Some naughy cocksucker—because only a cocksucker would care enough about Jeffree Star’s music—has leaked his unreleased album on a Myspace profile. The music did a good job of distracting from Star’s voice, and so was tolerable compared to his earlier work.
eww I dont want to be john hawk
I have a question.
Is this shit seriously going to be sold?
Like, in stores?????
and plus! its only the internet, its not like any of you will see me walking around the mall giving out illegal copies of his CD =P
i just like being a dick sometimes idno :/
he needs to learn to stop stealing lines from other band’s songs.
lol paul’s screen name made me lol 😉 ^^^
paulllllll….come on…i thought you were a little better than this. and im not talking about the leaking, im talking about the fact that its jeffree.
alrightey illl contact you when i make another myspace for the music..or if anyone just want them IM me : pauljustcame
that was the shittiest excuse for music i’ve ever listened to.
Daumn Paulie, kudos to you! Can’t lie though, that CD cover was up and beyond what I was expecting it to look like. Here I was expecting another one of Star’s unearthly photoshoots with artwork that only a 2 year old could slap together.
You should upload addable versions again, I really want Miss Boombox as a profile song since it like, defines me.
Oh, I got an idea! Let’s have Brandon Hilton copy the photoshoot ideas from the album art! 😉
you all can thank me for putting it on myspace.
No Petey Plastic we don’t want to encourage him. Shhhh maybe he will go away.
ha ha i only like 1 song on the ep. :/
i’m so glad it was leaked cause i’m never gonna buy any of his songs. they’re not worth it imo.
i love the songs but i’m glad they leaked, there isn’t enough songs on the cd to make me want to buy it.
Hate to say it but he’ll never be hollywood famous, hes disgusting IMO
He has more make up on than a clown, and he cant sing.
plus hes ugly as shit.
Stinky Pinky needs to start being a man, he doesnt make a good woman.
the four songs on there are all the unreleased songs on his CD, the other 2 songs on his CD are the ones on his myspace, lolli pop whatever and so fierce.
so all the cd is:
miss boombox
lollipop luxury
cupcake taste like violence
picture perfect
so fierce
heart surgery remix
go here to see for yourself:
I like Jeffree :]
I liked all his songs too; epic win @ StickyDrama<3
What a freak 😀
even if you downloaded it you should still buy it… it will show how an e-fame person can become a music artist… it will be a big breakthrough for trannys everywhere
can’t wait to buy it :)<3
it’s an amazing EP :DD
the profile got deleted…but heres a link to the ep if anyone wants it
He knows what he’s doing, he’s not concerned with the money that he’ll make off of this. His vocals may suck and I may hate him for sending me hate mail for no reason at all, but he is a marketing genius. I’m willing to bank he knows it was leaked as early as a few weeks ago, after all I had the album weeks before this was even leaked and he’s probably not mad at the slightest but Warner’s isn’t allowing it to surface and is removed every time it’s posted on youtube or myspace.
His goal is to further himself into Hollywood with the elite. CTLV has been put off for a while and even when you listen to the actual Cupcakes Taste Like Violence song compared to an advanced track like Miss Boombox, you can tell it was made a while ago. All he’s doing is testing how much attention he can generate with Popsicle Records both with fans and the new people he’ll pick up with his EP.
Jeffree is annoying, but he knows what he’s doing.
LOL what a freak.
I’m still buying it anyways
I thought it was an EP?
Anyway, prepare to see one angry tranny very soon!
wow, people wouldn’t know what UNTALENTED was if it hit them in the face and had pink hair and ugly make up.
only 4 songs?
Awe, this album is so cute.
Go Jeffree!
this album leaked a LONG time ago
someone obviously downloaded the leak and posted it on myspace
but they weren’t the ones to “leak” it.
also, that myspace profile only has 4 songs
the one I downloaded a few weeks ago has 7 tracks.
I would hardly call this a leak.
LOL why would you WANT to download it
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