Disgraced statutory rapist John Hock sent StickyDrama an IM via AIM, minutes after our posting of Amor’s Myspace bulletin, in which his supposedly 17-year-old girlfriend announces that she is pregnant and homeless. Herebelow is the unedited convo in its entirety:
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:48:21 PM): wow why are you gonna post that?
stickydrama (11:48:34 PM): hmmm ?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:48:47 PM): dont play stupid
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:48:50 PM): stickydrama.com
?ITSJOHNHOCKKKK? signed off at 11:49:06 PM.
stickydrama (11:49:07 PM): why do you even care ? according to you she’s not pregnant.
?ITSJOHNHOCKKKK? signed on at 11:49:17 PM.
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:49:27 PM): sorry aim died
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:49:29 PM): but yeah
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:49:30 PM): wtf?
stickydrama (11:49:31 PM): why do you even care ? according to you she’s not pregnant.
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:49:42 PM): because i didnt want peopel ot know?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:49:49 PM): ever think
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:49:53 PM): about that?
stickydrama (11:50:06 PM): hahaha well her posting it to thousands of people killed that.
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:50:19 PM): doesnt mean stickydrama has to repost it?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:50:25 PM): do you really think
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:50:31 PM): those thousands of people
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:50:34 PM): are all online?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:50:36 PM): no
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:50:43 PM): were actually looking for somewhere to stay
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:50:48 PM): cause we got kicked out of her granparents
stickydrama (11:51:57 PM): haha … I could have been MUCH meaner. I’m pretty tired tonight, didnt have the energy to write paragraphs.
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:52:06 PM): hahahhahha so funny
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:52:15 PM): do you feel fucking cool posting shit like this?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:52:20 PM): that isnt anyone elses buisness
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:52:30 PM): espically fucking people on stickam
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:52:37 PM): notice im hardly live on stickam?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:52:44 PM): its cause i dont want people into my personal life anymore
stickydrama (11:53:06 PM): Maybe you should get your privacy issues resolved with Amor. Once she posts a bulletin its public info.
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:19 PM): like i repeat
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:23 PM): do you have to repost the shit?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:24 PM): on a site
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:28 PM): where it will be
stickydrama (11:53:31 PM): yes.
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:35 PM): for longer then a myspace bulletin
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:36 PM): why?
stickydrama (11:53:38 PM): even your pathetic fans
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:41 PM): what have i done to you?
stickydrama (11:53:42 PM): want me to do it
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:44 PM): to fuck you over
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:48 PM): i dont have fans
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:53 PM): if you havent noticed
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:53:56 PM): im pretty fucking hated
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:54:04 PM): and youre jsut showing everyone
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:54:05 PM): i fuck up
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:54:07 PM): i know this
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:54:09 PM): trust me
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:54:18 PM): you dont have to post it all over your site
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:54:23 PM): im not gonna get you viewers
stickydrama (11:55:51 PM): I report Stickam news … and Myspace stuff too now … and Amor posting a bulletn like that is of interest to lots of people. I dont care about viewers, I care about readers.
stickydrama (11:56:13 PM): and they want to read & comment
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:21 PM): nnotice no one cares about my shit?
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:27 PM): not even you ccare
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:44 PM): its not even about saying
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:45 PM): omg
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:47 PM): im pregnant
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:48 PM): no
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:53 PM): it was finding someine in LA to stay with
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:56:58 PM): cause we can only stay with her mom for aw eek
stickydrama (11:58:14 PM): She didnt have to mention the pregnancy. She did. She wants people to know.
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:59:54 PM): it doesnt matter, if she posted it, that doesnt mean that you have to print screen and put on your site foreveryone else to see
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (11:59:59 PM): theirs certain people i dont want seeing?
stickydrama (12:00:05 AM): hahahaha
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (12:00:20 AM): hahaha
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (12:00:21 AM): yeah
ITSJOHNHOCKKKK (12:00:25 AM): so fucking funny


  1. lmao john is so pathetic its so funny . he has like weird outburst mmm i think he needs to be in a pshyciatric hospital . and yeah people that actually like that piece of shit are dumb . js

  2. Look, it’s kind of his fault. Once you become famous, even on stickam, everyone is going to invade your privacy.

  3. Doesn’t Hock realize that’s the price he pays for his internet “fame”? He’s just fucked his whole life up. The best thing for them two to do, would be for her to kill that spawn and him kill himself, because they aren’t gong to have a good life, I can already tell. He acts like he’s some hot shit and he’s uber fame, like he’s rich off of it, but look where he’s at! Take my advice John and Amor. Girl, I feel for you, and you could have a great life, if you knew what was good.

