Jenny Thompson, self-proclaimed TargΓ© employee extraordinaire and the allegedly retarded offspring of a drug addict mother, made the extremely unwise decision to welcome John Hock into her home. Old news, sure—there will always be dumb stickam sluts hungry for the views attendant on Hock’s popularity.Β But StickyDrama deemed it newsworthy that Jenny recently confided to her friend Heidi Lee that Hock might have orally infected her with a sexual disease.
Incredibly, Jenny doesn’t seem to be very concerned. In fact she’s throwing caution into the wind, sharing chapstick (or herpes medication) with the very person who might have infected her:
Not smart.
Evidence of Hock’s promiscuity—and the obvious consequences arising therefrom—is largely anecdotal but nevertheless overwhelming. Many of his personal acquaintances insist he has some type of STD: After he had committed statutory rape against her, Danielle Alexandria claimed that Hock had chlamydia; his former good pals Brookie and Koti Clarke mention crabs, among a few other lulzy tidbits.
Aside from warning Hock’s fans of his sexual health, the above video was Brookie’s response to the psychotic voicemail Hock left her which was posted a few days ago in MyDrama. Hock blamed Brookie for the demise of his relationship with Ericka, a close friend of Brookie; Brookie had alerted Ericka to Hock’s online infidelities.
So to sum things up: If you welcome Hock into your home, he’ll infect you with venereal disease, spam your phone number, cost you hundreds of dollars, harass your friends and kick you in the head. Form a line, girls!
My personal opinion of Hock is a good one. I’ve talked to him before and he’s a nice guy. Wasn’t a perv or anything.
But, if you’re dumb enough to slum around with him then you deserve every bit of what you get.
I really want to see this Josh character now.
who HASN’T Jenny Thompson fucked yet?
we all know how pathetic john hock is that really didnt need to be said but it doesnt bother me that it was . it was actually pretty amusing . john is a piece of shit and im glad its full circle. good thing i never drooled over his dumb ass like so many of you did . ugh stupid rapist
LOL @ Kiki still trying to say she goes to college when she’s like 16.
Are you cooler now? Because you’re in college? You’re special, right? WOW. You and the rest of the fucking world, hun.
Taking an online class along with pathetic “modeling in my undies homeschool” doesn’t mean you’re in college.
It means you’re an ignorant little bitch who, JUST LIKE JENNY, sits on the fucking internet all day.
She’s on myspace and stickam all day?
OBVIOUSLY YOU ARE TOO. Look what you’ve done to get your pathetic e-fame.
Added a bunch of people.
Had your parents take pics of you and your 11 year old sister.
Fried up your hair.
Sucked up to other pathetic e-idiots, like Jeffree Star.
Made pathetic little necklaces out of plastic.
You’re old fucking news, Kiki.
OMG AHAHAHAH john hock looks like tweety.
ugh…wish I could delete that now…don’t really wanna get dragged in to this…
normally I think all of this stuff is stupid…because…well it is…but apparently I found myself reading this stuff just to see what people are saying about my sister and lo and behold I’M mentioned in here…wtf? WHY?? It’s really weird to me, because I have nothing to do with any of this. I have never even talked to any of you people…I have 210 myspace friends…cuz they’re all people I know in real life…cuz…I like to hang out with people in REAL life instead of behind a webcam…
but anyway, I get really offended when you bring ME or my family in to this when I/we have nothing to do with Jenny’s life or what she does!
My mom didn’t go on drugs until AFTER Jenny and I were born due to complications from our birth…also our Dad left my mom once she was in prison and we grew up with him in a rich town and we had a good life after that…
My mom NEVER went to a mental institution and she NEVER molested us…even if she did that is a TERRIBLE thing to make fun of someone for! Also, she’s in a wheelchair because she was hit by a drunk driver and had to get her leg cut off. That was 8 years after she’d been sober and out of prison and was working for a shelter for beaten women.
And wtf? I am NOT fat! I weigh 104lbs and I’m 5 foot six! I think I look DAMN good for having 2 kids!
WTF? I was actually taking Kiki’s side for a while, but then randomly attacking me and my family…what is that going to do? what did we do to you?
