John Hock’s viewers (and hecklers) might have noticed his new beauty mark.

The shiner was apparently delivered by Drew Deviation, with whom a very drunk Hock was recently hanging out. At the home of an unknown person, Drew went Live and began recording Hock … but not the fake, shallow braggart who hosts The John Hock Show. No; Drew preserved a rare glimpse at the immature, out-of-control mess that is the real Hock, the Hock that emerges when the webcam is turned off.

Sources close to the subjects describe how later that night, Hock became more violent and lunged at Drew. Drew, in self-defense, threw the bellicose male prostitute into a stove—giving Hock a black eye. In his Live the following evening, Hock claimed to have no memory of those events, appearing shocked and appalled by his disgraceful actions.
Interesting to note that Hock was so intoxicated, he claimed to be 24, then 22, and then again 24 years old. If this is true, then his numerous sex crimes against minors become a more serious matter: Most states consider a larger age discrepancy between victim and assailant to call for a more severe punishment; what would have been a misdemeanor could easily become a felony.


  1. as for the Comment left by:
    Anonymous said
    ,July 23rd, 2008 at 11:04 pm
    I didn’t know John was going to be there, plus He was already drunk before i got there. Sorry you think i was trying to Stage this full thing. People that were in my Live that night can tell you i was Live for a while and John was sleeping behind me. He work up right when I started recording. Plus, I didn’t even bring Alco with

  2. lol. i love it when john’s head hits the camera and all your see it black. hahha. wow, that really had nothing to do with this video. hahah. wow.

  3. I actually feel bad for him, I think he’s probably just really really confused.
    He’s living proof that people will do anytaangg for money, though. Which is kind of disgusting.

  4. Who really cares if he got drunk. No one on this stupid site can say they haven’t been drunk before. And let me say this… Drew is 29 what the hell is he hanging around 20 year olds getting them drunk in the first place. That in itself is a crime. I am in my late 20’s also and would never “hang” out with a 20 year old. Drew is pathetic. He totally got John drunk so he could stage this to get a little publicity & $$ for himself. Drew is sick! & Stickydrama is stupid for buying it. What kind of weird obsession do you have with Hock anyway? Stickypathetic is what this website should be called.

  5. lawwwwwwl wtf? john actually looks better and kinda cuter when he’s hella drunk. cause in that video he doesn’t have that little “i haven’t shaved since yesterday morning” beaner stache that he usually does like on his show and shiz.

  6. He apologized in his live a million times.
    I don’t like him all that much, but sticky, you sound like a bad biased tabloid with this one.
    For real now.

  7. John hock is not a celeb, which is why he came to Stickam since he got deleted so many times on MySpace cause people hated him so bad, same shit will happen to him on Stickam. He’s nobody, not famous, not a celeb. Stop relating him to something he’s not, he’s trying but as pathetic as he’s trying. It’s not working.

  8. LOL another jock cock post.
    A worthy one, but still another one…
    Can’t you guys write about something else?

  9. I love Gage. >.>
    And, recently, I’ve become pretty hyped up about a lot of bullshit, and I think it just feels like I need to vent sometimes.
    Diva, I know that my comments have gotten bland, un-ineresting, and repetitive, and I know that.
    Hock epitomizes a lot of things I despise in people.
    And being a human, I’m not allowed to complain and rant about normal people.
    Hock on the other hand, I can say what I want because there are a lot of people who agree with me.
    And anyone who comes to Stickydrama is coming here to get the latest dirt on some one or another. I don’t care who you are. You care coming to this site to see who else has fucked up, who has had sex, who got naked, who’s taken what drug. That’s why this site is so popular. Because people LOVE to see other people at their worst. ESPECIALLY “celebs”. Because it makes them seem human. Makes them out to be more on our level.
    So when you say that we’re too concerned with their business, that may be true, but you’re here as well.
    To dish the dirt.
    To read the bullshit.
    To get in on it.
    That’s who we are as people.
    I’m not trying to be rude, or anything, I’m just attempting to make a point. And my apologies if it sounds a little rambling and choppy. I haven’t slept yet, worked all night, all that bullshit jazz.

  10. It’s not so much that he’s drunk, because he’s an asshole in general, drunk or not, and that is what is sad. If you really ever get to know him youll be flabbergasted at how much of a dick he really is.

  11. John was so funny, he was obnoxious but funny. Regina was trying to keep everyone together peacefully, and Frankie was trying to keep everyone off of him cause everyone was trying to kiss him haha

  12. I’m not a “Hock hater or lover”,.. That being said, oh come on! So he got drunk,.. if this were any other person who would even care? Big deal he got drunk! Most people do. And this whole “sources say” blah blah, thats still just hearsay. The whole age thing, pfft lame. I’ve been so drunk I thought my friend was a puppy.