  4. i shall have the final word.
    i think alot of people will agree with what i said before because its the truth.
    i can only imagine john telling his kid on its birthday how its the best accident a guy could ask for.
    i just cant wait to see how fucked up in the head this one will come out. good thing its parents are z list internet celebrities so we basically we wont hear about this catastrophic life.

  5. Its not like he hasn’t knocked up other girls even girls younger than amor.So it really shouldn’t matter.Maybe he should learn how to keep his dick in his pants for once.Typical john…nothing new…he deserves it and i agree with ANON 😀

  6. thats not my aim FUCKING MORONS.
    i like turtles.
    my aim is johnhockisbone and has been.

  7. anon will prevail.
    john hock in a few months youll be back on the streets.
    we will laugh.
    believe it john, this is only the beginning.
    once this pity party goes away, the truth will come to air.
    you wont even be a memory.
    people will ask what happened to you, and others will treat the situation as if they ask what happened to mike jones.

  8. lol john is happy have a place of his own to live with his girl and future baby lol
    is it really your own?
    i doubt u pay any property taxes.

  9. Wow ” Kiki “, dear that isn’t my name. First off, ” cannibalism ” has nothing to do with the name Kiki. Get that threw your uneducated mind. Wadges do suck ass, and second of all I don’t go to a public school for that very reason that scholl systems are shitty. Way to know your facts dummy. Btw, Kiki and ” cannibal ” have no relations expect the missly spelled Kannibal, which she fully states to be veg, which vegs do not con sume meat there for do not eat humans. Since Cannibalism is a human produce, and is consumed from human flesh. She can’t even eat a cow, don’t disrespect my name. ;p

  10. The stickam celebs really need to understand the gravity of being a celeb. Your shit is going to be all over the place no matter what you do, which should encourage these celebs to quit fucking up. its a sacrifice for being famous John… DEAL WITH IT, the media is EVERYWHERE

  11. LMFAO @ danielle… its ok… i did too hun… an my vagina… looks like a fuckin roast beef sandwich from Arby’s… js.
    btw.. get to know john before u bash on him XD

  12. Queen cannibal states, “wadges suck ass here.”
    Simmer down kiki because apparently your schooling system does aswell.

  13. Well, correction to my self. It was a personal matter, it is now made public. And you see how john replies he apparently is self obsessed with the internet and needs medical help with ” internet socialist addiction disorder. ” further known as ” myspace, gaming, and other known forum ” addiction. Normally 9-13 year olds have it, and then loose it around 14+ but apparently john surpassed that. By far.

  14. Jasmine. They can handle their matters by being human beings in a working community, not freeloading. Yes this is a personal matter, one it shouldn’t have been posted on myspace. . Stickydrama can post what they please, which is the most pathetic thing to do is post a bulletin and then bitchy subhuman about oh, they have no place to stay. And or if she’s pregnant. It’s not like they are real irl celebs. . Even so who gives a fuck they have personal lives, but they care what 2000 of 20 billion people alive have to say? Holy shit. That’s quite sad, there’s a thing called self confidence. . This is the time to have it. Or gtfo the internet. John, you wanted to be known by people on the internet you got that, deal with it or learn to stay off the internet. Simple. Is it not? Yes it is.

