The Final Blow…
In a fuzzy daze from repetitive banning, John Hock issued his final concession. While people with jobs were busy sleeping...
Brandon Hilton n00dz
Lush's Ex In Racy Magazine Spread
StickyDrama loves Max, aka The Sociopath Next Door, yet another blond ex-boyfriend of disgraced spamgod Matthew Lush. While ordinarily we...
Kannibal Family Meltdown: Kiki vs Mama
Kiki Kannibal and StickyDrama agree on at least one thing: Mama Kannibal is a crazy bitch.
The shit hit the fan...
Not much faith in Lush…
Our small poll of the Mydrama audience in yesterday's post yielded exactly the results we had both wanted and expected....
Career In The Gutter?
Most times when Chris Crocker is on cam now a days its not a very pretty site. Its been particularly...
Smelliot Ben Still Stanks
As Elliot clearly states on his Stickam Profile:
Recently the Center For Lolatollagy released a short piece on the cum-quad Elliot...
Hock Banned—Back to Mom's Couch?
John Hock has done what no other person had been able to do: He got his own Stickam account permanently...
On a serious note: The good and the bad
This article is not intended for young, dumb, cunts just some quick analysis based on things heard around Stickam /...
Stickam Flexes Legal Muscle Against Stickamsluts
When Stickam absolutely, positively has to scare the living piss out of teenagers, they call Gary.
Gary Berzner of the E-Commerce...