Home Stickam John Hock Keep Hock Off the Air and Win Our Top Banner Spot

Keep Hock Off the Air and Win Our Top Banner Spot


Since the rapist loves to offer prizes, StickyDrama thought that we should do the same.
Whoever shuts down The John Hock Show gets our top banner.
Some readers, and AVC employees, might ask why StickyDrama is so concerned with Hock’s online shenanigans. Among our many well-documented objections to his character, we have lately become particularly vexed with the volume of his Myspace spam, in which he packs about 10 Stickam players per bulletin. Posting dozens of such bulletins per show, he vastly inflates his number of viewers, compromising the integrity of Stickam’s rankings.
Lately Hock has not even bothered to delete his old bulletins, which enabled us to screen-record exactly how many players he embedded—loading that many Live players freezes our browser!
As with any prize, we must list a few conditions:
Hock’s show must be off the air for at least one full week. In exchange, our top banner spot is yours for one full month. Keep Hock off the air for 2 weeks, and the spot is yours for 2 months … and so on. If he gives up and quits Stickam for good, the banner spot remains yours for one full year after his last show.
The banner can link to your Stickam account, or any website you wish.
We don’t care how you shut him down—in fact it’s probably best we don’t know.
Your banner can say or show anything (with the exception of underage nudity). It can be your ugly face. it can be your ex-girlfriend’s n00dz. It can be a Nazi swastika and it can be KKK members holding a lynching. It can say “StickyDrama sucks,” it can say “John Hock FTW,” or both. We don’t fucking care. As long as Hock remains off the air, our most coveted banner spot is yours.
Please contact StickyDrama in advance, so we know who actually accomplished the goal. Otherwise it will be difficult to verify your claim.


  1. ur all really stupid i mean all john has to do is hack stickam and he can get back on stickam and do w.e the fuck he wants ur all pretty pathetic

  2. Honestly.
    Id bring him back
    This is the internet people. Nothing on here has any meaning to life in general and you “fighting” to keep him off is only showing how pathetic this shit really is.
    Weather you be jealous of him, hate him, or simply inlove with him. Its some kid out in CA trying to do something to take up his spare time,
    You dont like him? DONT WATCH HIM. Dont spend all your time worrying about weather or not hes on here anymore.

  3. I don’t understand why you want him off the air so badly. what is so wrong with the guy?
    i mean ive never been in his chat but still. seams kinda mean.

  4. This is why I don’t like stikam to begin with, and the fact that stikam allows this idiot to do half the shit he does just so he’ll bring in ratings is disgusting. As if a site like Stikam is going to get yourself famous?
    Same goes for that retard Kiki ‘Kannibal’. People seem to think that ‘haters’ will make you famous. How laughable. See ya when your working at Starbucks in about a year.

  5. I’m surprised you guys haven’t tried causing a Devin Coffin hate storm, considering she is an awful clown, (lol just look at her pics), someone needs to take her back to the circus. ):
    Oh, and tonight at john hocks live show, i posted this link 3 times to promote the ‘ keep hock off the air and our top banner is yours,’ but i got banned. oh well, any advertisment about this will help. hah

  6. hollywoodhaley said,
    August 24th, 2008 at 3:22 am
    well, you people have no lifes.

    I think the plural of “life” is “lives”, sir. Retards like you are a serious issue. Like Hock. Except that this here topic epically failed. ๐Ÿ™

  7. LMAO jhon hock is suck a dick i hope he get banned i hate when he says go to blah blah shit website psfh u cant go 5 seconds with out hearing it hes a ugly dick with no life =/

  8. he is just a spam king. if you watch his show for like 3 minutes you’lll hear him saying pictureyouprize.com my little slaves .

  9. “Kiki Kannibal said, June 28th, 2008 at 6:49 pm
    Get that queer off Stickam.
    Everyone should be in my live anyways.
    What an egocentric CUNT. But yeah, I say itd be WAYY better if they also deleted all of his friends. ALL of them, since getting them is a hassle with captchas and stuff.

  10. okay, haaha for all you dumbfucks that are going to comment in the rapist side why are you even on this page if your going to talk shit, you lame!, I hope that fag gets off stickam for fucking ever, and disapears, common he fucked a 14 year old some weeks ago -_- what the fuck, his just inmature fuck that need s to get a life and drop the scene its a phace that is out of trend,
    stickydrama I hope you get this!!

  11. well put marisa.. but heres the real thing, john is a pedo.. and he is a threat to young helpless women..LIKE yourself hollywood.. girls who are to fucking young to make the right desicons.. girls your age hoolllyywood. DONT MAKE right desicnos.. you arnt fully fucking developed yet. this hack thin isnt to “ruin his life” intentionaly.. its just for fun.
    but joh deserves it.. he is a pedo fuck. a drunk fuck. and he is bound to go no where further with his life then just this stickam show.
    shut the fuck up and go bitch to someone who cares

  12. “the people who run this , should consider getting a life
    and moving out of mommyโ€™s house”
    Lol, what if whoever runs this has a high paying job and lives in a mansion? You never know~

  13. First of all, if you’re going to talk shit on stickydrama about them, can you at least have the fucking balls to post your name and stickam/website? No, of course not.
    Secondly, sticky is not obsessed with John, you would know why they want him off the air if you’d watch him when he goes live at night.
    He drinks, I heard he does drugs but I don’t know about that one, and he fucks underage girls. Is that not good enough to get him off the internet?
    Thirdly, if you’re going to hate on sticky because of this, get off the site, simple as that.