And I know that you’re probably trying to use the age difference between my husband and I to say that it’s okay to date a 24 year old when your 16…*creepy by the way* But please don’t. It’s not even anywhere close.
And about Jenny still having pictures and stuff of Josh…He was still a big part of her life. If you love someone a piece of them is always with you. If she still has the memories, why not keep the pictures? I sound stupid and mushy..ha
I know I’m not very good with this internet lingo and all that jazz, because I have a life and I’m not trying to be “e” famous…but I just wanted to clear up the things that were being said about me and my famly…
so uh let the bashing begin..I guess π
None of John’s brothers or sisters are illegal. They were adopted out of the US foster care system, retard! PS- There are black children and native americans actually from this country. Some people are so stupid.
l0l. john fucking hock contridicts himself like every dayβ¦.for example. on his most recnet vid on the βjohnhock69? account he harasses anthonyvanity and calls him an illegal immigrantβ¦.but rember something john; half of your siblings are foreign! haha. iβm pretty sure you all remember his momβs myspace, and all those illegal colored siblings of his. AHAHA.
Annnnnnd how can you make fun of someone for having a terrible home life? Oh wait, you make fun of mentally retarded children and cripples…and Josh better watch out I mean he might end up dead if he gets too serious with you [:
anon 11:07 was ME
not jenny.
kiki you sit there and act like such a great role model “oh i have a phone line lets talk about weight issues!” yet you call a perfectly skinny girl fat?
wow fucking hypocrit. obviously being skinny hasn’t gotten you very well-liked.
Did anyone see that? A .vanity hahahaha
Because then you can get into the mindset of a spoiled teenage brat and a waste of skin pedo. .. I hope John Hock shows up to a Dateline nbc trap … Wouldn’t that be fucking hilarious.. .. “John .. This is Chris Henson of Dateline nbc .. Please take a seat over there. ” LOLOLOLOL
.. I agree with Anonymous .. Completely…
^ oh i forgot talentless
^ you convinced me
there is absolutley nothing wrong with drunk junkie jobless leeching pedophiles
Please…Then minors shouldn’t be lying about their ages and Lurking and Watching!They should GTFO & STFU!!
^yeah but most don’t do it in front of minors like a sex criminal
Oh Yeah…one LAST thing WHO DOESN’T MASTERBATE (If you say you don’t your LYING)??Even married couples do!!And ALOT of people masterbate online!BIG DEAL!That is hardly InFiDELITY! Shit ERIKA should have joined in!!That is NO reason to Break up!! LAME!!!But ty ty ty Sticky darma!! LOVE YOU!!XOXOX!
All I can say is WOW…SOME people sure Don’t like to see other people HAPPY!!!
heidi lee i cant worry about graduating high school cuz im so smart and lie and tell people im in college even though im 16
I actually posted the shit about kiki and her being crazy. Kiki, date people your own age or wait till your legal. Stop getting your parents involved with jennys life. She’s old enough to make her own decisions, you my dear, are not. When I was 17 I was more focused on graduating highschool and hanging out with my friends. Not dating people 7 years older. Josh, really? I thought I knew you better than this but all you do is use girls and I saw that first hand. I don’t care that you called me fat irl, I can lose weight but you can’t fix ugly
I only leave this comments so you guys know that im special for sucking johns jizz, which is infected but honestly I’m so better than Jenny even though I’m 16 and my mommy takes nasty sex pics of my in my panties, I’m stil very innocent and like have no clue what you guys are saying and I”m going to be an actress and I’m in college and skipped 5 grades lolollo rofl lol
like kannibal power
Srsly Kiki I can’t wait until you get out into the real world and off the internet because you are going to get such an ass kicking of a reality check. I really cannot wait until karma gives you what you deserve. You really have no place to talk shit about anyone elses family when everyone knows how messed up your parents are. Don’t act so high and mighty when you’re NOTHING but a bleach blonde, white trash little girl living in a fantasy land.
What a fucking loser.. Honestly .. why hasn’t this guy had the shit kicked out of him yet.. I think he’s long overdue for an asskicking. He makes guys look bad.. Espessially when girls are STILL drooling and defending this worthless excuse for skin.
