Chris Crocker & Johnny Boy's Cat Fight
Chris Crocker often accuses StickyDrama of manipulating the truth in order to create drama, instead of objectively reporting it. So...
It happened. We acknowledge it, but don't want to dwell on it.
Let us pray that this abomination is merely alcohol-induced...
Peen On The Line
Guess who's wiener may soon be widely seen across the Internetz?
Pictured above is the titillating Isaiah Garnica and he has...
Johnny Crocker VS. Stevie Paranoia
That is right...its no longer the cat fight of Johnny Boy vs. Crocker. Now they find themselves on the same...
Please Keep Paying Attention To Us
Jeffree Star and Chris Crocker have now been spreading the word that they are dating. Atrocities such as this...
Crocker’s Sock Dance
If you weren't lucky enough to be in Chris Crocker's private room last night on Stickam, worry not. You missed...
Crocker Spurned, Humiliated By Dennis Hegstad
From the outset, StickyDrama knew that studpuppy Dennis Hegstad and asshole-flashing has-been Chris Crocker were never really dating. Dennis...
@ChrisCrocker: Peg Wants Her Weave Back
Career In The Gutter?
Most times when Chris Crocker is on cam now a days its not a very pretty site. Its been particularly...
@ChrisCrocker on Sleazy iPhone App Grindr
Many thanks to a Frowndr admin for sending StickyDrama this cute little gem, which we couldn't resist posting right away.