  13. LOL!
    Evertime he goes live the only thing people ask is if he’s gay.
    Nobody gives a shit about anything he has to say
    It’s actually kinda sad.
    Not only a bruised face, but a bruised fucking ego.

  14. john is striving to become the britney spears of the internet world that we’ve all come to know and loathe. let’s just give him a hand, folks. a real big hand, for being whorish on soooo many levels.

  15. DIVA DISASTER, I repeat, DIVA DISASTER.. Do not stop commenting. Okay? You should let some idiot try to tell you how it is around here. People are people, and you’re human. So do whatever YOU want to do with your time. Not what some idiot tries to bring you down with. (Anon never told you to stop posting but if he’s pushed you towards that direction..)

  16. You are correct anon,I make few remarks every now and then, Chris Crocker was something I couldn’t resist remarking on.
    I guess I should just stick to reading, other then correcting people.

  17. Hahah I couldn’t care less about John Hock’s personal problems. I never cared in the first place, and now it’s just annoying to read about it constantly.
    As long as I’m winning free stuff off PYP, I’m happy.

  18. dont be a hypocrite diva, you said this in the post of john and chris locking lips
    “Chris just wants some attention, obviously his nimrod youtube/stickam fans aren’t supplying enough.
    Chris, in the case you do read sticky drama.
    I’d like to tell you, you were in one of the shittiest movies ever created: Meet the Spartans.
    So here, his ‘fans’ Do you feel nice knowing you support a man, who claims that Brittney spears is more important then 9/11? Chris Crocker is a pathetic mindless drone that needs to choke on his own saliva.
    And tbh, he has a little penis.”
    soo you ALSO are involved in what goes on in people’s lives as well.

  19. These comments bore me.
    People can be so concerned with everyone else’s life picking it apart as if it’s their own.
    It’s not. He was fucked up, OH NOES.
    He had a ad on craigs list. OH NOES
    At least he admitted it.
    Drew seems like a very kind guy, but as for all the people still whining about the shit John does, It’s not your life.
    f he wants to fuck it up, let him.
    Ginny, I used to look forward to your remarks but they have become old and boring.
    But, I do congratulate Drew for puttin up with it.

  20. I really can’t fucking stand this asshole.
    And I’ve been telling you guys from the VERY beginning that he’s a fucking tool, and worthless.
    But NOOOO.
    Well, now we all know that now’s he’s a fucking PROSTITUTE.
    And a statutory rapist!!
    Well, in your FACE Hock fans.
    And thank you SO fucking much for throwing him into the oven. He needed a reality check. Too fucking bad he can’t remember shit because he drank himself stupid.
    Honestly I wish he had gotten his ass actually beat.
    Or severe alcohol poisoning.
    Fucking assholes.
    Go Sticky for making my fucking day.
    I love you.

  21. WOW… oh how the mighty have fallen. He’s probably fun to party with. Gawd and drew could have at least got him naked for us…..geezzz.

  22. If you really don’t like John Hock and want his popularity to hit rock bottom then why is he like the top thing you post about. It’s only getting him more popular. Most of us on here already know about this!

  23. Ok even if I hadnt read any of the stuff about Hock and already have my own opinions in my head about him….. that entire display on cam would still be NOT cool and messed up. Why does that other dude just sit around and act so nice to him? This is why people like Hock behave like kids and do as they please, beause ppl dont tell him to grow up like they shud.

  24. Im kinda thinking, how long can “the john hock show” go on, it seems to be getting lame.
    going live like that at the same time everyday seems a little too much for one person to keep everyone entertained.

  25. And p.s.
    if i ever met John Hock i’d punch him in the face and rip his ballz off.
    he is the trash me need to throw out
    and if you don’t like it
    you can suck it

  26. Ya know, I used to respect John Hock at one time but lately he’s been showing his true colors. Kee up the good work StickyDrama!

  27. frankie donja was trying to calm everyone down, while regina mina and jon asher were entertaining their lives. it was so funny, hock was just all over talking about how he fucked miley cyrus.

  28. I feel somehow bad for him cause everyone gets drunk sometimes when they’re young and stupid… Thank god I don’t have friends like that.

  29. i was there the whole night,
    this was amazingly funny XD
    i feel sorry for jon and regina and chris for having to put up with him
    and lol john also yelled that he had sex with brandi and chris over heard it and now chris is pissed at him i guess, thats what i saw =\
    feel better john <3

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