^^ Double Pwnd
wow kiki a thriving business women like yourself out selling useless trinkets is hardly a career
LOL! and she doesn’t, deny the roast beef part. LULZZZZZZZ!
Ewww, Margaret is that what you were showing in your live…………… ewwwwww
^^ MMMMM! π
yeah right, james doesn’t have any of me
^^ Hoe with aids james showed me your n00ds kiki the roast beef shots, js might wanna get that shit fixed π
btw josh isn’t a pedo and i am of legal age now so stfu
i actually do quite well thank you! I have a lot more going for myself than some dumb bitch who is 22 and begs for myspace comments and is on myspace and stickam every fucking day, spending days upon days harassing me in some way. That’s ridiculous. I am on the internet WAY less that you creeps. The only reason I came on here is 1, the man bitch psycho keeps stalking me and josh 2. and the “I’m just helping john hock and he’s so nice” crap is just that…That was a stupid comment above since I of all people know what e-fame is worth. Any girl who asks me how to do it, I just tell them to not bother with it. It is worthless. I go to college, I have a thriving business. What the fuck do you do besides post bullshit about me? If I had a stage mom I would be in California going on auditions every week. Both my parents are supportive . I am teenager and yeah I get pissed at them sometimes, but I never had a drugged up psycho parent. That I can say, and I don’t stalk any of my ex’s gfs.
Well, after glancing through these comments I have found that Kiki Kannibal is as annoying/obnoxious as the slurs have led everyone to believe.
You must be proud to live up to your name, huh?
Bravo, girl.
this just keeps getting better now we got kiki pedo drama mixed into the story
^I second that vote.
Kiki you’re a dumb bitch who has nothing going for her.
You’re boring, vapid and shallow and I’m sorry but you’re relationship with Josh won’t last much longer because it’s based off drama and deceit.
Everything about you is fake, from your eyelashes to your name and you will never succeed outside of the internet.
And if you’re going to start talking about anyone’s family, you might want to rethink that idea because you have one of the worst families I’ve ever seen.
You have a psychotic stage-mom who’s living vicariously through you because the bitch didn’t do anything else with her life and she actually finds it satisfying to be living through you, like your e-fame is actually worth anything.
And you’re father?
You don’t even like him and he doesn’t give a fuck about your mom or you, he just doesn’t care about either of you.
Which knowing all that I can see why you turned out the way you are, but as the old saying goes;
Fake, psychotic bitches shouldn’t throw stones.
Grow up, get out of the house for like a day at least, and get a fucking attitude check.
i vote kiki shuts the fuck up. she has no room to talk about other peoples lives when her live revolves around stickam drama and internet boyfriends oh and shitty clothing lines. You broke up over a year ago, and you lie and say you block HIM when in reality he blocks you where he can. You keep up pictures of you making out with him You are nuts, certifiable just like your mom. Your dad knows how crazy you are since he knew your mom was nuts, and he left her when you were 3.
lie some more you pathetic psycho. your mom is in a wheelchair from all her drugs (that came directly from your sister) and yes your mom really was committed. She’s probably sucking off the state just like you were trying to use that military guy. you just messaged josh recently and told him you were going to fuck John Hock in a stupid sick attempt to make Josh jealous. Josh was like, idc, go the fuck ahead. He hates you and thinks you are a joke and crazy. You lie all the time, but the thing is you are so stupid you can’t even keep your stories straight or back them up. You tell people you lurk my live and you send 25 to 30 year olds to call me and im me regularly. It’s pathetic.
You confided in a person that you later abused. you are stupid for doing that. I didn’t do anything to you except call you fat after you kept harassing me over and over again. You have been harassing me for almost six months now, and you lurked Josh’s phone bill since you still have a joint 2 year plan and posted my number…hence the calls from ct at all hours. Josh and I were just friends at first, and you went nutty and started leaving me comments saying that “He is mine”; bubz or some shit that you called him is all yours. You are the most fucked up person I have ever met and that is fucking saying A LOT. Go drink some more you manly, dirty alcoholic who can’t remember who, what or when she fucks.