  15. Holy shit. Sorry to put this oh so forward, everyone who agreed with john actually really doesn’t have a piece of mind. My cousin when she was pregnant worked for 5 bucks an hour until her water broke. No, there’s no pity for pregnant women, they get knocked up. .they are psychically able to deal nwith the pain and work full time. John is almost 20 years old, at 17 I would and will have a stable job to save up money for a house. Holy shit. He could atleast have a year and a half of rent saved back up if he would have got off stickam and started working, not getting drunk, or going to parties. News flash parties are only good if one, you have a stable place to live, two can afford all your bills, or apparently have some money saved up. Its pathetic because the 5 hours you spend out at a party you could earn a slighly good working day. My girlfriend works 45 hours a week so when im 17 we can afford an apartment paid in a years full. The only good thing john hock is good for on the internet is teaching young kids like me, get a job @ sixteen, save up for bills, emergencies, food, car and ect money. And then when you have that stable save up for kids. I feel no pity, they want to be attention whores, so be it. I’ve lived in oklahoma my whole life, wadges suck ass here. Even if the only job I could get was 4 bucks I would do it. Instead of begging to freeload. Im glad this was posted here, because it makes my ass jump on my studies, so I don’t end up like you. Thanks john, but sadly your a moron.

  16. Have they ever thought of something called “getting a job”? Instead of being loser couch cruisers seriously GET A FUCKING JOB IT ISN’T HARD, they have homeless shelters OMG STAY AT ONE TIL YOU SAVE UP MONEY. I swear people get more and more retarded these days.

  17. I agree with Kayvon.
    Rapist bastard shouldn’t fuck his fake bitch without protection.
    These problems wouldn’t happen then, now would they, John?

  18. How do you and Amor plan to pay for this child? How do you know you will not get kicked out of whereever you plan to live? Is Amor still drinking and smoking? Because if she is, she might as well abort the baby now because you will be up to your knees in medical bills if the child has any health problems.

  19. lol its dumb of him to aruge serously
    she didnt have to post the preggies part
    but stickydrama is what it’s name is
    and if it sees it
    it posts it :]

  20. It’s kind of a shame Amor was such an asshole to me.
    Unlike her I actually have a heart and would have let you two stay with me.
    Guess she fucked that one up herself.
    Sorry about what’s going down in your PERSONAL life-John.

  21. for everyones information
    i have a job
    so yu can sotp using that as your defense
    thanks 😀

  22. Tory xD OMG
    You are soooooo right
    Hes a Racist Peice of SHIT!
    He needs to find a good job.
    xD He reminds me of my sister.
    I like Amor she has done nothing wrong so far.
    Plus she has nice hair
    BUT Back to the “Hock”
    He just needs to get off the internet and realize that you cant depend on anyone but yourself
    And If you post and or do anything on the internet people are bound to find out someway.
    Internet is not a personal place you know.
    Well John Should know xD
    Everything he does people know about.
    So if his own damn fault people hate him
    But come on John start thinking of your future what if you do have kids where are they going to live? How are they going to get fed? How are they going to live pretty much?
    Start think “Hock” Maybe people will stop hating you if you get your fucking life together. :]

  23. I have an Idea! Maybe John Hock can get this thing called a “job” and support his child so we don’t have to!

  24. it’s sad that people are bringing a child into this world and the kid is gonna have to suffer because they don’t know how to be responsible.
    looks like social services will have another homeless and neglected child on their hands.
    so sad. they don’t even have a place to live and will obviously be raising that baby on the streets.

  25. 5 things:
    1) once you post shit on the internet, it becomes public domain. if you don’t want your shit to be known, don’t fucking post it, plain and simple.
    2) keep your dick in your pants.
    3) she makes these posts pleading for a place to stay and how she’s sooo pregnant and then a second later you post and spam how your “live” RIGHT NOW on stickam and everyone MUST go now and see you. are you really that ignorant to what she’s saying and what’s going on around you?
    4) if you don’t want shit your girl is posting on a PUBLIC domain to be posted on ANOTHER public domain to get out there, then what you have is an age old problem: it’s called COMMUNICATION. you know, “talking to her”. work it out. if you don’t want the fucking world to know shit, then fucking tell her to NOT post your PERSONAL relationship relationship business on the fucking internet.
    5) quit whining. it gets you nowhere and only adds more fuel to the fire aka shines a brighter spotlight to your situation. you should be more focused on other things like, oh say, reading the classifieds instead of worrying what some website is saying about you. get it? got it? good. thanks.

    J Rey said,March 9th, 2008 at 1:57 am
    kiki kanofshit shutup u whore!! Hock best of luck!
    My first post on this was the one on top of this post. kiki is not a whore she is a slut get it right!

