The Joy of Kicking Jeffree

Oh Dear Readers! Today was a glorious day. Jeffree Star came into the StickyDrama chatroom ... and we...

Kiki: "John Hock Should Go To Jail"

StickyDrama NEVER thought we'd write this, but Kiki Kannibal actually has some good advice for all girls on Stickam: STAY...

Stickam Death Threats: The Latest Trend!

The feud is back on! Jeffree Star banned Anthony Vanity from his Live Saturday night, and then brandished a...

Two Weeks Max

19-year-old bisexual Allen Fame proposed marriage to 18-year-old Ember Fame Saturday night. Ember, who is second in Allen's friend list behind...

Lush Busted!

It is common knowledge that shameless cocksucker Matthew Lush is using a friend-adder, without which he would have about 5...

Prison Bitch

Dicks across the country rose in unison as Corey Pattakos described the circumstances leading to his recent incarceration. The creamy-complexioned Corey,...

One Night in Joshua Paul

Is Josha Paul the alter-ego of gay porn slut Tim Hamilton? You decide:

Get Professional Help, Girl!

Confirming her "cum dumpster" status, Kiki Kannibal tonight drew an erect penis on her belly, in addition to dozens of...

Live Photoshop?

The pink abomination that is Jeffree Star made a rare on-cam appearance tonight. Jeffree was live but off-cam for an eternity...

Practice What You Preach, Bitch!

Kiki Kannibal bemoans the posting of her private information online, but she has no qualms doing the same to others. ...