I didn’t post that either ^ And everyone should leave kiki and john hock alone i want a mongoloid slacker 3way
I didnt post that^. But kiki should stop bitching and really should not be dating a 24 year old. Thats really fucked up.
seriously kiki, shut up. you are just happy the target is off your idiot head right now
kiki are you fucking retarded? you’re boyfriend is 24 and works at the dollar store and you’re talking shit about jenny working at target? do you even have a job? maybe if you did you wouldnt be such a naggin’ lil brat about not having a car. you’re fucking redic. you look look like a transvestite. are you seriously crazy? you’re gonna get jenny’s “dad” in on this? shes 22! your dad should be in on this and should be locking you in your room for even allowing you see josh. does anybody else find that creepy? hes 24 and kiki is what 9? dont say jenny lives in a shit hole when you still live at home. k thanks
Whoever things John is some crazy scary dude has obviously never seen him get beat up.
lol @ kiki’s life revolving around interweb drama
its soo funny cause she says” I DONT LIKE JOSH BLA BLA” when she constantly sends him messages and has all there pics up still. LOL I think it’s crazy how EVEN AFTER A YEAR LATER, she still has pictures up of him and writes blogs about him. LOL wasn’t it funny when Rory said she was crazy in one of the e-mails and he’s leaving her
LOL plus Jenny.. you’re NEVER going to be E famous. She told her ex” OH SINCE YOUR WITH KIKI I’LL JUST GET WITH JOHN HOCK.” lmfao you got what you wanted sweetie, 15 mins of “E FAME” your title” JENNY THOMPSON THE SENILE SLUT THAT GOT HERPES FFROM JOHN HOCK. lol Is anyother girls john has gave a disease to E FAMOUS? No. Also Corey Pattakos can confirm John has warts. js.
jenny js. your teeth are jacked up, you have lizard eyes, you can’t do hair and makeup for shit, you live in a shit hole, and you’re fat.
Oh ya and there are some prime pictures of Jenny in that photobucket hahahahaha
“Tomy Toolshed said,December 14th, 2008 at 11:57 pm
brookie makes me HARD”
I know π
And ya Kiki is telling the truth… I saw the emails Rory sent her because Rory gave me his stickam password for a while and I am nosey and glanced at his messages hahahaha
Is Jacobson the Military guy??
Ps. Stop having your fucking 30 year old white trash friends IMing me. Senile slut.
Jenny.. I’ve seen all the fucking shit you sent josh. Don’t even fucking lie. ARE YOU FUCKING SENILE? Its just proving you’re crazy. Seriously leave josh and me alone. Im soo sick of you. When im 22 , I won’t be working at target and sallys. When im 22 I won’t be harassing a girl under the age of 18. When im 22 I won’t be on stickam, when im 22 I won’t be meddeling over my ex. You are the most ignorant person I have ever fucking come to known of, and trust ME I’ve come across some fucked up people. EVEN YOUR DAD SAID HE KNOWS YOU WON’T GET OVER JOSH ON THE PHONE TO MY MOM. So please do us all a favor… keep making dumb crazy choices.. I love the amusement. ;] oh btw im gunna find Rorys email to me and post it ;] js so people check back in for some screen shots. Oh and jenny.. I heard about you going to utah to marry a guy in the military JUST so you could get money checks. That’s how sick you are.
I want to suck John’s herpes infested cock because nobody likes my mongoloid face
yeah jenny like you aren’t fucking hock either, slut
does anyone remember amor? lol.
Hey anonymous. Im well aware of internet lingo, and i also, i live with Brooke, she shows me this, and i like to have a good laugh sometimes. So don’t flatter yourself or anything. Thanks for the thoughts<3
this is so funny cuz its 100% untrue.
my mom was addicted to drugs AFTER i was born because of complications after my birth.
too funny <33
and as for having diseases and what not.. i’d have to have sex for all that to happen. and that RARELY happens. π
and btw that wasn’t posting about Josh.
Kiki get a hold of me and I’ll send you emails josh SENT me.. that I BLOCKED.
fucking idiot.