  27. How can anyone feel bad for John this is how many times he has had sex with a underage Girl? Why is he not in Jail? I am actually disgusted that Stickam still lets him on there site. They are Promoting a man that is a Rapist. YES RAPIST!!!! ANd I do not want to hear shit about her saying it was okay. There are Laws for a reason and this is proof of one of those reasons. Now my tax dollars are going to Pay for his fucking kid. I am going to go puke in the toilet for about 3 hours now.

  28. whateverrr.
    all these people posting have like, no life whatsoever.
    LOSERS leave him alone, he’s just another human being that makes mistakes.
    over and over again.
    like you do.

  29. d00d i love john, i’ve been talkign to him alot and he’s so cool i used to be like
    “ew john hock a lil rapist fuck” befor i even talked to him but now that i do i gotta say i love him and this is personal :/ i feel bad just fuckin leave it alone if it’s true or not.

  30. Dang John this really sucks. I can TRY to help you out. You have my number… or Jumas. Call sometime and I’ll see what I can do.
    <3 Sandra

  31. i am so sick of how this site constantly patronizes john. he’s a nice guy. im sick of hearing mediocre scandels about him. stfu sticky. it’s getting fuckin boring.

  32. lol i read the comments its mad funny tho, i mean kayvon made a huge point, john cant even get mad
    people want to be in the light and all that but this is a side of it. if you cant take the heat, then step away from the light.
    even tho i dont see alot of people of the net on the fortune 500 list anytime soon.

  33. thats nto even my aim you fucking morons.
    haha you HAVE to CREATE shit about me to keep this shitty site running,.
    onece more.
    forever more:

  34. umm
    she already reported it on Eden’s video.
    And he spilled the beans about her being 17
    so John Hock just impregnated a 17 year old
    Oh btw the video said 2 months if Im not mistaken =\

  35. LOL, Stickydrama is a news site. that is news. if you don’t like it John or whoever else, then don’t look at it. People are gonna know she is or isn’t pregnant soon enough. I love stickydrama.

  36. To the poster called ^^ im also a member of stickam, but the difference between myself and this Hock person and his g/f is that I don’t post intermit information on my profile for the entire world to see. I also don’t chat up girls on stickam and then meet them and have sex with them. I also don’t go live, paint my face black and make racist comments. John and his g/f do however do all these things and act in ways or write public stuff to blatenly get attention. This is why he and her are in NO position to complain. If they dont want websites like this to post crap about them, then 1) dont meet girls online for sex 2) dont post personal or potentially harmfull information publicly 3) dont post nude or seductive photos of yourself online or send them to people 4) Dont strip or get naked on webcam.
    There is NOTHING wrong with being members of stickam, myspace or facebook or any other website. But if your the kind of person who joins those websites and then blatenly does moronic things to get attention, you CANT complain when websites or other people use it against you.
    Why does this Hock guy need to meet girls online? Why does his g/f have to post information about being pregnant and homeless on public information? Why does he have to do racist stuff live on cam? Its all for attention and he cant complain when it backfires.

  37. “if you don?t want people to know something about you DON?T POST IT ON THE INTERNET.”
    LOLOL margaret, the internet hasn’t been here forever.
    it wasn’t around when our parents were thirteen, so why would they know that we shouldn’t post it on the internet?
    just because amor posted the bulletin, doesn’t give sticky the right to post it here for everybody to see!
    honestly, this is stupid
    and john seems like a nice enough guy, as i said before i hated him, but i didn’t know him.
    anyways, i think that sticky shouldn’t have posted the bulletin but what’s done is done, and everybody who goes on stickydrama knows about the whole “amor’s pregnant with the rapist’s baby” situation.
    it’s not going about now, so john and amor need to talk amongst themselves about it.

  38. PEOPLE your parents should’ve told you this when you were 13.
    if you don’t want people to know something about you DON’T POST IT ON THE INTERNET.
    once it’s on the internet, it’s not just YOURS anymore.
    since you feel comfortable posting information about yourself on the internet for the world to see, it IS the worlds.
    it’s simple, if you don’t want anyone knowing, don’t post a fucking bulletin for all your friends to see on the internet.
    dumb shits.

