Lush's Ex-Boyfriend Tells All; Lush Listens Helplessly

It began as an ordinary Sunday night, until a darling angel PMed StickyDrama with an epiphany unparalled since the birth...

Ownage Surpasses Lush

In a sign that Stickam is now ready for entertainment that is actually entertaining, Ownage Pranks passed spamgod Matthew Lush...

Maybe Season 3 Sweetie

Well Matthew Lush is doing well over at the Casting Call to be in the Season 2 of Paris BFF...

Lush Busted!

It is common knowledge that shameless cocksucker Matthew Lush is using a friend-adder, without which he would have about 5...

Guess Who Was At Bamboozle

Camwhores, cocksuckers, and boys whom cocksuckers want to make cocksuckers tore themselves away from Stickam this past weekend for The...

Spin Magazine Exposés Cyberstalking on Stickam

Spin Magazine's April edition features an extensive article exploring cyberstalking on Stickam.   Gosh, we had no idea this sort of...

Rapist, Racist, Homophobe and a Sore Loser Too

The 19-year-old statutory Rapist demonstrated yesterday that he has less maturity than his underage victims. Let us be clear: StickyDrama...

Audio Denies Kickback Rumors

While StickyDrama doesn't claim to be The New York Times, we do try to maintain certain journalistic standards. In...

Kitching: "Lush Is a Pedophile"

Since the release of his raunchy cybersex video, spamgod Matthew Lush has been keeping a low profile. Audrey Kitching,...

@MatthewLush Broke & Fake

You know, dear readers, StickyDrama has been calling Matthew Lush a two-faced stereotype for about 3 years now. But...