear her down and crack jokes about her… you should support her, because losing a child (whether miscarried or aborted) is extremely mentally and physically crippling to a mother.
hope you get through this amor<3
:[ Poor Amor && John. Hopefully everything works out for them.
Live abortion would be tasteless. I cant stand Amor but if she really was pregnant then Im sure this isnt easy for her so I wont make any jokes about it.
BUT if it is real, she shouldnt have done the idiotic thing of announcing something like this in a myspace bulletin. You post things in bulletins you want to be seen…so it seems like she wanted everyone to know for some reason or another. Ive known tons of girls to have miscarriages and they’ve all been very private about it because its a very emotional thing to go through.
Something doesnt feel right about this.
um thats sad if its true
amor you are a piece of shit. That baby if there even was is atleast at peace.
you are disgusting
aw, i hope everything works out for them. <3
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