  39. I think they both knew it was going to be posted. John wanted Sticky to post the aim convo duh – so people would really believe she’s pregnant. Notice how people stopped caring about them, so they had to make a little scam stunt so they get more “publicity”.
    psychology guyssss

  40. Okay this is just hilarious, but John, type in full fucking sentences, I hate people who

  41. You’re all spazzing the fuck out over this.
    I think all of you need to stfu. Not just John Hock and StickyDrama.

  42. personally, my opinion on all of this is, sticky was just doing what they do, post stuff for others to gossip about, but on the flip side, i think sometimes u need to over look something, an view it, not as a story, but something u should respect not to post. im sure this point in their lives is hectic enough without thousands of ppl knowing their situation. also, to whoever said “if u get on stickam 24/7 u deserve it” notice how john NEVER gets on anymore? get to know the guy before u hate him. thats all i’m saying.

  43. Why do you guy’s even care?
    I’m not takeing anyones side here
    but let John live his life you guy’s are allway’s on his ass like ur obsessed with him,yes this does make a good post for Stickydrama but can we cut him some slack a little? if this is the way he wants to live his life with Amor and stuff so be it.Theres nothing we can all do except give them a place to live or luaghing over the internet beacuse you all have nothing better to do then make hatred or thing john is a bad person.
    Get over ur selves.
    Its only the internet.

  44. I agree with Kayvon 100%
    Don’t bitch at sticky for posting it. Bitch at Amor for posting a BULLITEN in the first place.

  45. I don’t think its anyones business. I mean yeah Amor posted it on Myspace but doesn’t give anyone the right to repost it on here…

  46. hey bitches im back! poor amor and john. i feel horrible for them..sike. its probably another stunt. like the other ‘kid she has’. pshh

  47. tbh sticky you are getting alot of hate for this topic you have posted, its thier private life, hes asked you kindly to stay outa thier life but its abit rude and rape is the act of force sex, did he force those girls? no he didnt its his life, ive had sex with a underage girl once, im not a rapist. and if johns a racist for that video he made are you telling me you have never said “nigger” before, or “cracker”, i know you have, most people have said it. that makes you a racist too doesnt it?
    you just need to back your shit up abit more man! johns a alright guy just looking for somewhere to stay!

  48. ok, i love how ppl drown themselves it pity parties. Well lets get real here for a sec.
    First off, anytime you put yourself in the public eye, whether you be a celebrity, celebreality, or internet whore, as the case is here. This is what happens. You have to accept the good and the bad.
    Look at Britney. She lived years upon years of having it all. Fame, attention, fortune, you get the idea..
    The moment you start to take for granted what you have and making stupid decisions, dont think its not going to come back and bite you in the ass.
    Amor is not the virgin mary. She didnt get pregnant by some miracle in Bethem. Obviously they are irresponsible and dont use protection, that simple.
    Come on John, how many girls have you gotten pregnant by now? and you have this attitude that when you fuck up everyone is supposed to feel sorry for you, and woe is me.
    You need to grow up, your almost 20. Be a real man for once in your life. Stop going around and impregnating underage girls, then playing the victim. Not once, twice, or three times the charm.
    Yes it is sad. Because Amor is a pretty young girl who can have her future ahead of her and is now impregnated looking for a place to live online.
    They have created this life for themselves. This is what happens when you get caught up with the wrong type of ppl.
    So lets be real again. If you dont want your laundry all over the internet, next time dont post bulletins.
    And John, instead of bitching to Sticky, maybe u need to look at ur babys momma and be like, wtf instead of bitching here.
    Again, start taking some responsibility for your shit.
    When I first started on the site, I thought you had alot of potential. Its really a shame that you have no self respect for yourself or the ppl you claim to love.

  49. its not like amor didnt want anyone to know about this otherwise she wouldnt have posted this, so i dont see why john is going crazy on stickam about it. but i do kinda feel bad that they dont have a place to stay at.

  50. SNS im a memeber of stickam yet still wouldn’t want my life spread across the world. that’s the dumbest argument i have ever heard. in my life. ever.

  51. “its cause i dont want people into my personal life anymore”
    Anyone who joins Stickam and then goes online 24/7 and does lots of dodgey shit to get attention while online, is in NO position to then complain when websites like this pick up on it and post it.
    If he or anyone else doesnt want to have their photos, names or personal lives post all over the internet then DONT JOIN OR USE STICKAM!!!