I don’t care about him at all you crazy psycho.. why don’t you try to get me grounded again and call my daddy! lawlz.
it gives you luls ( which is an internet turm on this site )because you like being talking about it makes you feel good that ppl care about you being on this site cuz they all think its the cool thing is to be talked about on this bullshit site
oh and of course john will never change any dumb ass would know that you dont have to know him to tell he wont and also you must like the attention this brings you cuz you look at it all the time
you posted a message RIGHT after i sent mine HAHAHAHHAHA LAME ASS
brookie makes me HARD
To the person above, I know John enough to say he can’t and won’t ever change. And no, i didn’t comment much on Brookes video, because he didn’t leave me the voicemail, he left HER the voicemail, and she asked me to sit with her as she recorded it, so please before you start mouthing off understand everything. I couldn’t give two shit about e-fame. I don’t care to have friends who don’t respect me as such, so why would i put myself out there and try too look cool for someone elses benifet. I’m so over this wannabe cool bullshit stickam has become. If you’d like to further complain about me, have a blast, because it only gives me “lulz” <333
lol @ kota trying to act like she knows him when she dont she jsut wants some e-fame and she didnt really say much on this but agree with brook…LAME
lol @ all these comments. And if he comes to jersey hell be even closer to me. oh dear godddd. Someone get him out of the east coast please
Fail on not linking Tomy’s name like this ^
And most people don’t capitolize every word re-re… you won’t be hard to figure out.
Plus Tomy would never call Rory Tiny. lulz.
Ericka[GMF] Your Roast Beef Is Large And In Charge. What I Heard From Tiny Was Your Shit Smelled,So Bad. He Always Had To Double Wipe His Dick With Hydrogen And Tons Of Soap To Get The Smell Out.
Js Ever Heard Of Soap And A Douche Bag.
jenny luvs to beg for comments on her photos, but if sumone says she’s ugly suddenly she doesnt care wat anyone thinks…lol
okay one guy that actually lived with jenny for awhile said she was crazy and that her mom was committed to a mental institute. Another guy that drunkenly fucked her said that jenny had really bad hygiene as in vaj-jay-jay. In light of this post it was probably because of all the infections she gets.
If a guy notices that shit when he’s drunk, it must have been really bad. Moral of this story is don’t confide in people and then start psycho stalking him because your shit will be made public. oh yeah, and jenny get your infections under control before you fuck a guy or at least use some summers eve or some shit like that. bahahaaahaha! Jenny’s apparently not only psycho, but smelly too. She looks fucking dirty.
this video is all truth.
haha nice
Well I feel kinda jealous of jenny now cause she got to experience john hocks baby dick first hand, now i wanna play tummy sticks. bye
^^^ LMFAO ^^^
Kiki I wouldn’t worry Jenny Is just a drunk with an attention problem, so is John, and she has really fucked up teeth, also her make up…um looks like she took some black paint and put circles around her eyes.
Maybe it’s all that amazing target hair prodcts, and make up …. and if target sold stick-on tattoos she’d be all over that too.
Someone please get brooke’s fat ass out of the stickydrama chatroom, she keeps kicking and saying I can kick whoever I want and get remodded, what a bitch
^^^ lmfao sooo true. That is her, or her anorexic fat phobia sister. Stfu jenny your sister is fucking married to a fat ugly insane clown posi lovin redneck white trash bumpkin who’s 30, and what ur sister is 22? Hahahha don’t be mad cause I have the only thing that was ever fucking good to you in your life you fat slut. Seriously im SOOO fucking sick of you tmailing and texting him. He doesn’t fucking want you, if he did he obv would be with you. Everyone thinks your crazy because of your actions. Your mom is mental and kidnapped you, does drugs, and went to prison, I wonder if she’ll give u pepsi and ciggs for x mas again this year :] oh btw having ur friends stalk me is waaay immature, have fun gettting your belly button fucked by the targett manager, maybe he’ll even put good word in for you so you can work at walmart next month. Josh, tomy, rory, EVEN YOUR FUCKING TWIN SISTER has said you’re not right in the head. You’re never going to be “e-famous” you’ll just be in the pile of used cum rags oh john.
