If you weren’t lucky enough to be in Chris Crocker’s private room last night on Stickam, worry not. You missed a show that for some would be arousing — and others surely vomit inducing. Before a crowd of about 20 people in his dimly lit room, Crocker gave an interesting dance with pigtails and a sock on his junk.
Sadly this video isn’t the best quality — although its still very lullzy to watch. Thanks to hottie Mike F’kn G for sharing!
lol i was in that chat. o cam too there was another guy that was dancing around at that time too
Wow lmmfao ….Watch it again notice his Peen is as small as his microphone??WOW…Sad Indeed…But freaking halarious!~ Thank You Sticky Drama….XOXOXOX First good laugh I had ALL damn DAY!!!!!
that was very strange, didnt know how to react at times. hes got a nice bum ahahaha. but that penis sock thing was just very…i cant even think of a word i feeel mezmerized :S
PIGGYTAILS? It’s pick tails or pig tails.. not piggy tails.
Hahaha that queer. i was originaly gonna just record a loop of him and use it for laughs but then he started stripping. i was loling and thought to my self. this would look good on SD
this faggot needs a good beating
Stfu^^^You’re just mad cuz you’re ugly.
He is making all gay people look like sluts.
What I wouldn’t give to curbstomp him and it be legal.
Lol i liked that video:)That’s why i love chris so much cuz he is crazy.And i was in his live when he did this but i think he was dancing to trina or khia?
You can dance on coaches?
I don’t think that’s allowed..
Chris is disgusting.
This video is proof.
He’s sunk to his lowest and is now crying out for attention.
I don’t give a fuck how many haters chris has! He is cute as hell:)And that song made me want to dance on my coach lol
Now why the hell does he think that’s attractive?!
There called piggytails hun not pick tails^^^^^
his penis does not look small?!I mean its not even hard!! I dunno chris has a nice body. lol and he was rockin them tails!!
Lol i thought he looked cute with them pick tails
haha what a small wanker.
arghhh my eyes are in pain
haha ive seen his nudes his penis is smalll haha
and this is not the first time he dance in front of the cam with just a sock on his dick lol
he was shaking his dick.
it’s so frickin small.
he must be that horny.
Wow, this is really disturbing.
and obviously the size of his attitude is in no way proportional to his very much lacking penis.
Hmmmmm…..LOL…WTF Chris has the show your penis hall pass of stickam 😛 Don’t be jealous 🙂
its quite disturbing! i think ill be marked for life,
plus; …it… doesnt look like he has much junk. lol.
LMFAO. the last minute of the video is the bestt
One of the funniest things I have seen on Stickam in a while, I laughed the whole time I was there.
its funny how chris does this shit an never gets banned but when others do there banned right away. like in the past month chris has show’d his penis in the bath tub. showed penis in johnny boys live AND shoved a bar of soap up his ass and now this. WTF
It’s really sad when your whole p33n can fit into such a small sock.
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