  52. I actually do feel bad for john. You guys are walys trying to make him seem like “the bad guy” when you really dont know shit.
    Some of the stuff you guys have said about john really isnt that cool. And like how jenn said before, if she really is preganant, its pretty serious. I mean, going through that at such a young age with no place to stay is hard. Hes being a good guy by staying with her. But if he left her while she was preganant, all my respect for him will be lost.

  53. If Amor is really pregnant, than I think thats a serious matter that I think should be some respect on. Sure, I’m sure someone out there wants to know, but im sure it’s a tricky time for both John&&Amor, and if you are going to post about it, maybe try and keep it to mininmum talk about bad things about either one. But thats just my opinion.

  54. if you all have a problem with hock for being racist you better have the same problem with sharolaid. and matthew lush and kiki kannible- remember when they posted that video talking about their future kids and matt had to delete it for their racist content?
    was last summer i think.
    so yea =] have the same problem with every racist on stickam

  55. The more stuff posted about John Hock the more i love him.
    I’m sorry but Stickydrama you need to give this guy a break, he has done nothing to you. And labeling him a rapist continuously is sick, he didn’t forcefully have sex with those girls.
    The girls were little whores who lied to him about their age and then went crying to the world about it and for you to link that with sick men who actually do go and actually RAPE somebody is disgusting and pointless and everyone knows that it’s shit.
    Hock rules. End of.
    And the more people post hate for him the more i feel sorry for John and the more i will like him coz he is actually staying dignified. Unlike Stickydrama.

  56. lulz everyone should leave me funny IMs to wake up to
    and oh ask me for stickydramas number<3

  57. woah woah woah…1.
    okay she posted the bulletin..why wouldnt he want ppl to know??DUDE at least u got a cute girl preggo..at least its not some fat ho!!!
    2.I guess he knows now that this internet fame ain’t shit..all u ppl have him on ur friends list but how many ppl are actually willing to help this dude out right now..
    3.he really didnt care to much about the post..he just didnt want CERTAIN PPL to know.

  58. i used to like.. HATE john hock,
    but honestly i agree with him on this one stickydrama!
    i mean, just because he’s “john hock” you guys post his life over the internet.
    say that was like.. me, who you don’t even KNOW, you wouldn’t post it at all.
    i mean, who cares about some girl that they don’t eve know,
    but when it’s a stickam celebrity, it’s all over the place and everybody knows.
    i think it’s sad that you guys posted this, and some of the things you post ARE interesting, but still, this is stupid.
    butt out of his and amor’s life.

  59. Haha, he’s gonna cry over what she did?
    Deal with it, take it up with your girlfriend pulling these antics.
    You wanted to be known? You got it with all it’s crappy times.
    I think she really is preggo.

  60. I feel bad for John,
    He obvously doesn’t want people to know,
    but Amor does..
    Its something they obviously should have talked about.
    And getting into ‘internet fame’,
    is an open door to your personal life.

  61. i agree with john
    i mean you dont have to butt in his personal life
    i mean its the INTERNET
    and blah
    you guys are gay
    get a life bitchhh:]

  62. paris’ cousin amor hilton? yall dont even know her so shut the fuck up. she has herpes she cant give birth yall

  63. john hock stole my cocaine at a party in the valley is that the pokemon boy with the pickachu hair (sniffffffffff) yeah i snorted meth off his big cock once hehe

  64. She wouldn’t have posted it in a bulletin for thousands of people to read if she DIDN’T WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW.
    Hahaha there’s no way he can defend her for posting it in a bulletin.

  65. don’t feel bad. he’s an idiot.
    seriously? Amor DIDN’T have to post that she was pregnant, but she did. she has thousands of friends on myspace, so obviously SHE doesn’t care if people know. John can STFU and get over it.

  66. Wow.
    What a retard.
    I’m sorry but, there was absolutely no reason to even fight with Sticky Drama.
    Once it’s posted. It is posted.
    Plus, SD was right, if she didn’t or if he didn’t want people to know, she wouldn’t have been a dumb ass and posted it in a Myspace BULLETIN.

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