Ohh and if I hear any bs from you, ill let your dad know jusss sayan. ;]
LOL ^^ that is so jenny
and jenny you are FAT
u r a sick twisted slut
with stds
jenny is fucking tiny i’ve actually seen her in real life so i know kiki i usually defend you because i think your really just an unfortunate child but you really dont have a leg to stand on with this “fat” shit. josh is the same age as jenny as far as i know so why is he fucking around with a 16 year old? hmm? they actually had a real relationship and an apartment together and you have an oMgZzz inTerweBzZz relationship. oh wow! how seriousssss.
i’m pretty sure she was joking about getting aids in her mouth you fucking dumbasses.
I contribute to society, but in a bad way, I spread my STD’s. I am a huge whore with no self-esteem you know. You would have though Hock would have knocked some sense into me when he kicked me in my head head. Nope, I’m still an idiotic cunt π
I would so lick brooks asshole and i wouldnt mine sucking john even though he might have warts
..yes. they make it even shitter.
ugh do these people contribute to society at all?
Fuck them all, especially Brooke that nasty skank ass slut, get a fucking job and stop spending all your time on stickam and myspace
fuck no. if he comes near i’d run for my life to the nearest police station. rofl.
The gathering place of the “nobodies”. Awesome!! Let’s check the list……….John Hock check, Kiki check, Margaret check. Last but not least (least is so far from reality with her fatass) we have Brookiecakes
Ew thats not me up there^^^
You’re a crazy fat 22 year old nobody.
Brooke is just a penniless whore who nobody really likes.
yes brooke, your ass is massive
how is making a video having too much time on your hands?
idiot. rofl.
I DO have a fat ass! π
hahahahah all of these are redic.
hocks a fucking dumb ass perv.
jenny is stupid for thinking ” she was different”
whoever is in that vidoe, you guys have too much time on your hands.
then end
Who is up for 2 tons of fun, I suck a mean cock and love it in my fat ass π
Stop faking as me.
And John hock is actually pretty nice, I feel so bad for him. I’d suck his dick js
Thank you karma.
You have NOOO idea how amazingly satisfying this is for me.
Note for everyone who reads this, trying to ruin someones life is pointless and a waste of time, MOST people can do an amazing job of doing it themselves.
Case annnddd point.
NO margaret, I started this whole thing using Tomy’s, and I am so epic everyone copies me π
i love brooke. justsayin.
margaret, nobody cares if it’s you or not and Aaron STFU you creepy weirdo
using my name is the newest running gag huh ?
lol if he goes to nj he’s gonna get arrested. I’ll fucking get some lil girl to get with him.
Kaitlyn next?
I thought lil Wayne was desi but then again desi dosent say js or post here.
Fact is any girl will take john if they met him in real life regardless of his weirdness.
He’s “cute” or so I heard and he’s very sextuall and apparently girls like that.
Whatever that’s their fault for being friends with him in the first place.
the fuck no he better not be.
This is my first post on this.All others are fake.:
Poor jenny, stds are gross, but fucking john was dumb. Ew I hear hes going to jersey?
Whats lil wayne doing here?LOL
lil wayne you dumbass this site is about internet celebs not real celebs, how long did it take you to figure that out
John has no fuckin pride, i couldnt believe how on myspace in his bulletins he was actually begging for money lol what a loser i couldn’t believe girls were dumb enough to donate to him
you alll r fucked up , who gives a shit about john hock . this site is fail . internet celebs ? what the fuck , lets talk about REAL LIFE celebs , bettter yet NONE at all . js , this site is starting to get annnoying , talking about losers that do nothing but sit on their assses on stickam . this is shit
@Anon 1:33 AM.
I am most certaintly not “blinded” by her tits. Obviously I have seen her nudes as I’m an avid lurker of anonib — so your comments about her boobs not being that big are completely absurd — they are in fact, that big.
Having said that, her boobs have very little to do with befriending her. Ultimately everyone needs to cut through their own bullshit and admit to themselves — this is the internet — everyone is manipulative here.
My girlfriend is too ugly. I think I might be impotent.
Someone post more nudes of Margaret so I can beat my tiny dick off π
JS Anthony and Sticky CALLED ME and asked me to make a video explaining everything because I told them it was far too much to type. π
thats what jenny gets for being a dumb bitch.
Hope she catched all does Aids and nasty shit for being a slut.