  14. seriously , you’re all stupid , I’m sixteen years old , & i am not obsessed with john hock , nor do i even think he is hot . but, he is a fucking person, just like you trying to make money & live his life . leave him alone you twats . seriously get on with your pathtic boring lifes . stickydrama is just a site, to make people feel low about themselfs & start bullshit . its a waste of a fucking website , this is high school drama , the people who run this , should consider getting a life
    and moving out of mommy’s house .

  15. HAHHAHA i cant wait tell i finish the hack.. hahaha
    i hope i make the lil 15 yearold obbsesse girlies who send nudes to this faggot every day, cry.. i hope they ball when hey see that this poor stupid pedo fuck is off air.. haha
    im havng so much fun..
    soon guys soon

  16. I, Yes i .. the one whom started FUCK THE HORDE.. and the one partially responsible, along with another acomplice,
    Got John Deleted a few months back, you may all remeber this.
    So why does eeryone think he is so invincible now.. I will do this agian.
    just you wait for it
    i did it once before i will do it all over agian

  17. “john hock did that only a few times i only have 100 myspace friends and he hasnโ€™t posted any of thoes in a few weeks…”
    bullshit! he posts them everyday. and yes anonymous, that video is the kid kiki ultimately killed.

  18. its funny, I hope someone can get this to work.
    and to all the “NEGATIVE COMMENTS”:
    if you dont like stickydrama, dont vist it ass fucks.
    stop complaining and grow the fuck up.

  19. why would you read stickys posts
    if your gonna just go cry and poop in your pants chill the fuck out

  20. He seems to be making it a point to stay on stickam as long as you can. Hes on it twice as more now it seems.

  21. Fuck you Stickydrama. I hope everyone here realises Stickam and Stickydrama won’t be around forfuckingever. GO GET A LIFE. Leave John Hock and Matthew Lush and everyone else alone. Seriously. You all need lives. Or brains. Whichever. J/S.

  22. I don’t doubt that someone could take John down.
    his main supporters are 14 year old scene shits.

  23. “whoever wins.
    put hocks asshole on teh banner and get some poo stick his face on the poo and draw flies around his face on teh poo.
    XD XD XD


  24. wow. john hock’s a fag.
    and ‘jenny(:’ is immature, with her “we draw fliez ar0und teh poo!” what are you, 14? lol.

  25. fuckers. john hock is amazing && is among the to SUBSCRIBERS on sickam. theres no way spamming his players will get him unfair subscribers..

  26. they say no press is bad press. youre stirring things up for him and giving him more attention. i say everyone erases him from their friends list, forgets his name, and hey, maybe he’ll go away.i mean if you really want him gone that bad.

  27. they say no press is bad press. youre stirring things up for him and giving him more attention. i say everyone erases him from their friends list, forgets his name, and hey, maybe he’ll go away.

  28. Anonymous said, June 26th, 2008 at 10:08 pm “your so fucked up why dont you fucking leave him alone he dose not need your shit you dumbass. god your like obsess with him of something get a fucking life”
    lmao!! Learn to spell before calling others dumb.
    This is going to be fucking hilarious!! Make it more fun by shutting down all the rest of the stickam “celebs”

  29. I know people hate john hock, but keeping him of stickam would be a rough task. I continue to remain nuetral on the matter, but Stickam without John Hock is like Peter Pan without Captain Hook….

  30. im sick of those fuckin bulletins thats why i never open his they make your computer slow. and you little 14 yr olds stop saying there obsessed with Hock and crying about it, get over it, stickydrama is about those dumb ass internet kids

  31. come on you guys that is really fucked up that you would want to do that
    isn’t that how he makes his money?
    that’s seriously mean
    it’s his life, leave him alone

  32. you said- “hes hott and brought most of these scene kids to the website stickam values him.”
    I say- Are you fucking kidding me? really? you must be some 14 year old cum dumpster or maybe even john hock cause i don’t know anyone in a right state of mind who would say that. Scene Kid’s should all go take their std infested bodies and set themselves on fire cause I’m sick of seeing there big fake hair, makeup drowned faces, and awkward camera angles so you can’t see there real non-photo shopped faces. Lastly no one but sad little girls value him.
    so to you i say suck a fat hairy dick.
    Sticky Drama epic win :} <3

  33. whoever wins.
    put hocks asshole on teh banner and get some poo stick his face on the poo and draw flies around his face on teh poo.
    XD XD XD

  34. your really fucking immature. seriously, get a fucking life and leave john alone. he’s done nothing to you.
    if hes done something in his past, who cares. its the past, and its HIS life.
    seriously, fuck off(:

  35. john hock did that only a few times i only have 100 myspace friends and he hasn’t posted any of thoes in a few weeks.
    he only post’s one in my buletins because he has alot of myspace friends.
    hes hott and brought most of these scene kids to the website stickam values him.

  36. what are they gonna do, hack him? john’s been hacked so many times and you think now that he’s actually getting paid for the show he’s not gonna remake another account?
    haha I think you guys are really running out of material. the petey plastic thing? kinda funny but not drama. the hannabeth thing, pointless and not drama. and this is the stupidest one yet.
    stop being so obsessed with john hock, it’s really creepy and weird.

  37. go sticky. obsession? no.
    they know he is a rapist and a drug addict and they want him off the air.
    that’s not being obsessed dumbasses.

  38. All ur doing is drawing more attention to him.
    it that really what u want to do.
    its just making people talk about him more.

  39. your so fucked up why dont you fucking leave him alone he dose not need your shit you dumbass. god your like obsess with him of something get a fucking life

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