Everyone knows what type of person that fag hock is.
That’s what you get, and i actually liked jenny before but know she just showed how trailer trash she is.
thats what jenny gets for being a dumb bitch.
Hope she catched all does Aids and nasty shit for being a slut.
Everyone knows what type of person that fag hock is.
That’s what you get.
anon 3:29 stfu and gtfo, this is stickydrama not some love in. we are here to spread the truth about internet losers
agreed , they’re all pathetic. especially the two cunts who had to make a vid and out it on youtube
i seriously doubt any of you are better.
stop worrying about how you think everyone else is messed up to get away from your shitty lives.
you’re all fucked up in the head.
who the fuck in their right mind would be talking about someones mother being a drug addict? thats fucking horrible, stop focusing on everyone elses lives and focus on your fucking own, pathetic asses.
all these bitches are bustedd
bashing john is getting old.
Shit happens, move on…
Jenny is such a liar. She kept saying “I’m not letting Hock stay with me”
She took him in, got his STD and offspring, then kicked him out.
Just like regular trailer trash!
^^Another example of a guy blinded by her tits. She is a pathological liar and manipulator. She eventually alienates everyone she meets. Yeah, a few people come on here and say they like her, but just wait , the longer you know her, you’ll come to despise her. All she’s good at is sitting their with her mouth gaping cleavage talking shit. Yeah, her tits are big, but not as big as you think. Those who haver seen her noodz know that.
The magic of the pushup bra. If you haven’t seen her noodz, they’re not hard to find and if you can’t find them , just offer her some food, she’ll show you what you want to see.
Brooke is win <3
Hock needs to be put away, he is a danger to himself and others. As for you Brooke, we call your bluff. The guy you claim as your BF, the one whose myspace you promote in your live? According to him, he’s not your BF, he’s not dating you, he doesn’t plan on dating you and is very much single. He also is speaking to a few other girls besides you. Bottom line, Brooke you FAIL!!
John Hock is a piece of shit, but if I was in the same room as Brooke, I’d probably kick her in her big melon head as well.
jenny is not fat kiki so stfu
youre gonna be disappointed when josh comes and sees your bc hes gonna poke your huge eyes out with his huge nose . youre a piece of shit kiki. just like your mom
i love erika<3
oh and lol at jenny’s mom being a drug addict and kidnapping them when they were 9 and molesting them ahahhaha
she scraped all the herpes scabs off johns cock with her razor sharp coke cutting rat teeth
lol i wonder if john fucked her bellybutton and slapped that chubby muffin top of hers.
^ ok but this vid might open up some ppl’s eyes
Almost 10 minutes of that fat bitch and that loose whore complaining about someone they “hate” is very amusing. We all know Hock is a worthless piece of shit without bitching in videos.
I’m not the least bit shocked by any of this, he always did look wormy. I wouldn’t doubt that his drug abuse has led him to contract any number of nasty ailments, in fact I would say his cock is ejaculating pure AIDS virus at this point. Yes we will see the wake of destruction continue to widen as hock continues to be able to manipulate young quim. Just as Ted Bundy, Richard”Night Stalker”Ramirez and others had no shortage of dumb cunts trying to marry them on death row.
Jenny has a beat up vag.
She should get botox to keep those lips up XD js
And i dont mean her mouth…
jenny is an ugly slut
i loveee brooke and koti<333
this should be hacked to john’s myspace page so the lil followers can learn the truth
lol ‘form a line girls!’
HAHA WAIT! When Koti said something about crabs she was talking about Jenny!!! BAHAHAHA
And yes I didn’t do anything when he kicked me in the head. If YOU truely knew how insanely crazy he is then you would also be scared he might pick up a hammer and attempt to get nuts on you. He does shit like that to people and he tried to do it to me just before he kicked me in the face.
Intimidation is the only thing you can scare that idiot off with.
All these people are losers. Hock is an insane pedo and Brooke is the biggest bitch west of the Mississippi!
Lmfao herps
He kicked the girl on the right in the face and all she did was start screaming at him?? She should’ve kicked his ass.
I know the girl that was with him that night at ericka’s apt.
what a winner.
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